Welcome Encouragement for Today friends! If you hopped over from my P31 devotion “He Cares About You,” Im so glad you’re here. I pray today’s post pours assurance into those places in your heart that just need to know you are not alone. You are deeply loved, pursued and cared for! Also, you can find details about the $40 in FREE Confident Heart Resources at the bottom of this post!
Chosen…I love that word. I don’t know a heart that doesn’t long to be chosen. Yet the disappointments of life and the criticism of others can cause us to forget that we are – chosen, loved, valued and called! “You are a chosen [woman], a royal priesthood, a holy [daughter], a [woman] belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of HIM who has CALLED you out of darkness into His wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9, NIV I have a song for you today! Please take time to listen and let your heart respond to these truths. Let these words remind you that you are CHOSEN and CALLED – your heart is spoken for. Oh sweet friend, please let these words soak deep into your heart. Watch it again and again until your soul knows it’s true!! Our Word for the week: Chosen Download our word for the week in a PDF or in MSWord. Be sure to print it and post it all over your house or office so you can remember you are chosen and loved. Let’s live loved in His PROMISE for us this week: “But you are a chosen [woman], a royal priesthood, a holy [daughter], God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9, NIV Let’s Connect: Is there anything about today’s song that your hearts needed to hear? Click “share your thoughts” below this post and do just that.
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I knw as a Christian we run into these emotional points that make Us feel as though, how could god have chosen Me…The Greatest think to remember is that we’re special and have been Chosen!
Gave the video a look. Even though I poured out my heart to you all just a bit ago, I have to say that right now, I can’t say that it is good to be ‘chosen’. If I have been chosen why are the rough times I am having today so over the top? I DON”T feel very loved, or cherished, or spoken for. I just DON”T
This is not study related, yet it sort of is. I told you all about my past and the two events of sexual abuse I survived. Well, my pastor has taken me to task for engaging in online emotional affairs and blatantly sinning with a man that is not my husband. Ok, actually two men.
Here is where it gets sticky. when I was in the library today, studying “LIfe’s Healing Choices” by John Baker, my cell phone vibrated. I recognized the incoming number but since I didn’t remember whose number it was I ignored it and kept reading. When I listened to the message later this afternoon, I heard the voice of one of the men I have been sleeping with. He was going to be near my office later this afternoon and wanted to meet up with me after work. This has thrown me for a loop. I am really upset and on top of an overall pissy day after the rowe I had with my husband, this comes to haunt me. HELP!!!!
Renee’ you told me last week that I ‘am a child of the one, true, God’ through the video link you sent me. When will Satan stop dregging up the past, and why now?
Fortunately, I have a new job that this fella doesn’t know about, so he doesn’t know I am not where he thinks he will find me. Yet I wanted to call the number since I did recognize it, I thought it might be my dentist’s office confirming my appointment for next week. If I had gotten on the phone with him (ok his name is John, honest it is,)I can’t honestly say I would have been able to get off the phone without having agreed to meet him. Part of me still likes being desired in an unhealthy way.
Hi, Stephanie:
Praise God for you. I am praying for you. Receive Jesus’ desire for you – healthy, pure, merciful, loving and true. Do you have a relationship with Jesus – have you received Him as Your Lord and Savior? He loves you greatly and deeply, and will help you walk away from those things are not of Him. You have to take those steps and Jesus will meet you. He desires obedience. When you walk in disobedience, you keep the door open to the enemy, your flesh and the world and their lies. Shut that door once and for all. I am not saying it is easy, because it probably is not. I pray, in the name of Jesus that you be strengthened in your inner man to move close to Jesus and away from enemy territory. May you know God’s loving arms around and receive His encouragement. May TRUTH prevail in your live. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
What a beautiful video with powerful lyrics. I just hope I can maintain that peace in my soul and heart next weekend when I take my clinical weekend exam. Thank you so much for this study. It has helped me release my past, open my heart, and give everything to God. I know he is in control. This exam is not me; it’s just an exam not a reflection of me. I will try my best and if it doesn’t work out I ask God to direct me to my calling.
