We’re celebrating the release of my NEW Confident Heart Devotional book!
- If you’re ready to live the life of faith God’s designed for you and become all He’s created you to be, this book is for you!
- If you have read the book but need daily encouragement to refresh your heart and continue in your confident heart journey, this book is for you.
- If you’re looking for a gift of enoucragement to give a friend who needs to know about God’s unfailing love and grace, this book is the perfect gift.
- If you know someone who has walked away from God, this book is for them.
Here’s a peek inside:
“I can’t do it all! I am not cut out to be a wife, a mom, a daughter, a speaker, a writer and all the other things God has called me to.” I had barely opened my eyes, yet I already felt beat up by feelings of inadequacy. My thoughts were against me, and my feelings were too. About that time, my radio alarm came on and my thoughts were interrupted by Twila Paris. With confident assurance, she sang truth to my soul, telling me it was not a time for fear, but a time for faith and determination. She challenged me not to lose my vision or be carried away by my emotions, but to hold on to all that I had hidden in my heart, and all I believed to be true. Then she reminded me of the most important truth of all: God is in control.1 As my thoughts aligned with God’s truth, my whole perspective changed. I went from feeling afraid to feeling determined, from feeling out of control to knowing God is in control.
Every day we have a choice – to either to let doubt beat us up or to let God’s truth build us up.
In the same way a radio has AM and FM frequencies, our thoughts do too. They are either AM (against me) or FM (for me) thoughts. Honestly, we are often our worst critics and have a lot of AM thoughts. And if our thoughts are against us, our feelings will be too. The next time you get feelings of inadequacy, stop and identify what you are thinking that is making you feel that way. Then compare your thoughts to God’s thoughts found in the Bible. Do they match? If not, find a promise in God’s Word to replace the lie that has filled your heart with doubt and start thinking about that promise. Even say it out loud and pray the words, asking God to make them true for you in that moment.
For instance, when doubt comes against you, telling you that you’re weak and all alone, focus on the truth that God is for you! You can be strong and courageous because the Lord your God is with you. He promises to never leave you nor forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6, NIV)
Then why not turn that truth into a prayer – claiming how much God is for you: God I’m so thankful You are for me. Because You are for me and with me, I can be strong and courageous in this situation. You promise You will never leave me nor forsake me. I’m choosing to think Your words that are for me instead of listening to the doubts that so easily come against me. You have full access to God’s power and His promises to live with a confident heart. But it won’t just happen because it’s possible. You have to take action! Just like I tuned into a Christian music station the night before, let’s be intentional about tuning our thoughts into God’s thoughts toward us, today and every day! Lord, help me remember today that You are with me to fight for me against my enemies of insecurity and feelings of inadequacy. In all these things, I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
When I say: Everything and everyone is against me. God says: I am for you! “What, then, shall [you] say in response to these things? If God is for [you], who can be against [you]?” Romans 8:31 (NIV)
Today’s Giveaway! Leave a comment today sharing why you’d like to win a NEW Confident Heart Devotional book for you and a friend! Simply click “share your thoughts” below. You’ll be entered to win 2 devotional books, plus my new Book and DVD bundle! Entry with Purchase When you purchase “A Confident Heart Devotional” book you will be entered into our series of giveaways that include more books, DVDs, a Skype encouragement andcoaching session with me and the grand prize $200 Visa Gift Card. {EMAIL your receipt to –> [email protected]
When you purchase “A Confident Heart Devotional” book you will also receive a link to download FREE BONUS RESOURCES – including 18 beautifully designed “When I say…God says” promise cards like this one to the left and “Confident Heart Prayer Journal” pages to download and print. After you leave a comment, scroll down to the next post to see samples. 🙂 HOW TO ENTER
Leave a comment today and… Email a copy of your receipt to [email protected] {Contest ends midnight, November 10th. Winners will be announced on my blog Monday, November 11th.} BE SURE TO SIGN UP for EMAIL UPDATES in my sidebar —> That way you’ll know about every opportunity to enter and WIN! We have more coming!
The words changing your fear filled thoughts to faith filled thoughts really caught my attention, it’s what i need daily. excited about this book, and reading it.
I would enjoy reading a daily devotional from Renee! Her words are inspiring and encouraging.
I want to give a friend. I read the devotionals and they have been a blessing to my life.
Just the sneak peek I read resonated with me. All too often I am guilty of living by my feelings instead of by The Truth. Feelings and emotions are God given and expressive-but not meant to control us. I would look forward to what this devotional speaks about as it falls in line with The Truth of God’s word.
I am in the middle of reading A Confident Heart and participating in the bible study. WOW! It is truly like Renee is speaking directly at me at times. How I wish I would have had this book 10 years ago. Can’t wait to get the devotional book and apply it with what I am learning.
I have been participating in the Confident Heart online Bible Study. My first one! I have struggled with being a “people pleaser” all my life and although, I’ve made others happy, I would make myself miserable in many situations. I have a 14 year old daughter that I want to make sure she is confident and doesn’t have these same “people pleasing” tendancies as she is at a very vulnerable age with high school and peer pressure. Would love to go through the devotionals with her each day. Love the Bible study so far!
