Are you facing something that’s more than you can handle on your own?
You are not in this alone.
God is with you.
He is for you.
Jesus is working on your behalf.
Artwork courtesy and copyright of Brianna Lock
Jesus, You know what I am facing. And how it feels like way more than I can handle. I’m tired. I’m weary… yet THIS I call to mind, therefore I will have hope – because of Your great love for me, I am not consumed. Your mercy never ceases. You give strength to the weary {that’s me}, and increases the power of the weak. Because I have put my faith and trust in Jesus, and He lives in me, then I know that GREATER is HE who is in me than he who is in the world trying to discourage me and defeat me.
Today , I will not focus on my circumstances but, instead I will focus on YOU — Now to His who is able to do immeasurably more than I can even ask or imagine according to YOUR power that is at work in me. Jesus, I am choosing today to walk in the assurance of Your love and the security of Your promises as I face this giant. My confidence is in You and Your power that is at work in me! In Your Name, amen. {Lamentations 3:21-22, Isaiah 40:29, 1 John 4:4, Ephesians 3:20}
What’s one area of your life where you are going to claim and praying these promises? Click “comment” below and share this:
I’m praying God’s promises and asking HIM to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in ____________________________.
I am standing on these promises, that God will provide or guide me to a job to provide for my children, being a single mom is new to me to give me strength and wisdom to raise my children and to take care of my elderly parents , to forgive those that have hurt me and be forgive by those I have hurt. I thank you everyday for your unconditional love for me
I am praying these promises and asking God to do immeasurably more than I can think or imagine in my marriage. We have a blended family of 8 children, 4 of which are ours together and still at home. We have been married for 14 years but have struggled on and off for those 14 years. Right now we are in a very difficult time. There is a lot of tension, bitterness and anger. My husband completely shuts down and we don’t communicate. He’s very angry and I don’t know how to love him right now but divorce is absolutely not an option for we. I saw what the divorce from my 1st husband did to my 2 sons and I could not bear to put our 4 children through that. Pray that God would bring healing and he would help us to forgive each other and start to communicate better with each other.
Juana Silva I will be praying for your marriage as well. God will get us through this.
I am praying these promises and asking God to bless each and every one of you, that He fulfills all of your individual needs! Amen.
I am praying these promises and asking God to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in granting me the promotion I am seeking and the refinancing of my home. I am so very grateful for His answering my prayers this past week as a loved one went through surgery and came out healed and whole! Amen.
Faith confession: say “God is pleased with me and His favor endures for a lifetime” (Psalm 30:5,AMP) Praying favor for all!
I am praying these promises and asking God to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in heal and restore our dead marriage. My children and I believe that God is able to bring Daddy back home.
Juana pls read my blog called two banana trees of hope it is at (sorry don’t know how to do a link!) I think it will encourage your faith. It is what I am holding onto in marriage problems. X
I KNOW that as I pray through God’s promises he will bring my daughter back home and get her away from the boy and the trouble they seem to be in; she WILL be a renewed Christian.
I am also praying for you, Susan – remember YOU are “good enough” and God will see you through this.
Tammy believe that God has the control of your daughter’s life. The battle is his. God bless you and fill your heart with his abundantly love.
Also praying for DM, Wendy, Cheryl, and Laverne. Your messages popped up while I was slowly typing.
I signed up to do NaNoWriMo – Write a novel in a month. It starts November 1 and I am not able to do this alone. But I feel that God wants me to show women that we can be proactive leaders in our own lives. I say “we” because I am working towards this too. I have not written much fiction and I feel the plot I’ve thought up is not “good enough” and in any case, needs to be plumped up. I want to be a channel for what God wants me to say via this book. Prayers are much appreciated. PRAYING for you, DEENA! 🙂
I am praying God’s promises and asking him to do immeasurably more than I can think or ask for in the area of my daughter Destinee. She is on the autism spectrum and really struggling in school she has not made much progress in her academics and in the 6th grade but fuctioning on a 3rd grade level. she has sensory processing issues along with anxiety and now due to bulling in school the doctor said says that she has post tramatic stress disorder and she fears going to school. We are trusting God to have her moved to a new school that will address her academic needs as well anxiety and other issues. My God is able to do all things .
I am going to claim and pray these promises for my situation. My husband left (the first time) almost five years ago, and we were divorced. We were High School sweethearts and we were married for 29 years. I was completely devastated. He has lived a partying lifestyle, and when we were apart he was with another woman—one that I know of—and I can’t even describe the pain from knowing that he was with another woman. Then a year and a half ago he wanted to come back, and even though he had hurt me so badly, I began seeing him, and have been seeing him for a year and a half. He started coming to church with me and we were planning to re-marry. (We did try counseling, but he quit after the 3rd session, and said he will not go to counseling ever again.) Then 2 months ago, he said he wanted to take a break from seeing me. I don’t know what is going on, and I am completely hearbroken–again. I desperately want my marriage to be healed, but I don’t know if I should hold out any hope anymore, or if I should even pray anymore for my marriage to be healed, or if I am supposed to just let it go—but I am going to claim these promises. I’m asking God to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in my ex-husband’s life. Please pray that he would surrender his life to Christ. Mom–I am praying for your son, that he will know and experience how much the Lord loves him, and that he will return to the Lord.