I have been thinking this week about how God chose me to be his daughter. Then I think, why did he choose such a damaged and broken person ? I am definitely NOT good enough to be his daughter !!
Wow! Love all the words in this song. “Take this world from me”. I’m chosen by my Heavenly Father from this world. Praising God with the words of this song.
Thank you for this video, Renee.
I love the video, especially the opening scripture John 15:19 – “I have chosen you ot of the world”. Causes me to ask myself, does the world accept me too much, am I really living that differently?
Reflecting on the questions from Chapter 11, I want to live with confidence that I am chosen and God’s creation. He made me with my strengths and weaknesses gives me the power to grow in His love and as a Christian. Because I have this confidence I am no longer at the mercy of Satan’s tricks to try and confuse me. I can call on God’s mercy, grace and love – realizing that it is not by my power, but only through Him.
This week, when I messed up, I repented and I felt covered and free, yet I was wondering why I felt so free this time? Where was the guilt, doubt, failure??? Then I realized, I was walking in God’s truth about me, and repentance and forgiveness. I wasn’t doubting, I was trusting and moving forward. I have to admit, it was very strange at first. I was wondering where all the “junk” was with the mess up. I almost felt guilty, that I wasn’t walking in shame and guilt. But I felt the Holy Spirit remind me that guilt and doubt are lies of the enemy, and I am walking in the “truth” of God’s Word, and how He looks at me. WOW, I am so thankful for this book and the impact it is making on my life!! Freedom to live in God’s love and truth about me! What a beautiful place to be!
Tracie!!! That is amazing and so God and so good!! That is exactly what Jesus wants!! His kindness leads us to repentance and repentance leads us to His kindness and grace!!
Keep reading, keep believing and keep walking in that FREEDOM to live in God’s love and truth about you!!
I did also struggle this week, but God and my family showed me, that these person was wrong. I,m not perfect, but one of a kind. And who doesn’t see that, it is not worth it. I,m not mad at these person, he is my brother. I will pray for him, that he may find peace in his heart.
Amen, so proud of you for walking in the truth and listening to God’s speaking to your heart!!
Perfect timing for that song and video. I have been struggling with some coworkers this past week and their wordly views. They do not approve of my Christian forgiveness of others and have condemned me for forgiving someone for his past choices. Isn’t that what we are supposed to do – isn’t Jesus the friend of sinners? Anyway, I need to remember I am spoken for by the Kings and the opinions of those in this world do not matter. The only opinions that matter are not of this world. These two individuals can berate me, condemn me, and judge me for my choices, but I know I am doing right in the eyes of my Kings.
You are right in the center of God’s will for forgiveness. You’ve got His approval on that one and His opinion is the only one that really matters!! 🙂 And we’re with you too!
Wow!!! What amazing words!!! I loved the visuals throughout the song, however, I had to close my eyes so I could truly listen to the words. It is so true. We don’t need this world any more. We need God. We yearn for God. We thirst for God. I have felt lost recently, just wondering who I am in the eyes of God. What does God want from me? What is He calling me to do? Where is He leading me? This song helped to calm my fears and worries of the unknown. I am His. I am chosen. I must be patient and quietly listen for God’s voice. Thank you so much for sharing this song today. I needed to hear those words.
I love how He used this song to calm your heart, your fears, your concerns, your questions. LIfe is pretty overwhelming at times but He is a refuge we can run to and hide in and find peace in the midst of the chaos. I pray that this song will keep reminding you just who you are in HIS eyes!!
Praying for you Danielle – you are LOVED and cherished by an Almightly God!!
Does anyone else struggle with feelings of hopelessness, helplessness and wishing God just didn’t create you because life has just only dealt me pain and suffering?? And if so what do you do with overwhelming feelings???
