We’re celebrating the release of my NEW Confident Heart Devotional book!
- If you’re ready to live the life of faith God’s designed for you and become all He’s created you to be, this book is for you!
- If you have read the book but need daily encouragement to refresh your heart and continue in your confident heart journey, this book is for you.
- If you’re looking for a gift of enoucragement to give a friend who needs to know about God’s unfailing love and grace, this book is the perfect gift.
- If you know someone who has walked away from God, this book is for them.
Here’s a peek inside:
“I can’t do it all! I am not cut out to be a wife, a mom, a daughter, a speaker, a writer and all the other things God has called me to.” I had barely opened my eyes, yet I already felt beat up by feelings of inadequacy. My thoughts were against me, and my feelings were too. About that time, my radio alarm came on and my thoughts were interrupted by Twila Paris. With confident assurance, she sang truth to my soul, telling me it was not a time for fear, but a time for faith and determination. She challenged me not to lose my vision or be carried away by my emotions, but to hold on to all that I had hidden in my heart, and all I believed to be true. Then she reminded me of the most important truth of all: God is in control.1 As my thoughts aligned with God’s truth, my whole perspective changed. I went from feeling afraid to feeling determined, from feeling out of control to knowing God is in control.
Every day we have a choice – to either to let doubt beat us up or to let God’s truth build us up.
In the same way a radio has AM and FM frequencies, our thoughts do too. They are either AM (against me) or FM (for me) thoughts. Honestly, we are often our worst critics and have a lot of AM thoughts. And if our thoughts are against us, our feelings will be too. The next time you get feelings of inadequacy, stop and identify what you are thinking that is making you feel that way. Then compare your thoughts to God’s thoughts found in the Bible. Do they match? If not, find a promise in God’s Word to replace the lie that has filled your heart with doubt and start thinking about that promise. Even say it out loud and pray the words, asking God to make them true for you in that moment.
For instance, when doubt comes against you, telling you that you’re weak and all alone, focus on the truth that God is for you! You can be strong and courageous because the Lord your God is with you. He promises to never leave you nor forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6, NIV)
Then why not turn that truth into a prayer – claiming how much God is for you: God I’m so thankful You are for me. Because You are for me and with me, I can be strong and courageous in this situation. You promise You will never leave me nor forsake me. I’m choosing to think Your words that are for me instead of listening to the doubts that so easily come against me. You have full access to God’s power and His promises to live with a confident heart. But it won’t just happen because it’s possible. You have to take action! Just like I tuned into a Christian music station the night before, let’s be intentional about tuning our thoughts into God’s thoughts toward us, today and every day! Lord, help me remember today that You are with me to fight for me against my enemies of insecurity and feelings of inadequacy. In all these things, I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
When I say: Everything and everyone is against me. God says: I am for you! “What, then, shall [you] say in response to these things? If God is for [you], who can be against [you]?” Romans 8:31 (NIV)
Today’s Giveaway! Leave a comment today sharing why you’d like to win a NEW Confident Heart Devotional book for you and a friend! Simply click “share your thoughts” below. You’ll be entered to win 2 devotional books, plus my new Book and DVD bundle! Entry with Purchase When you purchase “A Confident Heart Devotional” book you will be entered into our series of giveaways that include more books, DVDs, a Skype encouragement andcoaching session with me and the grand prize $200 Visa Gift Card. {EMAIL your receipt to –> [email protected]
When you purchase “A Confident Heart Devotional” book you will also receive a link to download FREE BONUS RESOURCES – including 18 beautifully designed “When I say…God says” promise cards like this one to the left and “Confident Heart Prayer Journal” pages to download and print. After you leave a comment, scroll down to the next post to see samples. 🙂 HOW TO ENTER
Leave a comment today and… Email a copy of your receipt to [email protected] {Contest ends midnight, November 10th. Winners will be announced on my blog Monday, November 11th.} BE SURE TO SIGN UP for EMAIL UPDATES in my sidebar —> That way you’ll know about every opportunity to enter and WIN! We have more coming!
Our small group bible study is excited about using this material for our next study!
Thank you so much for developing this series.
I need help to help other people – and am sure this will be a great material to help. God bless!