Deena, I’m praying that you hold steadfast in the knowledge that He does and will provide our every need. It is hard to understand that His timimg is not always aligned with ours but His is perfect timing!
I’m praying these promises and asking God to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in my son’s fight against cancer. He is 14 years old and has his 5 year scans this Friday. Even though the 10 year survival rate is very low, we continue to have faith that the Lord will continue to bless him.
I’m praying that your prayers will be answered and your portions will be overflowing from our Lord.
Also, to Mom, I praying for your son and agreeing with you in prayer.
I’m praying for you Nancy.
I’m praying God’s promises and asking HIM to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in the area of my family finances. I need a job and I need to find food for my family and gas for my car today. My “Daddy” owns the cattle on a 1,000 hills and He will show me the way.
Thanks for praying for me.
Today I am praying Gods promises and provisions for my family and marriage . I currently have a job singing in a band, but the schedule is so very hard on my family. I pray that God would direct me and if needed open doors for a new job, and help prepare my exit to Glorify Him! I am scared and anxious about the future, but I know God will provide new opportunities to sing to Him and for Him!
I also pray for a moms son. Father God, you are a loving Father with a plan for each and every life. I join my sister in Christ, and hold up her son. I ask in the mighty name of Jesus, to return her Son to the joy of his salvation in you. May your Holy Spirit blow and rekindle the fire of Your love in his heart! Bless her son this day, in the name of Jesus, amen!
I’m praying God’s promises and asking HIM to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in my journey to lose 50lbs and facing the trauma of my childhood with a Christian counselor. I have started on both journies many times but never both at the same time or with God as my guide. Both feel overwhelming.
I am praying and claiming God’s promises today for my son who in not walking with the Lord. Nancy I a praying for God to open up a door you don’t yet see to provide for you today
I had surgery in March of this year and when it was time to go back to work, my employer told me not to bother because they were going to promote the girl who had been filling in for me. After I got over the blow of being terminated, I dusted my shoes off and turned back to the Lord and have stayed on track since. I was able to collect unemployment but it will end in December of this year. I have applied for wonderful jobs that I am well qualified for and yet God has not placed me in any of these positions. I am trying to stay focused on Him and not panick as the end of the year draws closer. For today, my goal will be to focus only on God and not on a job. Praise the Lord.
Nancy, I myself am facing downsizing at the end of the year. I am worried, scared a a bag of nerves. I am praying and trying to place all my trust in a God who never fails. Praying with and for you that God will open doors for us and thsat He will provide for our every need.
Praying for the our confidence to be in our heavenly father and the power is from him…
Praying for certain life situations…Praying for Liz, finances and furture husband. Claiming these in Jesus Name!
Praying for each of the above ladies…
I am praying that God should give me my heart desire that i have prayed for the past 15 years. He is an answerable God and should give me the strenght in all things.
Praying for each and every one of you special ladies today that you will find comfort and rest in our Lord as only He can give. It seems as I read each one of your posts I can relate to each one of you- my daughter had speech issues from the time she was 2 yrs. old up until third grade and at times I thought she would never speak normally, but Praise God, today she is a senior in HS and is in the top of her class and that’s what she wants to major in! At the time we were going through all of that …therapy sessions and practicing and Dr. Visits and crying and praying alone in the shower, my Jesus had a plan for each one of those days to be used
mightly for Him so He could fulfill His plan for her. I have issues in my marriage, my family is fractured,my husband and mother haven’t spoken in 2 yrs, and my heart is broken,but again my Jesus has used each one of these days father who believed in God but didn ‘t go to church is now a faithful member, does bible study in his home and humbles me by what he knows and his faith that our family will be restored amazes me.
I tell you these things not because I minimize your pain…I cry and pray everyday over my situation (marriage, my job) but I keep clinging to my Jesus knowing even on the worst of my days He is using them and had them planned out for my good . Thank-you Renee and all you others for being such a sweet source of comfort with your words of prayer and encouragement. Num 6 :24-26
I am claiming these promises and believing God to immeasurably more than I can think of or ever imagine in my finances and future husband. In Jesus name!
Praying for you too Rosalyn. God will send you a home. I’m praying for my own! Let’s trust Him together.
I’m currently without my own home. Trusting for God’s direction where He is leading us next. Letting Him work out the details… exceedingly beyond what I can ask or think.
Also praying for Marsha, for God’s abundant provision for their financial situation. Doors of opportunity opening and more than enough for all your needs through the abundance in Christ Jesus.
