Did you hear about my issue? That secret struggle I had for so long when it came respecting my husband. I confessed it all in my P31 devotion today. As I shared, I haven’t always been so good at following and trusting my man”s lead. BUT God has done an amazing work in me – and in my marriage – over the past 18 years.
I know marriage can be hard, and trusting someone to lead when there are things you struggle with together is really, really hard. But I also know God uses us in powerful ways to love our men like He does – unconditionally.
One of the best ways we can love our husbands is to pray for them. Praying for JJ has shown me all that he carried on his shoulders – at work, at home, at church, with our kids, etc. It’s also really helped me follow his lead. It assures me that he’s covered spiritually when I invite God to do His thing in JJ’s life.
Of course, it’s up to our husbands to respond to God’s work in their hearts but our part is not based on our husband’s response to God. It’s based on our surrendering and seeking God’s heart for our husbands – and trusting God to lead from there.
JJ has also told me that prayer is the best gift I can give him. Years ago I heard a concept about praying for our husbands – from head to toe. So, today I wanted to share some verses and prayers that fit with that concept:
“Father, I ask that You would continually renew my husband’s mind, resulting in a transformed life. Help him bring every thought into captivity to Christ to make it obedient to You. Give him a greater understanding of Your Word. Help him to think on things that are pure and right and worthy of praise.” (Psalm 119:15, Rom 12:2, 2 Cor.10:5)
“Lord, keep opening my husband’s eyes to deep spiritual truths. Help him to see things as You see them. Please guard his eyes from looking at worthless things. ” (Psalm 119:18, Psalm 119:37)
“Father, let my husband hear Your voice clearly. Help him to recognize your voice with certainty. Protect him from listening to anyone who is not seeking and walking with You. Help him not to be affected negatively by what others say and to discern between good and evil. Give him the ability to determine what is of You and what is not.” (Is 30:21, 1 Kings 3:9, 1 John 4:1)
“Help my husband to speak the truth in love. Help him to be quick to listen and slow to speak. Give him the couraage to lovingly confront when necessary. Let the words he speaks be Yours, not his own. Help him speak words that bring grace and truth to the hearers. I also pray that you will help him to grow in his ability and desire to communicate with you and others.” (Psalm 19:14, 119:13, 41:3; Eph 4:15, 4:29; James 1:19)
“Give my husband a heart that seeks passionately after You. Teach him to guard his heart with diligence. Help him deal with anything in his heart that is not pleasing to You. Create in him a pure heart. Enable him to lead our family with integrity.” (Psalm 78:72, 119:10-11; Prov 4:23; 1 3:13)
“Lord, I pray that everything my husband does would be done with his whole heart, serving You rather than man. I pray that You will also help him to increase his skills and his abilities. Bless everything he puts his hands to.” (Psalm 24:3-4, Col 3:23)
I pray my husband would love Your Words and walk in Your ways. I pray He would be to walk in a manner that is worthy of You, bearing fruit in every good work. Jesus show him how to creatively share your truth with our kids as he does life with them each day. Father, when he walks through the valley of the shadow of doubt and difficulties, I pray he would fear no evil because He knows that you are with him. (Deut 6:7, 8:6, Col 1:10, Psalm 23:4)
I have seen prayer transform my marriage and my life. Whatever steps of faith God is calling you to take personally or with your husband, I want you to know that I am praying for you and your marriage today. We have an enemy set on destroying marriages and one of his tools is to pit husbands and wives against each other. I have experienced his efforts firsthand. What our husbands need most is our respect; what our marriages need most is prayer.
Let’s look for ways to build our husbands up – by giving them encouraging words and the gift of prayer – covering them from head to toe!
If you’d like a copy of my FREE Praying For Your Husband download to print with these prayers on it – click “Share Your Thoughts” and let me know. We’ll be happy to email it to you – although your email will not show in your comment. This will be sent out next week after the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving!
I would love to receive a printable version of praying for my husband. Thank you.
I would love a printable verison of Praying for my Husband
Googled prayers for my husband and came across this site. I would love to have a copy of your prayer for husbands, head to toe. How can I get a copy? THANKS!
Hi Renee,
could you please send me the link for a downloadable printable about Praying for my husband from head to toe.
I d/l it a couple of years ago and have been praying this over my husband. My copy is getting tattered and I’d like to print off a new one.