Run, run to your Father…those words and feelings are from the enemy of your soul and if your not careful you could easily come into agreement and believe the lie. Run to the savior of your soul and let him refresh you with hope, help,love and truth. I will be praying for you.
Yes Suzanne, I have felt that way many times and I know many others do too. Sometimes I need a good dose of sleep, or a walk in the beauty of His creation to remind me of how good He is and how much He loves me – just seeing the colors He chose to make the sky, the trees, the flowers shows me His tenderness and attention to details that would speak to my heart. Sometimes I need to listen to music, or read some Psalms, and as I share in chapter 9 of my book, there have been times when my chemical balance got knocked way off after a year of unending and multiple unmanageable crisis that led to stress-induced depression. And my Dr {who is a strong Christian} recommended anxiety medicine to help me get back to a place of balance. As much as I didn’t want to take it, I couldn’t keep going the way I was. It wasn’t fair to my family and I knew I was going down fast. So I tried it… for months.. and it made a huge difference.
I believe with all my heart in the power of prayer and God’s word. But sometimes He also uses Drs to lead us to something more we need. I don’t know that for you but I think it’s important I share that part of my journey bc so many Christians feel guiltily for taking medicine for anxiety or depression. I don’t think it’s the first thing we should do, but if we’ve done all that we can and we’re still sinking, it’s time to get wise, Biblical, medical help. Im so glad I did. And so is my husband, my kids and my co-workers! And more than that, so was my Jesus. I could sense His leading and His approval of it all. To HIM be all that glory!!
“This one’s mine” and “my heart is spoken for” These are my favourite lines from the song. Thanks for posting the video.
Good Morning. I believe we as women are so BUSY taking care of everything and everyone that we forget not only who we are, but more importantly whose we are (JESUS); and this song just reminded me of that fact. No matter what happens to us or around us we must remember that we are covered by His love divine, a child of the risen LORD, to hear Him say this ones mine, my heart is spoken for. Those are POWERFUL words of TRUTH that we women need to hold on to close to our hearts.
As I listened to the “Chosen” song and when I first saw the Word for the week was :”Chosen” my heart skipped a beat. To realize that God chose me to be His child, I am a “Child of the King”. What an awesome privilege and awesome task to walk as He would want me to. Tell everyone that I am HIs and they can also become one of this children. This study is making me stronger, growing me closer to Him and has lifted my spirits. I was really down on myself but didn’t realize how much until I did this study. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts so personally and making me realize that I am not alone in feeling this way. But I now know for sure who my hope is in, it is in the LORD Jesus. Thank you for your honesty and encouragement to never give up to go back to Him and His word for all that I need to be the one He has Chosen me to be.
I love this song and always enjoy and sing along with it. It is a great reminder that He has chosen me, He has my heart. The words “take this world from me, I don’t need it anymore” are true to me. So many times I try to chase what the world wants or requires or desires and it leaves me in turmoil and takes me away from God. When I am focused on God, I am at peace. I have learned especially in this past week that life is never certain and worldly things can be wiped out by a tornado but no matter where I am or what is taken from me, God is faithful and always there!
Thanks you for this song Renee.. sometimes there are things that are going on in your life that at not pleasant
and a message, song make a differences. God is good and I thank you very much for your words of wisdom & encouragement. Yes I’m chosen, by his love.