So excited about this book! God has been moving in my life as I seek to know him more and trust him more surely in all ways. It has led to walking in greater freedom to be the woman He’s designed and fashioned me to be… confident, strong and made for a purpose… because He says those of me!
A Confident Heart online study and book is changing my life. I would love to win the devotional and to get two so I could share with a very dear friend would just be icing on a piece of cake. Thank you for giving us such life changing words.
I am & have been trying to counsel & give encouragement to a friend who sees no value in herself. This sounds like something that would be a great daily devotional book for her to help keep her focused on her value in God’s eyes. Even if I am not the winner of this book, I would appreciate prayers for her! She is in a very dark place at this time.
Having devotional material has been such an asset to my personal time with the Lord. I would love the opportunity to have the devotional book. Thank you for sharing with all of us through the Proverbs 31 ministry. You are such a blessing!
Dear Renee,
I have been an email subscriber for a couple of years now and look forward to the devotionals. At nearly 80 years, I find my walk is closer and closer to the Lord daily as I TRUST Him for everything. I have a newer friend who has been studying weekly with me for the past few months and I would love to share your devotional book with her. May God’s precious angels surround you as you continue to write and encourage others with His Word.
I had already purchased the devotional before this post. Am I still able to enter?
Hi Chrissy,
Yes, you can still enter. Please just follow the directions in Renee’s blog and put attn.; Donna on the note and I will make sure that your name gets entered.
Donna B
Renee Swope’s Email Ministry Team
Feelings of deep-seeded insecurity have plagued the women on my mother’s side of the family for generations! This is something I personally struggle with on a regular basis. I have to arm myself with God’s message in order to counter the feelings of inadequacy! I loved the passage shared above from your book; it really moved me! I am going to buy this devotional now, as I feel it was intentional that I came across it today. I would love to win a couple copies to bless other women with as well! Thank you for this resource!!
I’ve struggled with this my whole life. I can so relate to Renee’s words in her book and when she does devotionals on P31. I think it would help “transform my mind” if I could read devotionals on this subject daily for 60 days! I would share the extra book with my sisters in Christ at church too.
I need a jump=start!
I desire to have a self – at home study!
Thank you for including me!
Wow…just started the 7-day doubt diet today and I BELIEVE!!!
At this point in my life, I feel God calling me closer to Him. The things I use to hold important have begun fading away and my focus is more and more on HIm and the ministry work He has me involved in. I’m constantly amazed at the new ways I see His scripture each day and would look forward to doing this daily devotional with God leading the way.
sounds like a book that many mothers today need!!
I need encouragment everyday of God’s truths.
This devotional would be great for me! I am a Bible College student and am always so easily finding myself swerving away from what God has for me. Satan tries to get us harder when we are were God wants us to be. The day after the winner is picked I will be clean 2 1/2 years from cutting. Satan tempts me most to try and go back to that. I won’t do it! But I do need daily encouragement to stay on the path that God has called me to be on.
I am ready to surrender to God and his wil in my life as a wife, mother, daughter and sister. Renee’s devotions through proverbs 31 ministries have been uplifting and encouraging. I can’t wait to receive the book!
I am single mother with kids working to survive everyday struggles. I think this devotional would be a huge blessing and encouragement.
I have read this amazing book and I cannot wait to share this devotional with my daughter! God is great!!
The last two years have been a true journey in the wilderness for me. My husband walked away from our marriage and our family, had a baby with one of his mistresses, and has made the divorce process as slow and painful as possible. In the beginning, I immediately wanted to blame myself and question why I wasn’t good enough. The book “A Confident Heart” helped me retrain my thoughts and see myself through God’s eyes. It was a great tool to go along with my quiet time and helped me realize where most of my insecurities and hurts stemmed from. I am still on the journey, but it is much more pleasurable knowing who I am in Christ and it is so worth it. One day, I will be able to fall at His feet and praise Him forever so this moment of suffering is minor. The Lord has revealed so much to me through brokenness and continues to teach me to completely trust Him. He led me on my first foreign mission trip. When I thought that there was no way I could possibly help someone in need because I myself was hurting, He quickly showed me what a blessing it was for me, not just the people I was serving. Dealing with a Narcissist spouse can quickly drain your spirit as well as being a single parent who strives to do the absolute best for her child. I rest in knowing that the Lord has a perfect plan and this is all part of His planned future for mine and my child’s lives. I pray that any woman facing similar situations has a relationship with Christ and finds her worth and confidence in Him. His love is captivating, His strength is unbreakable, and His faithfulness is absolutely beyond amazing.
Why Id like to win a NEW Confident Heart Devotional book for myself and a friend is because I am learning through this study to rely on him even more than I have in the pasted with the little and bigger things because of this study and would love to continue with daily reminders to help me.