This devotional looks like it is made for me! I have had many battles with control and knowing God is in control of me and my life. My mom just went through chemo and throughout the whole thing we saw God show his love and comfort… Although we saw God move in that situation it wasnt alwasy easy to see… I questioned why my mom would have to go through such a terrible disease. I would blame myself for not catching it sooner (IM a Registered NUrse) and thought that maybe if i had it wouldnt have been so bad.. but through friends and family and support in my church I was able to rely on Jesus and see his power in the situation. I am also expecting my first child in Feb 2014 and want to teach my new baby to grow and be confident in Jesus and know that I can be a good mother… I have a lot of self doubt and have battles in my mind over my worth, I feel that this devotional would help me be more confident as a wife and future mother. It looks like it could really impact anyone who reads it…
So excited about the possibility of winning this devotional! It looks like a Life Changing work!!! Blessings ~ T
I’d really like to get this book. It is on my wish list. . .I am in my late 40s and just moved to a new community. Am trying to find a new church, new friends and friends for my middle school son whom I homeschool. My husband’s new job isn’t turning out very well so several things are a mess in our life right now and I’m really struggling. I pray most to find one friend and to feel God’s presence in this midst of all this mid-life change.
Praying that God will be the source of your encouragement and that he will fulfill the desires of your heart as you seek a new church, make friends and adjust to the new community that He has placed you in.
Renee Swope’s Ministry Team
I am leading a study at church using this awesome
Book God laid it on my heart back in march and
He is blessing and rebuking and teaching me sooo
Much praise The Lord I am thankful for Renee and
Her openness and willingness to share her story
To help others we have ~ 20 ladies in class
It is awesome
I would love to win this
I would love a chance to win this devotional book! I read the small portion above from the book and it hit right at home for me.
I just finished week one of the bible study and have learned so much already. I would love to have
The devotional to reinforce what I am learning in the study.
I would definitely love this devotional! I am currently a high school Math teacher and the advisor of the Christian club on campus. Although we are not recognized as an “official club” because of laws regarding separation of church and state, we often meet “off campus” to fellowship and pray. I feel that especially during the high school years, children are so delicate and prone to anyone who will pay attention to them. Most often, they encounter the wrong crowd and the chaos begins. Nevertheless, I have hope for many of my students. Thus why…this devotional would be so appropriate. The majority of the students in the Christian group are teenage girls.
I also have 3 teenage girls of my own. At this time of their lives, they are so impressionable. My continued prayers are that they seek the true God who loves and accepts them for who they are.
The last three years have been filled with a lot of chaos, but the last three months have been especially difficult to the point of a few trips to the ER. The emails I receive are so helpful that I know the book will be a huge blessing and greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I would love to win this to donate to my church library so it can help countless others who need the Lord!
I would love to win this devotional because I know the message it contains will touch me and everyone i pass the book to. I want to share this with others.
Me and my daughter are doing the OBS right now with your book and winning the devotionals would be a great addition to our study. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
I would LOVE to have the Devotional. I am in the OBS through P31 and it has been an eye opening experience. God is using this book and this study to work on me in a very real way and I am changing in a positive way because of it. God has opened my eyes and my heart and I am finally asking Him to fill me and fulfill me instead of looking for that from somewhere or someone else. It’s a long road ahead, but I’m being molded by our maker, our one true King, our Abba, father. I would love to have this devotional so I could continue to grow after the study is complete.
Love how God is transforming your heart for His glory.
Praying for you,
Renee Swope’s Ministry Team
I would love this devotional to share with my mom. She is currently going through radiation and chemotherapy for brain cancer. Unfortunately, we are oceans away as I am serving in the Air Force in Germany and she is going through treatment in Florida. I was able to go visit her after she had a brain tumor removed and we enjoyed listening to praise music and reading Proverbs 31 devotionals together while she was in the hospital. We are praying constantly for God’s grace and healing. She is a beautiful woman of Christ. She has served Him as a missionary in Africa and has spent the last 30 years teaching children at a Christian elementary school how to praise God with their voices and instruments. We are both struggling to understand God’s will through this time of suffering and could really use encouragement like this.
I would very much like to win the Confident Heart sweepstakes. I have recently realized that my nemesis in life has been fear. It has cost me a lot and I am in need of help to overcome it and live a confident life. My husband recently left me for the second time and I don’t know if he’ll be coming back. I need to turn my life around regardless. I am tired of living in fear! Please help.