I will continue reading this book even when the study is over
Thanks for this song…I am weeping…I haven’t been following for awhile this bible study, my husband partially tore his achilles 4 weeks ago when we were on chapter 7. Since then I haven’t had time to myself at all. I’ve been waiting on him hand and foot taking him to doctors appointments while at times working 12 hour days at the most coupled with taking care of our 7 year old..and the house and the meals and trying to figure out how in the world did we get stuck with drug dealers living across the street from us……..I have been extremely grumpy and snappy. I just got done praying with our 7 year old before he went to bed and he asks mom what about our song just as I was going to at east lay down, when I in irritation said PLEASE!!! JUST GO TO BED!! I knew the moment it came out I could wound his tender heart and went in his room and apologized and started crying. See just 4days ago on Saturday while he was trying to help my husband who is on crutches cross the street ..they both were almost hit by a truck that ran a red light , my husband told me. My son knew nothing of it all he knows is that his dad got a liitle stuck in the street and before our son could go any further PRAISE GOD..my husband called his name and he stopped and turned around right when the truck zoomed by! So why am I snappy or grumpy when the 2 people I love the most could’ve been taken from me at the same time. I left my sons room to come to mine feeling bad about myself and thinking surely The Lord is disappointed in me and picked up the book to get back into the study ..right where I left off Failure Doesnt Have to be Fatal…I was just thinking I must be the worst mom ever! I read page 119 , then decided to ask for prayer which is how I came to website again and decided to see what song your were talking about Renee…which is why I am weeping…all I can say is Praise God and thank you. Please pray for me!
Praying for you Kally!!! Praying the Lord will bring quick healing for your husband’s achilles and brings you rest and peace and know that you are not a bad mom, you are just weary from the chores of this life. I pray the the Lord wraps His loving arms around you and gives you a big hug!! If I were there I would give you one too!!! {{{HUGZ}}} to you sweet child of God!! ♥
Thank you sooooo much for praying for me, I felt the Fathers hug this morning and it brought peace and release…Nothing like a sister praying for another.
Having a hard time with this weekly word. I have “Chosen” tattooed on my leg. My ex husband wanted his name tattoed but thank God I had the sense not to do that! So he talked me into tattooing “Chosen” as he was the chosen one, the one I chose. Being young and naive comes at a price. Twenty years and four kids later he walks out to be someone other womans chosen one and hasnt looked back. This word has settled into my heart in the wrong way. This will be a struggle.
Darlene…take your husband out of that situation and place Jesus in it. There is a reason you did not place his name on your leg. You don’t belong to him…you belong to HIM. That is a beautiful word that can help lead you into healing around your husband leaving. You are much too valuable to NOT be chosen. Lean into Jesus and embrace the truth that you are loved & holy because of HIM…let HIS love wash over your heart & heal your wounds. Not your strength…your strength thru HIM. Praying for you.
Jenny, I really like that statement, ” You are much too valuable to NOT be chosen.” Wow! Thank you. The statements following the above statement are very meaningful, too. God bless you and Darlene richly!
I’m with Anna- I too am sad as I just finished reading Chapter 11 and have realized our time together is coming to a close for this study.
I’d love to continue with another Bible study!
Thank you Renee. Thank you for this study! It’s such a relief to read I’m not the only person who has struggled with confidence issues. Thank you Renee for the tools you’ve provided through Gods word to become a deeper woman of faith and to not let Satan steal my joy by whispering in my ears that I’m not worthy. Because I AM!
Blessings~ and I look forward to information for a summer study!
Rene, I’m finished reading Chapter 11 and realized we are almost done, I felt sad. I have so enjoyed this study. I have read and re-read the chapters, prayers, verses.
I feel I have grown so much as a child of Christ, I read God’s work in such a different way, I hunger for it. God brought life to His word, for me, through your book, God and you have blessed my life.
I am a child of God,CHOSEN, Beloved, Known, His Masterpiece. I have had such an awakening of my soul. I used to read my bible and yes I understood it, but now I read and absorb as much as I can, write down verses, write words that grab at me. I have started to read the book of John. I ask God daily to “Open the eyes of my heart” as the song says. I so want to hear Him. I see His beauty everywhere. I close my eyes and hear Him in the wind blowing, birds chirping, rustlings of the leaves :o)
The awakening of my soul has been powerful, and I love it. I find myself laying my burdens at the foot of the cross more and more, I do take things back and then re-set them at His feet….I am still struggling with being anxious, my heart is still healing, but as you write on page 204. “As you become confident in Christ, you will become a display of God’s splendor, He will use your transformed life to show off His Glory” That’s an AMEN.
