There’s something about the end of the year and Christmas that stirs up stories in my heart. Stories that make me laugh. Stories that make me grateful. Stories that make me shake my head in disbelief. {i.e. head-on collisions with monkey bars} Today, in my Proverbs 31 Encouragement for Today devotion, I told the story […]
Be My God … So I Can Just Be Me
It started with a cough. A few sneezes. Then a horrible headache. For days, I denied it was anything serious. Tried to convince myself I was not really sick. Pushing through the coughing, wheezing, sinus pain and aches, I resisted slowing down. Who else would do it all if I couldn’t? There were deadlines and expectations […]
In Honor of You {& the Difference You Make}
The doorbell rang soon after I got home from dropping off a thank you note at my neighbor house. Surprised to see Janet standing on my front porch, I listened as she held up an envelope and explained: “Renee, this is the most amazing thank you note I have ever read; you have a writing gift […]
When God Looks at You
When God looks at you, He doesn’t measure the size of your hips or the size of your house, He measures the size of His love for you – and it is immeasurable!! I pray that you…grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the Love of Christ {for you}. Eph 3:17 & […]
The Unburdened Heart: Finding Freedom in Forgiveness
My friend Suzie just released her book, The Unburdened Heart, and I’m so excited about the power and potential of her life-changing message. I had the honor of writing the foreword for her book, and I’d love to share my heart with you about it – today: I don’t know exactly when it started. I […]