I would like to win the Confident Heart because my Mom needs a more confident heart and I would like to share the book with her. Since my Dad passed away it seems she has lost all confidence, doesn’t feel she can do anything on her own, and is very lost without my Dad. I think it would start her on the path to having more courage and confidence in herself.
I’ve been plagued by self doubt, fear, anxiety, and mental bondage for decades despite my successful life and experiences. I know Christ and have prayed too many times to count for deliverance. I’m ready for change and I NEED this book!
I am a new empty nester and searching for the path Im to take now. More doubt about if I’m capable to be God’s hands and feet. I’ve read your devotionals on Proverbs 31 and have gained much needed encouragement from them. I am so glad you have written a daily devotional, can’t wait to get it.
This devotional sounds like something I’d like my 15 year old & 14 year old daughters to have. While they are strong in their Christian beliefs, they still struggle to find their confidence solely in their relationship with Christ. This year we switched them to a large public school for the first time after having been in the same private Christian school since kindergarten. The realities of the real world have been somewhat overwhelming. A daily reminder from this devotional that their identity comes from God would be wonderful and comforting in their secular environment.
I would to win this devotional and give to my family!
As I prepare for a move cross country to a new home and community to live for the next 8 months apart from my husband, confidence in God’s protection and provision is foremost in my mind. We look expectantly to my husband’s retirement next year and the new life God’s allowing us to build much closer to family. Thank you for writing a book that encourages and helps strengthen one’s confidence in the only true God Who truly loves and keeps us.
I love Proverbs 31 always encouraging devotionals, books and messages! I’ld like to win A Confident Heart devotional to read over the next 60 days and beyond, as right now, my husband and I are in the midst of a new journey with The Lord. We have started a children’s ministry called Crawfish 4 Kids and, as Proverbs 31 ministires already knows, there are many things that will try to tell me, that I can’t do it, that I can’t make a difference, that I’m not worthy. However, everyday, I read God’s word and other books, devotionals etc… to remind me of God’s truth…that I am worthy and that this good work that he has begun, he will see to completion! So, I would LOVE to win Renee’s new devotional book and to share it with a friend, or maybe even a stranger that God places in my path on this new journey with Him who is in need of enourgagment even more than myself. Blessings you all of you wonderful ladies for the good work you are seeing through to completion, Julie
So glad that you are blessing by the Proverbs 31 devotions. They are life changers for me too!
Blessings and prayers,
Renee Swope’s Ministry Team
I would love to win the devotional! It would be an extra resource for daily reminders of not just knowledge but application: )!
I haven’t read the book yet, but this sounds inspiring. My whole life I have doubted myself…comes with being a woman i suppose. But find it hard to get past this issue that all my other troubles seem to point to. I don’t know how else to think. I don’t know how to change this mind set. Our society doesn’t do us any favors, and its difficulty to swim upstream. I would love to release the doubt and insecurity in my life, to be set free. So that I can be free, and then inspire and free others around me to do the same. I want to be able to stand strong, in Christ, when my world comes closing in on my, as it so often does.
I would live to have this book…I would live to experience all the amazing things I have heard about when people lived out what the read in this book.
I’d love to win a copy of this book for my bestfriend and myself. We’ve had our share of struggles lately and the encouragement would help us both saw even closer to God.
The promises of God for me given in a daily devotion, inspirational message, along with the Word is Awesome!
I have not read Renee’s book, but have requested it from our public library and am in line waiting for my turn. I have suffered through most of my adult life with self-doubt. I have felt change already through Renee’s blog and would love to read the book!
“can’t wait to read the book!”
I enjoy getting your daily emails and devotions. You know God is speaking to you when they hit you on days when what you are talking about is exactly what your going through. You all do a wonderful job, love the books, and everything that goes along with them. I enjoy my job, but a job doing what you all are doing for the kingdom of God should reap you lots of rewards and be very gratifying.
Love, Love, Love the book! I would love to receive a copy to share with a friend. 🙂
A Confident Heart changed my life. I would love to reinforce the truths I learned from the book through the new devotional.