I voice daily my surrender of all to my Lord, and that has truly helped me. I pray and talk to God more during the day, and trust Him so much more.
Thank you Melissa for sharing your story, Joshua for sharing your memories, Dylan for teaching me it’s OK to say “please wait”. Renee, thank you for the beautiful, confident woman you are, for sharing yourself with us.
I’d love to do a summer study!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was a child with a memory I hide because it was painful, a teenager angry for a wrong done to me, angry at my mom for doing nothing about it. I am now a Child of God, surrendered into His loving arms, healing, free to grow and now I know ‘God is enough”
God bless You All
AMEN!!!! Very well said… God bless you!!!
I struggle so much with believing God truly loves me. me. I tell everyone else He is for them and will heal them but why can’t I believe it for myself? Crying now after watching that beautiful video and song. I want to be free. I want this freedom. I have confessed all known sin and try to walk in His light but the lies are still so strong. I’m afraid I’ll meet Jesus one day and I won’t get His love and peace. I’ll be thrown off to the side. I am a Christian. I am a mom. A wife. I say outloud “there is no condemnation for me because I am in Christ Jesus” but still struggle so. Hanging on…
You are not alone in this! I have the exact same problem in my thinking! We cannot believe satan’s lies! Whenever you feel these thoughts you KNOW they are from satan because God’s Word (which is ALWAYS truth) says differently. Don’t get angry at you, get angry at satan! Do I FEEL free? No. I do not. But I know that I know that I know God made me free, regardless of how I FEEL! God CHOSE me, regardless what thoughts go through my mind. Keep hanging on! Never give up!
Thank you:)
Hi Christine,
Let me just tell you that you are a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN!!! I promise that you are NOT alone with these feelings. Yesterday if you read a little further up you’ll see where I put I have told myself “I give up”. Then He spoke to me and said I AM CHOSEN. I agree with Colleen, HOLD ON. We are encouragers… we encourage those we feel need to know the truth about how much He loves and has CHOSEN us, but tend to not think that same love, we do not deserve. We can not continue to allow the enemy to use these lies and disguise them as truths. I know it’s easier said then done, trust me when I say I go through the same exact thing. Example… my home life is a little crazy… we’re so not a normal traditional family.. I am a mom of 4 with a husband who is a believer in his own way. Frustrating when I want to connect with God and have my family connect as well and I have so many forces working against us. I forget whos I am and forget who is for me… I get depressed… all I want to do is give up and cry… Then He speaks to me… and consoles my heart!! You’re not alone we’re here for you but most important He is there for you, too!! God BLESS you always!!! (0:
Thank you so much for this:)
May 17-19 I went to a retreat center with ladies from my church. Before I went I was so dry and broken… just wanted to quit fighting cause I was so tired. While I was there I finally broke down and couldnt stop crying. It was everything from my marriage and my health issues (which is the biggest hurdles) to our van breaking, my house being out of sorts due to me being injured. I just couldnt take it anymore…. I felt the weight of the burdens ease a little. Then little while later we went to praise and worship. Finally God got ahold of me and all I could do was sob. All my brokenness, stress and worry God washed it all away! I felt him pick me up and heard him whisper in my ear “You are not alone… I will carry you just hold on and the Victory will be mine. It was the first time in my life I have ever felt that close to God! Its been a little over a week and I have spent more time in my Bible and other sources but the peace has not left me. I also pray frequently during the day. Its amazing that Jesus picked me up cause I finally let go!
Praise God, Tami! Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I especially like the last statement: ” Its amazing that Jesus picked me up cause I finally let go!” It gives more meaning to that old saying, “Let go and let God!” His love is so awesome! God bless you richly!
i am very glad that i have been chosen by God
Thank you Renee, That is BEAUTIFUL, and not only did this message and song bless me, but I feel encouraged; GOD’s Love that is poured out in me thru this song and message in the chapter, has filled my heart with so much JOY. GOD BLESS YOU!!!
