“I used to feel so far from God, like I had to work my way back to Him after periods of inconsistency in my time with Him, seasons of unbelief or self-sufficiency, or other sins. I was also convinced God had lost His patience with me.Then I’d try harder and eventually fail again.
Finally, I’d get defeated and wonder, “What’s the use in trying?”
But now I know it’s not about trying harder. It’s about turning sooner. It’s about confessing sin and turning back to God’s gift of grace.
Grace is God’s “undeserved favor.” We don’t have to earn it, and we cannot lose it when we act undeserving. Grace is God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Yes, grace cost a lot, but Jesus already paid for it. Because you see… it is “by grace [we] have been saved, through faith—and this not from [ourselves], it is the gift of God” (Eph. 2:8). And God’s grace not only saved us from eternal hell, it saves us from the hell we put ourselves through daily with guilt, shame, self-loathing and condemnation.
Some people ask if grace is a license to sin. A confident woman knows that it’s not. Instead, she realizes grace is the security of knowing God’s love is guaranteed for her because she trusts in Christ. Really understanding His sacrificial gift accomplishes the opposite of granting a license to sin. When we grasp what Jesus did for us, we want to return the gift of His life by offering ours to Him, even if our offering isn’t perfect or even perfectly consistent.” ~ From Chapter 10
Our word for the week is GRACE
Download and print our word for the week in a PDF or in MSWord.
Our verse for us this week: “It is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourself; it is the gift of God -” (Eph. 2:8)
Our prayer for us this week: Lord, thank You that I can approach Your throne of grace with confidence and receive mercy and find grace to help me in my time of need. Because of Your mercy and forgiveness, my guilt-induced doubt is replaced by grace-induced confidence. Help me trust You with all my heart and not lean on my own understanding, acknowledging You in all my ways so You can make my path straight. Those who know Your name trust You, Lord, because You have never deserted those who seek Your help. In Jesus’ Name, amen. {See Hebrews 4:16; 1 John 1:9; Proverbs 3:5–6; Psalm 9:10.}
Let’s Chat: What is one area of your life where you need to receive more of God’s grace and give yourself more grace too?
Please click “share your thoughts” just below this post and do just that. {If you are reading this via email please click here to return to my website to connect with us!}
Wow. Such a poignant message for this season of my life right now! It’s always amazing how God knows that you will see a message when you are ready to see it. And those words will resonate with you better at that time then any other time! This is the first time I have visited your blog and I am enjoying reading the stories you share! Thank you!
The statement “It’s not about trying harder. It’s about turning sooner.” I shall memorize that & use it, for myself and to encourage others of God’s sweet grace! Thanks so much!
renee, i was wondering if you were going to teach this again? i really didn’t get to do any of the study this time around because it was a crazy spring at my house. i really really need to do the study (do you have it as a study package so that someone can facilitate a small group? i might consider doing that with some friends. then i would have to get it done 🙂 thanks for any input you can give me. (i think part of it was that i was intimidated by the fact that it was such a large participatory number. i have a hard time with crowds (even virtual ones)
I need to know Gods grace for my situation, that he still accepts me even though I am struggling with the children on my own, am tired and irritable with them and that my anger and stress comes out in ways i don;t want it to around my chikdren, especially as its not them cuasing it abut my husband who chose to leave me and be seperated from me. That knowing Gods grace for me so that he can help me be gracefull towards my husband even though i know he is just waiting for time to pass so he can devorce me, is the hardest lesson i am trying to learn.
I am desperate for a break, physically, emotionally and mentally. I need to be able to hold on to the truths but all i can do is blurb to God and then put some worship music on so i can re focus on him. I want to get on with things and not think about it but i have to as i have deal with the situation. it is so complicated sorting things out i just want out!
Any prayers or encouragments would be really good if any one has any for me….Please.
I loved this chapter! Fear has been an ongoing issue in my life since I was a child. It has taken different shapes and forms, but has always been there. The things that really jumped out at me in this chapter were the statements “…it’s not about trying harder. It’s about turning sooner.” Also, ” We can turn away from the shadow of doubt and stand in the light of God’s truth.” I also loved the verse, Judges 6:11 “The angel of the Lord came and sat down….” Isn’t that just like God to get down on our level. He sits with us and listens to us, strengthening us when we are weak or afraid. Someone asked me to do something outside my comfort zone recently. I felt inadequate and afraid. I felt fear rising up inside me and I cried. I talked to a friend about it and she encouraged me in the Lord. She said if He wanted me to do it, He would strengthen me and give me the tools and wisdom I needed. She was right! I started the task last night and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I still have a long way to go (it’s a project lasting over many weeks), but feel more peace because I know God is with me. Will I have doubts again? I hope not! But if I do, I know God will sit down with me and say, “Don’t be afraid! I’m with you.” Be encouraged, dear sisters, God is with you!
I need God’s grace in all the areas of my life. i’m impatient, moody, doubtful, selfish, envious….the list goes on. I feel like i’m in a constant state of failure and I wont see the way out. I know I don’t deserve God’s grace, but one day I hope I come to a true place of understanding of His love, grace, and forgiveness.
Thank you for sharing your heart, “J.” Knowing our problems and facing them is the first step toward healing, so you are already on your way! What helps me the most is focusing on God and others instead of myself. When I keep my eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith, I no longer focus on my faults and failures because I am seeing HIM and His love for me and others. I see that others have problems too, some a lot worse than my own. Then I can thank Him for what He has done for me. I can try to live my life as He lived His, loving and caring for people. When we take our eyes off ourselves and our problems, His light shines into the darkest places of our heart and brings true freedom and peace. Praying for you, dear sister, and asking God to give you the grace you are asking for.