I have a girlfriend that I feel would really benefit from reading this and it would be a great present for her. I really feel that she could use it to deepen her walk with Jesus/God much more than it is now. Thank you for this opportunity for submitting a chance to win this!
I just started with one of the online Bible studies using the original book. I’m almost afraid of what I will learn about myself, but I know I need it. My life is riddled with self doubt. I know I could benefit from this devotional but money is so tight for my daughter and me right now. I would really appreciate being able to win a free copy. Thank you for your consideration of my request! — Shelly Thomas
I have been reading your devotionals and would like the book for my daughter also. She is you her and there are so many negative media things trying to win her heart.
God is so faithful. Every day he speaks to my heart, giving me courage and strength. Having your book would enable me to experience God daily with a new perspective. I am currently doing Proverbs 31 A confident heart bible study, and so far I am learning ways to conquer doubt that I have found extremely helpful. Thank you. Kristy
I would like to win a copy of this book and DVD materials because confidence is something I have struggled with all my life! I havemet many women with similar struggles and it would be such a blessing to win this and share the material with others as a group together!
Wow! I sure do need this. I’ve been feeling very inadequate for a very long time, as a mom,wife, woman, Christian and more.
I’m doing the on-line Bible study now. I would love to transition from the Bible study to the devotional when I’m done. God is definitely doing a work in me thru the book. To continue with the devotional would be a blessing.
I’m going through some trials right now that are getting me down and look forward to reading the devotional book.
I just recently began the Proverbs 31 handbook and study guide,along with the Fruit of the Spirit study. This devotional would be a great addition to my studies. I truly need a change of heart, thoughts, and actions. I believe these tools are the key to helping to me begin this journey.
I am really enjoying the study and have been on a quest of morning and evening devotionals to soak into my soul and would enjoy sharing this one with a friend.
2 Books! first thought that came to mind was “Don’t get greedy” I Love that I have joined this OBS it has given me an opportunity for great communication among a Dear friendship. We have used this OBS to help encourage each other through our daily battles. The great part has been that she is in IL and I am in AR. We have been dear friends for 25 years and have always been able to encourage each other but one or the other or even both would have doubts during our battles. Like Gideon. Well being apart of this study has given us encouragement together. I have been spreading the word about OBS and now want everyone I know to join. It is great to know that we aren’t the only ones who needed this.
Thank you for committing and obeying GOD!
I would love to win a copy of this devotional for me and a friend – it would be a great way to bond with a friend and learn more about how to be a confident woman!
I am so very excited about this devotional – I’m part of the OBS with P31 right now, and I’m learning so very much through that. The devotional will definitely help, and being able to possibly win something else is just an added bonus! =-)
I’ve just started this Bible study and would love to have these resources to share with others! I’ve enjoyed and be blessed by Renee’s writings via the Proverbs 31 Ministries email Devos, too.
Just really need some help working through a time of heavy doubt in my life.
I am doing this study with Proverbs 31, but would love to win the two books to give away as God directs me. My first thought is to my two sisters, but who knows how God might prompt!
I have read all of the above comments and would really love for my life to change the way all of the people above speak of. I want to be free of the pain and misery, once aand for all!!
The first line of the book description is what I need desparately. “Exchange fear-filled thinking with faith filled believing!”
Even if I don’t win, I will buy this book and encourage my friends to do the same. In this world, we need all of the strength and support we can find – and we need to share it with one another.
This past years trials have really shaken my faith. My confidence level in God and myself has gone up and down. This devotional will enable me to remain consistent in my walk with Christ and be a light to those around me.
I would give this devotional to my precious daughter, who homeschools her 4 children under the age of 13. She leads and teaches them in the truth of the Lord.
I’d like to win these two devos for me and my daughter. She is going through some medical challenges. Presently she is not driving and depends on several to get her to work. She has a doctor’s appointment in 3 weeks and will be making a decision about a treatment. Doing the same devotional will deepen our relationship further. Being in the Word everyday together may help her come to peace about the decisions she will make. We may not live close to each other, but we can talk and message each other each day about what we are reading!
I am loving the book right now ~ going thru the study online right now. I can only imagine the power the devotional book will have. Empowering women to leave the doubt behind and trust in God. I would love to share this with my friends and women’s outreach at church.
Confidence is hard to come by sometimes. I have struggled with weight and dieting my whole life. I was finally able to quiet my heart enough to hear God tell me that my body is a temple for the Holy spirit and I don’t have to feel trapped anymore. Now that I am winning the battle of the bulge I could sure use some help building that confidence! Looking forward to a great read!
I am in need of some direction. My husband passed away in a tragic car accident on his way to work at the age of 40. That was May 31, 2012. I have been struggling ever since.
I can’t wait to continue the journey I started with “A Confident Heart” by getting the book of devotionals! I hope to be able to share this with my Bible study group for Christmas! Thank you, Renee, for your faithfulness and transparency…God has used your books to change many lives!!! God bless you!
I would love to have this devotional!