CHOSEN….YES THANK YOU JESUS. I am chosen because of your sacrifice and selfless love toward me sinner. What wonderful song that was. Though, I am familiar with Mercy Me, this is my 1st time hearing this particular song. The words sung really blessed me especially the one that says ‘I am covered by HIS love divine, ‘my heart is spoken for’, REALLY? What a blessing. Often when I think of the heart, I think of what Jeremiah says in his writing ‘the heart is deceitful, and desperately wicked, and who may know it, and knowing that, and the fact….I am not HOLY and NOT yet transformed by the renewing of my mind–it blessed me to know God will choose me, and add me on to HIS family and call me ROYAL PRIESTHOOD. God also took me to another set of powerful verses in the Bible (Eph 1:4) When God chose us he made us HOLY and BLAMELESS in God’s Sight. WOW….LOOK HOW BLESSED AND SPECIAL WE ARE–((ONLY)) GOD’s GRACE, and HIS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is able to do that.
Another statement that blessed me is ‘taking what was lost ‘me’ and made it fully yours’ Thank you Jesus for plucking me out of the world and making me fully yours– What a LOVING God we worship, who can call us CHOSEN, and adopt us into his family JUST BY confessing our sins, and accepting HIM as our LORD and savior. REALLY, think about it, if we are chosen and are adopted into his family, and can have JESUS to intercede for us (Heb 7:25), and we can be partakers of his divine being (2 Pet 1:4) as well as–God’s inheritance (Col 1:12) AND can freely worship HIM in SPIRIT and In TRUTH (John 4:24) for the SPIRIT lives and abides in us for we were sealed with HIM (Eph 1:13b) upon salvation–WHAT MORE DO WE NEED. Isn’t God enough? Don’t we have everything as it says and in the Bible.
Prayer : Lord father, thank your for your character that is long suffering for you are patient with me. Gracious heavenly father I ask you now, to please teach me to submit to you fully everyday (James 4:7) for I know the enemy of my soul will be defeated, and I can live in victory if I submit to you daily, in doing so, father I know, I can learn to live for you, by reminding myself I am created for you and am to serve you (Col 1:16b) for I bought with a price (1 cor 6:20) I know father, I am called to live in fellowship with you, for to live with you– is to live for you (Ph 1:21) I ask that you will grant my heart’s request and be with me daily I pray in Jesus Name. AMEN.
It’s such a shame I cannot see any of the video messages, because I do the study on my down time at work, things get a little too complicated at home, with 4 babies 4 and under. I have fallen a little behind and am working on catching up but wanted to say this. I have subscribed to Proverbs31 ministries devotional and all I can say is… with God there is no coincidence. I am fighting a battle that feels like I’m on my own. Having recently accepted Christ as my savior. Trying to bring my family to Him as well. My home life is chaotic and at times very depressing. I don’t like to think of it that way but if I have to be honest (which I’ve learned from this study) I am not OK. I was to the point, I felt, of no return. I was ready to give it all up. I said to myself “what is the point of changing, when things are still the same?” “Why is it that I’m fighting this fight alone and I feel no progress has been made? I want to change but I see nothing!!” I know crazy people talk, right!? Well I came in and sat at my desk, all after professing these outrageous things to myself, I opened my e-mail… to see my devotional and my study for today… Devotional I fell behind so I had to read yesterdays Birth, Behavior or Bloodline… really… then to top it off today’s study topic “CHOSEN”… my heart feel light with happiness. All the worrying, all the fussing, all the doubting. I BELONG TO HIM WHO CREATED ALL!!! I am CHOSEN for Him… I know many who are more qualified less broken but still He chose me. I was privileged enough to meet Him. He felt I was worth fixing and for that I AM TRULY BLESSED and GRATEFUL… He is consistently speaking to us… ssshhhh… just listen…. LOVE YOU LADIES… GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!! (0:
Yes, yes, yes, Jerica! Thank you for sharing this. This reiterates what i (and others) have been hearing from Father God about the necessity of hearing His voice. Praise Him! I pray that you will be strengthened in your inner man and enabled to keep your eyes, heart and mind fixed on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith. Use that weapon of praise, too! 🙂 God bless you richly!