Thanks in advance!
also please email me the prayer for download. thank you.
verypowerful. thank you for this has been something I needed. my marriage is suffering however I am trusting in Jesus despite the situation. this will help me along the way. many blessing in Jesus Name Amen.
Thanks so much for your prayers for husband from head to toe…needed right now, please can you email it to me? Thanks and God bless x
Friends and myself are starting a ministry where us wives will meet together and pray for are husbands alone with us wives on a weekly or at least monthly. Marriages today are being destroyed with the help of Satan. We need to stand firm in our marriages and united in Christ.
I’m hoping the prayer guide is still available!
I loved the blessing. I really needed to read that.
would love a copy of this.
please email me the FREE Praying For Your Husband download
This is really a cool idea! Thank you! Please send it to me too! I look forward to praying for my husband!
I heard something the other day about customized verses for our spouse. While I am a man, I thought, what a wonderful gift for my wife. Will you please email me the link I need for these versus. I drive truck every night and have lots of time to pray for my marriage and other items. God has produced huge miracles in my marriage the past few months, right at the last minute. I would love to give my wife the gift of these customized versus for Christmas.
Thank you.
Thanks for sharing your prayers. I would love to get a copy of “Head to Toe prayer”
Be Blessed,
Thank you for sharing this!!!! I would really like to have a copy of this to print off and put in my binder…so I can have them with me wherever I feel led to pray for him.
These are wonderful thoughts. I NEED this and my husband needs this.
Why is witchcraft allowed on this site?
While searching for prayers for my husband I found your site. I am in love with the idea of Praying for my husband – from head to toe and would love the download. My husband and I met 16 years ago and had a long distance relationship that ended after 2 years. He found me on Facebook 2 years ago and we got married 1 year ago. If I say it’s been hard that would be an understatement. We’re in our late 50’s and have a lot of baggage to get rid of. With God’s help we are changing and growing. The Holy Spirit has been such a driving force that we see daily. But as you know, satan’s job is to destroy what God has put together. Thank you for sharing what God has given you.
Please email me the Pray For Your Husband download. Thank you so much for all of your work! Barb
I would appreciate the offer, if it is still available. Be blessed, Patricia
Hello: Just crying out to God and seeking help I came across your prayers for husbands. I have many prayers and have been praying for 17 years. My husband is bipolar.
Would you be so gracious as to share the prayers with me?
I am very depressed myself at this time as we are in great financial difficulty as he is unable to work but I have to hold the fort.
Divorce is not an option for me.
Thanks for reading.
Good morning. your post caught my attention as I have thought in the past that my husband was bipolar but through prayer I am learning how to deal with him and his moods. The Holy Spirit has been a present help. And I dismiss ANY thoughts of disease or disability on his part. So speak health into your husband and marriage.
You are in my prayers.
I would love to have a copy, I really want to encourage my husband everyday with a scripture. Thank you for all you do.
HELLO FRIENDS AM LINDA COLLINS FROM CANADA MY BEST DECISSION I MADE ON HOW TO GET MY MARRIAGE BACK once when i went to Africa in February this year on a business summit. I meant a man who’s name is {Prophet Harry} he is really powerful and could help pray to bring back one’s gone, lost, misbehaving lover and prayers for good job and financial blessings .I’m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 3 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 3years. I really loved him, but his mother was against us and he had no good paying job. So when i met this {Prophet Harry}, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him. At first i was undecided, skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. And in 3 days when i returned to Canada, my boyfriend (now husband) called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married. I didn’t believe it cos the {Prophet Harry} only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do. Well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid, and my husband also got the new job and our lives became much better. His email is [email protected]
I loved the prayers for your husband and would love to have it downloaded to my email to print out. thanks
I would really love a copy ot Praying for My Husband from head to toe. I think it would greatly benefit my marriage. I’m looking forward to growing in my marriage!
I can’t thank you enough for all that you have done for me. About a year ago I my partner split up, we had both made BIG mistakes in our relationship. He ended up moving away from me to pursue a new life. I knew in my heart that he would be the only one to make me happy. I was relieved when I found your email on a site about what you have done. I requested 1 to 2 day casting of the reunite us love spell and within 4days mark company had relocated him back to our hometown where I still lived. We immediately reconnected and move in with each other. Our wedding date is set for (OCT 2013) Expect to see your invite in the mail thanks to [email protected]
This is totally awesome to find a site that has scriptural prayers on how to pray for your husband from head to toe. I often wondered if there was anything like this and I found your site today. Please send me the free download of the prayers for your husband. I would love to pray for my husband the right way.
