My heart is racing with excitement about everything God is doing, and at the same time God is slowing me down; making sure I wait on Him. We got home from the beach late Saturday and there was a message on voice mail saying that our Adoption Agency will call this week with our travel […]
She is Ours!!!
“For since the world began, no ear has heard, and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him!” Isaiah 64:4 ASTER is officially OUR LITTLE GIRL!! Yesterday we spent the whole day on the beach, enjoying the moment we were in and trusting God for all […]
Preparing for my Happily-Ever-Aster!
There once was a baby on the other side of the world with a mommy who had to give up her little girl. As she knelt on her hard dirt floor each night and day, she noticed how her tears turned the dust into clay. Reminded that her child was in the Potter’s loving hands, […]
The Aster-glow!
After basking in the afterglow of She Speaks, I am now living in the “Aster-glow” of our soon-to-be baby girl. The ride of our lives got very exciting, adventurous and a little crazy last week! Last Thursday we received an email from our adoption agency telling us that the courts in Ethiopia are closing August […]
When God Gives Hope and a Future
Last week after I posted “Waiting with Hope” I found out I was going to be doing that, literally. I’ll explain in a minute. To help with the wait, God reminded me of two verses He gave me for our sweet baby girl, Aster. One is Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I […]