Thank you for your kind words. It’s hard…. boy is it hard to keep my eyes fixed on Him always… something I am learning how to do. I need to especially do it when things seem so bleak. When I just want to breakdown and cry out of sadness. I know I’m not alone in this world I have Him but it’s hard when you feel like you’re alone. I don’t want worldly friends but it would be nice for me to have at least one godly friend I can maybe confide in. I know confiding and trusting Him triumphs all but to feel not alone even just for little while… is so what I need! But again THANK YOU SO MUCH… GOD BLESS YOU BEAUTIFUL SOUL!!!! (0:
You are welcome, Jerica! I will pray for a special Christian friend for you, one with whom you can pray and in whom you can confide and vice-versa – be honest with one another, encourage one another and correct one another as needed. I have one friend like that – she now lives in Germany and has moved many places since we first met. God has enabled us to stay in touch via telephone and it is such a blessing. Of course, it would be nice if we could see each other, and lived near each other once again. 🙂 God knows best. God bless you richly!
Thank you for that beautiful reminder that I am chosen-sometimes I have a tendency to forget how much my Lord and Savior loves me and I pray that I may continue to be blessed to pass it on!! Keep up the beautiful work!! Be blessed!!!
I love this song but it is still hard to think that God wants me when I struggle so hard with a stronghold that I continue to fail at so many time I am embarrassed to continue to ask for forgiveness. I cannot imagine why He would want me but I also know that God uses all things for His purpose and I praise Him in my weakness for I know that this too he will use for his purpose in some way.
That song was beautiful! Thank you so much for this book and study. I feel like you are one of my good friends Renee and I will miss your words of wisdom and encouragement in your videos! I felt like you have been talking to me directly. I can so identify with all of your struggles with self doubt and it is good to know I’m not alone and there is hope to overcome the doubt. Thank you again!
I am so loving this study. But like others I have fallen behind some. Taking my time to catch up and really listen. Love this video. Renee I am so thankful you are leaving the videos up for a couple of weeks. I plan to go back and watch each one. Also, I would love to be in on the next online Listening to God. I believe satan keeps our minds and lives so busy we can’t focus on God much less hear His quiet voice. I want to break the walls around my heart down so that all that fills my heart is JESUS..
Thank you so much for all you are doing in this study. I plan to order your DVD when it comes out.
God Bless
Thank you for this song!! God has been speaking the word “delight” to me over and over for a few weeks now. I have not been able to keep up with reading your book, but I am planning to over the summer. This song ministers to my heart in such a deep way. Thanks for sharing it.
Wow! The song is beautiful… Lord I thank You for choosing me and blessing me with enough cognition to know it too! Hallelujah! You’ve set me free to serve, love, be compassionate & graceful. Let every thought i have and every response I utter today reflect my awareness of Your choosing me.
This song is beautiful. We each just have to believe it! That we are chosen, and special and are His beloved – because we are!
There are so many needs and hurts and challenges and trials in us ladies in just this one bible study – but God can heal them all – and what’s more important, He wants to! I know in my own life, the closer I stick to Him, the better my life goes…and even if it isn’t going well – He’s there to hear all my prayers and to give me strength during the hard times. I couldn’t do life without Jesus!
This has been a great bible study and I pray I will remember much from this book to change the way I think and live.
God bless Renee for being obedient at writing this book!
God bless you all my sisters in Christ!