Thank you,
I wish you can teach me to pray for my husband, I like the pray from head to toe model. Thank you for your help
My Husband and I have been married for almost 24 years and together for 28. I have been praying for him to be an active participant in the spritual grouth of our family. He only attends chuch with us on special occations.
My kids all all growing up and moving out and alot of the time I am leaving the house alone for church. I find myself getting angry with him for not being part of this and it is not a feeling i like.
Please pray with me for my husband.
Thank you for the blessing of prayers for our husbands.
I’d like to receive the free download.
I appreciate you & God’s continued blessings to you.
Please send me a copy of these prayers! It is essential that we pray for our loved ones. Many times our husbands keep their emotions bottled up and we forget just how much weight they carry on a daily basis. I believe this prayer will help them along the way and relieve any burdens. Thank you!
yes, I would love to pray these for my husband!!! Thank you!!!
I’d like a copy of this, please!
The Bible says the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective, yet something extraordinary happens when two or more agree together in prayer. In Matt. 18:19, Jesus said, “If any two of you agree touching any matter on this earth, it shall be done.” Post your prayer request below and believe that God is going to move mightily in your life as others from around the world pray in agreement with your request! You can also contact one of our email on [email protected] god bless you
I would love a printable version of the the head to toe prayers for myself to pray for my husband please. Thank you for sharing your stories they are encouraging!
The prayers are wonderful. I would like to share it with my girl friend.
Thank You.
Hello My name is Joan Kenneth, I have been frustrated for the past 4 years with my two kids living without my husband who surprisingly left home with a girl named Mercy, One faithful day a friend of mine came visiting and I told her about the situation I am in for the past four years, she then told me about Dr Fred. That he is a very powerful man, at first I never wanted to believe her because I have spent a lot going to different places but she convinced me so I had no choice because I really need my husband back. So we contacted Dr.atiti who told me all I needed to do which I doubted. But the greatest joy in me today is that Dr.atiti was able to bring my husband back to me and now we are living happily as never before, thanks to you Dr.atiti If you have problems of any kind I will advice you to contact him with this Email ([email protected]) and you will never regret it. Once again Thanks to you Dr atiti
Thank you for the prayers… I feel that God is with us.
My name is shannon, i want to share this great testimony of my life to
every one. I was married to my husband Brown Williams, i love him so much we
have been married for 8 years now with two kids.He went on vacation to
England were he met a lady called Jennifer, he told me that he is no longer
interested in our marriage any more. i became so confused and started
seeking for help, all effort to bring him back failed until i met an old
friend called Clara and i told her about my problem then she introduce me
to a man called Dr osun momohodu who caste a spell for her that brought her ex
back to her within 3days. I contacted Dr osun to help me bring back my
husband and he ask me not to worry that the gods of his fore-fathers will
fight for me. He told me by three days he will re-unite me and my husband
together. After three days my husband called and told me he is coming back
to sought out things with me, I was surprise when I saw him and he started
begging for forgiveness. Right now I am the happiest woman on earth for
what this great spell caster did for me and my husband, you can contact Dr
osun on any spiritual problem what so ever, his powers are beyond
human comprehension,if you need his help you can contact him via:
[email protected] or you contact him with this number +2347053551734
I would like a printable version of the the head to toe prayers for myself to pray for my husband please May God bless you for your posting
Hi Renee, thank you so much for this simple way to pray for our husbands! I would love to receive this and share with my ladies bible study group. You are a blessing!!
Wow what an encouragement… Thank you God Bless!
I don’t have a husband yet; however, the Lord told me I needed to start praying again for one. I thought this would be a great place to start. Would you please send me a copy of a copy of Praying for Your Husband download? Going Head to Toe helps me to know what to pray.
I would love to recieve the free Praing for my husband download. I am very grateful for you inspiration and encouraging words.
I just now found this article, if it is not too late I would like a copy…thanks
Hi Renee,
I just recently heard of your head to toe prayer for our husbands. Is it still possible to get the download offer please?
Thank you and God Bless you
I would like your free download about praying for my husband, I NEED it desperately. I’ve fallen far away from doing this, and in fact have not been a Godly wife in many ways – so convicted, so sorry. Need to start over. 🙁
I’m praying for my husband always. He wants a divorce. He’s a severe alcoholic and is a Christian. Ty for your help. I don’t believe I’m supposed to give up as others think I should.