This book sounds exceptional, but all of your books are wonderful. I love the way that you write them to touch each and everyone in whatever situation they are in. You are so positive and portray that in all of your books. I would love to win this book and would share the other one with my Sister-in-Law. She has such a strong faith and has helped me so much in my path to God. My brother (her husband) was in a tragic accident 3 years ago and broke his neck. He was only 63 years old and it was way too soon for him to be with God, but she has shown me how to lean on God and he will lead us through anything this world takes us through. She is such an inspiration and I love her so me. It would be an honor to share your book with her. Thank you for all you do and how you spread God’s word to millions on this earh.
Read the book and was greatly blessed. Would love to get a copy of the devotional for myself and a friend. Thanks for sharing with us.
I love the book; so I’m “confident” that the devotional will be just as amazing! I wanna win! God bless you abundantly Renee for letting the Lord speak through you!
I would like to win the devotional for my daughter and I. She lives almost 8 hours away from me. She got me started on the OBS and I love it. I have learned so much. I have so much self doubt, but this book is really helping me overcome some of my issues with doubt. Thank you.
I could use more of God’s encouragement on a daily basis and I’d love to share with my Daugher in law. Thank you.
I would love to read this book/devotional. I tend to let the things I see as my responsibility become my own burden that weigh me down instead of taking it to God first thing and asking him to walk alongside me. I see this book as a source of encouragement to keep me focused on God’s path instead of letting the worries of the world drag me down.
I live in a community of hurting ladies. Many are unwed moms with children who may not know who daddy
is . I am here to make a difference . I believe this devotional will help one hurting lady to move on to discover she is of value and can be confident because sheis the daughter of the LORD Most High.
Mia Herne .
I am thrilled to see a devotional come out. I am looking forward to diving in.
I have been going through a hard time lately and am trying to have faith in the Lord that he will see me through, I have been active in church and have been a Christian many years, but have an empty heart right now. I am hoping to build my confidence by reading your devotional. God Bless you for the messages you are able to write for others to be blessed. 🙂
This seems like a book that can help me. I have struggled with anxiety and depression since I left an abusive relationship. Confidence will not only help me, but also my children and employees. Thank-you!
I am on a journey with God to discover His truths and abolish all of the fears and anxieties that have controlled my life for too long. I would love to win this devotional book and share this amazing journey with a friend. This book could not have come at a better time for me!
I am excited to learn more about this devotional. I am hoping I win it. If not, I will purchase one for my devotional. Every woman should own one of these. Whether happy or facing a divorce, or a rebelious child or a bad relationship with a friend, parent or another family memeber, this is the devotional that will help a woman own and initiate the peace talks and gain victory over the enemy.
I believe this book would be a blessing to me right now. I need help, I am real hard on myself, not much love for me!
Hello Jessieca,
You are not alone!
If you visit my website, http://www.wouldyouloveme.com or check out my book on amazon to read the short synopsis, you’ll restore your happiness.
I wish you happiness, peace and most of all, love.
I am excited to read your new book. I am going through a lot of life changes and learning how to fully connect with Jesus. I know your lessons and devotions will truly help me.
Hello Ashley,
The scary thing is that you are not alone. Many are going through a lot of life changes, and when my friends visited my website, http;//www.wouldyouloveme.com/media, they reported being happier than ever. You can also visit amazon.com to read the synopsis of my book to gain insight on how to start being happy today.
I wish you happiness, peace, and most of all, love!
This site is such a blessing to me and to others that I share information with. Thank you and looking forward to learning even more with the bible study. I share with others who don’t have computers as a small group setting for women. I share with some co-workers as well. Thanks to all of you at Pro 31. You are making a difference for all of us.
I logged in after receiving the email to win this devotional. Then I saw where we were asked to share our story why we would benefit from winning it. Well, let me tell you, even though I am going through my own major struggles, I truly see I could have it so much worse! Even though I have recently lost my job after working in the medical profession for 15+ years with a college age son & a 16 year old daughter to take care of, at least I still have them! Although my dad & father-in-law both battled cancer at the same time this past year & we lost my father-in-law, we still have my daddy, even with residual problems from treatments. I fight battles daily wondering “Why me?” “Why us?” “Why now?” I am thankful after reading some of these other posts that I am still able to even ask the questions. Lord forgive me & place me where I may be used!
Hello Stacey,
WoW! You are already a strong women and an inspiration!
I wish you more peace, happiness and love as you continue to praise God for what you have.
I would love to have this book!! The encouragement and confidence coming from God is beyond what I can do alone!! And to add it it the Proverbs 31 devotional would be wonderful!!