It’s not that other people make me feel “less than”, it’s ME! I mess up so bad every day and sit around at night (like I’m doing right now) and get frustrated that I can’t do anything right. I’m trying to lose weight, but all I did was eat my way through today. I’m dealing with some real “head” issues right now, but all I did was fail again miserably today. I reflect on my day and see what a failure I am. So here I am. Reading Chapter 1 of A Confident Heart, feeling like such a disappointment to God and to myself. I know God is truth, and God says that He chose me. So why can’t I just get it through my head? I can trust that sun is going to shine, even though I don’t know how. But yet I can’t trust that God chose me even though He tells me in His Word. What’s up with that? It’s like not believing that 1+1=2. Everybody else gets it, so why can’t I? Wow. What a whiny rant I just went on! Somebody slap me back into reality, please!
I’m here with you Colleen. God knows we try and fail. He created us and loves us just the way we are. His mercies are new every morning and He will never leave you or me. Lean on His word, Colleen. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares The Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11. Memorize this and keep it in your arsenal.
Thanks for the kind words Gloria! I guess my new mantra should be “Get behind me satan!” whenever I start feeling frustrated and defeated. Then slap him down with Jeremiah 29:11!
You are cute, Colleen ~ there is a song by Toby Mac that I love – it is called Get Back Up
We lose our way,
We get back up again
It’s never too late to get back up again,
One day you will shine again,
You may be knocked down,
But not out forever……….
I love that one! Thank you for reminding me! I’m getting out my mp3 player right now!
Hi Colleen… sometime getting it isn’t enough. The enemy uses our thoughts against us. I get I am CHOSEN. I question why everyday of my life, especially at times I fail. We have too break that habit. He tells us He loves us everyday… we just have to start feeling it in our hearts to then believe in our heads… it’s a process but know you’re not alone…
Oh yeah! I know satan is out to get me! He attacks me the second I get up in the morning and won’t leave me alone all day long, no matter how much I rebuke him! I hope I don’t offend anyone, but I am glad that I am not the only one going through this. I don’t feel so “alone”. Plus, it let’s me know that if someone else can do it, I guess I can too. Thank you!
Such a God thing…this is exactly the message that God has been impressing on my heart all weekend. I have shed many tears today but they have felt healing and liberating as I am beginning to realize how special I am to God. Little by little, I am shedding an old skin of fear, doubt and mistrust that does not fit me any more. At the same time, I am a work in progress. This is so new to me and I know there is a lot more healing to go. I am keeping all of you ladies in my prayers. Please pray for me too as you are able. Renee, thank you for this study. I love the idea of doing a follow-up study on listening to God.
The song spoke to my heart that I really am chosen by God and that I can be confident in who I am in Jesus and not what anyone thinks or says. God says ” I am chosen ” Thank you for this study and all then neat little things you’ve added to make it good. The song will be played over and over. I have learned so much about who God is and who I am in Him. He really does love me so that I can love others.
What a beautiful song, I loved it, especially when it said “Covered by Your love devine”…..How beautiful to hear that we are “Chosen Daughters Of our God” WOW, and He loves us!!!…….
I also really love Mercy Me. I love the beginning of the song where he talks about being free and not needing the world anymore. I am a real beginner in my walk of faith and I still struggle a lot with having a relationship with God. I feel like this study has helped get started and see things in a little bit different perspective.
God is Good! I grew up without a father and I did not know of a fathers love for his daughter. I would hear pastors say “God loves you” but I could not comprehend His love. God made it so simple and clear to me by saying I love you the way you loves your daughters. God has shown me I was CHOSEN …He is my father. That no matter how bad I am He as my father will show me Grace.
I needed this as I have been under such attack. This one is mine man I love that God says that of me. I have felt so rejected and so alone. I moved away from my church, friends, family an have been in a city after living in extremely rural area. My life is so upside down. I have felt lost and this song mentions lost too. Just needed to hear this as I am a music person, I love praise ad worship music. I do not need this world anymore ahhhh I am free
I need to play the song over and over …thank you Renee you know just the video or song to help us on our journey.