I need grace when I feel shameful if things aren’t perfect, or not up to ‘my standards’…however grace is God loving me just as I am…my husband loving me just as I am…my safe friends loving me just as I am. I need grace when I don’t trust in God’s plan or His timing…I need grace when I don’t respond loving…I need grace when I doubt His faithfulness. I just need grace…and I’m so thankful Jesus provides that for us.
I have been so busy with work travel and have not taken the time to participate in the study other than reading last few weeks…feeling pressure since I am only income while my husband has been unemployed from a layoff. Thankful that I can provide for us, but weary at times. Praying for strength thru Him.
Hi, Renee.
I am really appreciating this study. It is exactly what I am needing. A few of the lessons that I am getting from the Lord and through you is that:
1) this is not easy 🙂
2) I am saved by the blood of Jesus Christ;
3) I must CHOOSE to live in the light of God’s promises, made available through Christ;
4) I must CHOOSE to replace the lies of my childhood, my past, and the enemy with the unchangeable truth of God’s Word;
5) this is not easy ~ (did I mention that this is not easy?)
6) I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!
7) this is a daily, moment by moment journey, not a once in a while thing.
So, one thing that I am really putting effort into is speaking God’s truth to myself when my flesh is telling me I am a wretch. So, instead of talking to myself, I am trying to remember that there is One much wiser than I am to talk to, and to listen to. Another is that I am making God’s word a bigger part of my daily intake. It is food for my spirit. I am using index cards with Bible verses on them, keeping them in my purse. I am preaching the Gospel to myself regularly. I am doing the timeline (may take a while!). I am reading my Bible through. Thank you for all of the good tools to apply to help replace the lies with truth and the doubts with confidence and the fears with victory.
You are a blessing!
Hi Renee, I just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed this online study. I am a wife, mother of three (9, 11,13) and a nursing student. This is the only thing I can commit to and I am so grateful to have it. I love how real you are in Ch.10. It is so nice to remember that we are all human and God chooses to love us because He made us. Thank you!
I need God’s amazing grace at the end of somedays, when I feel weary and become short with the kids, and they don’t understand when I try to explain, I need their help. On these days I ask God, “Am I doing this right?” Are your tired of me asking? On these days I feel “scattered” Im trying to sit and read God’s word, and I have to do this or that, and finally after I get anxiety, I pray sit and start my study, and the phone rings, it’s one of the older kids and they don’t live near by, so I answer because of “worry”, I find that they are ok, tell them I’ll call back, by then I”m out of the zone as you mentioned Renee, I so loved the “Desert Storm” I so related to your story. And yes I’ve used to “mule” word against my husband and our 17 year old heard…I felt quilt, I disrepected God, my husband and my child. What kind of a mom am I? I then go to page 222….Thank You Renee “I feel overwhelmed” God tells me “I will give you peace” John 16:33 I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have (perfect) peace and confidence…AMEN…..Philipians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing… Promises of never leaving us alone, forgiving us even when we don’t feel we should be forgiven.
I totally love page 187…especially the part where you say, it’s not about trying harder, it’s about turning sooner, confessing sin and turning back to God’s gift of grace….His undeserved favor! GOD’S RICHES AT CHRIST’S EXPENSE….so many scriptures and prayers you share with us in this book….I’m going to keep your book with my bible…..Thank You for loving us and sharing all you have, and working even when you have been so busy with your mom. I am praying for you and your family. God has truly used you and this book to bless so many of us and for that I am truly grateful.
Ephesians 2:8 “by grace (we) have been saved, through faith—and this not from (ourselves), it is the goft of God”….Amen
Yes, grace is dutifully needed here. This has been quite a past week with listening to God and seeing freedom. then waiting on God as he provided- growing my trust in him as he came through with more than asked. stressed over blowing it with the kids. then this morning being reminded , God does not keep a record of wrongs. Fear had set its roots in me from early in life. It is Jesus that renders fear powerless….I was encouraged that Gideon asked God to confirm, it was He who said to do that. I will no longer be afraid to ask God to confirm what He said to do……for me..
I have taken on everything by myself for so long it is just so hard to trust Him to show me how to be! Oh am I EVER in need of GRACE, I know God has a plan, but I just don’t trust that yet.
I need God’s grace in my selfishness. I am selfish with my time and my heart, or feelings. At times I am even selfish with my money and my possessions, which I know are not my to begin with.
Forgiveness of myself. I forgive others so easily, but I hold anger to myself for things that happened that I wasn’t emotionally strong enough to handle.
I’m having a hard time concentrating on anything. Plus I am feeling very depressed. Please pray for me, I need help organizing the inside of my home without expense.
Florence, I will pray for you.
Florence, I can relate, I sometimes feel “scattered”……… I will be praying for you.
I love Philipians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer, supplication with thankgiving, make your requests be known to God, and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus and verse 13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
God Bless
“Just for tomorrow will you try to be kind to yourself as Jesus is.” It’s a work through Christ, but I will try, for today and in Christ each new day after that, to love myself through Christ. He is working a miracle in my life as I learn to love myself. After all, how can I love my neighbor as myself if I don’t know the first thing about loving myself. It’s a renewing of my mind each and every moment of each and every day to remember that God loved us so much that He gave us Jesus to die for us and to forgive us our sins so that we can be restored to God and know His GREAT LOVE!
AMEN Debbie, well said!! ♥
Definately my self-esteem. I am S L O W L Y learning of who I am in Christ though. LOL I thank God for His GRACE and MERCY!