I’m praying God’s promises and asking HIM to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in our finances. My husband lost his full-time job over 2 1/2 years ago. He has found a part-time job, and I am also working. Both of us and our children struggle with anxiety, and he is a recovering alcoholic. Our financial situation is just overwhelming to me. I live most days in dread. Isn’t it wonderful when a daily devotion speaks exactly what you need to hear? I so desire to keep my focus and thoughts and heart on HIM.
Praying for Tara, and each of the other women, that God meets us right where we are today and that we feel His love and provision and see His promises fullfilled in our lives.
I’m praying God’s promises and asking HIM to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in
Our finances and a different job for my husband. He works a lot of hours and we have maybe 2 hours in the evening and Sunday to spend time together. We have a business opportunity that we are praying about. Would be a big step of faith. The word tells me that God knows the plans he has for us . Please pray that we will know his will very clearly. My prayers are with each and every one of you. God bless.
Julie, I am praying that God will bless u with the perfect job. Isn’t it a blessed assurannce for us to know that God is bigger than any obstacle we may be facing. God bless you as you wait upon our Lord.
In my present financial circumstances, I know He is able to give me a good job and allow me to regain my health and increase my faith in Him!!!
To God Be All The Glory!!!!!!!!! Jules.
that i might have shingles again and it is the start of my son’s homecoming week.
in my health, finances and family!!! i was brought back from death, not to be homeless and destitute, but to be about my Father’s business….in HIS abundance!
I pray Gods promises in regards to my marriage and the restoration if its His will.
Sue. Lifting you up in prayer
what God has brought together, NO man can put asunder! marriage is from God and He can do ALL things for those that love Him and are the called according to HIS purpose. i give this marriage to you, Lord. it is in Your hands!
I am claiming these promises as I struggle with self-doubt and that “not good enough”feeling. This goes back to my childhood and it is difficult to move beyond those thoughts. Only our gracious Father can heal me in this area.
I was told the whole time I was growing up that I was a mistake of God. I spent 30 plus years of my life trying to earn my mother’s love – and trying to be good enough. It did not matter what I did. I was a good kid, good student (even President of National Honor Society, etc.), and the list goes on. Guess what? I have quit defining myself according to what my Mom (or the world said or says). I now define myself according to His Word. Who is smarter ? My Mom or God, the world or God. I strongly (underline and bold) recommend the book See Yourself As God Sees You by Josh McDowell. It gives great insight into looking at yourself as God does – and He loves you so much ! You are His masterpiece ! Just ask God.
He will tell you this over and over. I still at times hear my mother’s voice saying “You are a mistake. You should never have been born. You are ugly “…. and the list definitely could go on. Now I am ready to replace what I hear my Mom saying to what I hear Him saying in His Word. Be prepared to replace those “not good enough” thoughts with “God loves you” thoughts. I will be praying for you. Please feel free to email me.
Thanks for your response, Rita. I have some questions for you. Would you email me at [email protected]?
prayong that people fear to me would recognize their source of life jos our loving Father and that God would build a bridge of communication and mutual respect between the facilities I am involved with everyday.
Sorry, didn’t proof read, big fingers : )
I’m praying God’s promise and asking HIM to do immeasurably more than I can think or imagine with my psoriasis. I have been afraid God won’t heal me and I will have to live with this forever. I really want to be at peace and I thank the person who is praying for me.
Catherine, I will be praying for you.
In prayer for each and every one of
you ladies. where two or more gather he is there.
My prayer request is that the planning of the big event in December all fall in place. Stressing over things not coming thru as stated by vendors. I do feel just like the prayer reads.
I’m praying God’s promises and asking HIM to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in helping guide me in being a better mom and to get my son all the help he needs. To no expect perfection out of either of us. To rebuild and place sparl back in my relationship with my husband. To find the right balance of family and individuals in our life. I need to have better boundries with some family and not always take what the say to heart.
Shauna, I pray for peace for you from the Lord and strength to recover from the relationship. It is a hard road. It is not easy to recover when your trust has been violated. You will remain in my thoughts and prayers.
I pray for God’s guidance in my life. I am facing a divorce after 26 years of marriage. The pain is deep. The whole situation has affected my health. I recently had a heart attack & spent a week at the hospital. I have 4 kids. Two are married & the other two (16 & 12) depend on me. I have prayed over this decision for years & I feel on my spirit that this is the right thing to do. I need God to guide me to do things according to his will.
Catherine, I pray that God give you wisdom to be the Mom your kids need. I definitely understand how your feel. Being a Mom is not an easy task, but with God all things are possible. Love you 🙂
Catherine, I’m praying for you. I’m struggling with the same issues you are. I wrote a blog post for the blog hop last week on Melissa Taylor’s OBS for Unglued (Lysa TerKeurst’s new book) and I share my own struggles with boundaries. I’m not sure how to put a link to it but if you’d like to read it, the address is and the name of the blog is “For Such a Time as This”. The name of the post is “Boundaries”. Blessings and peace to you.
I am in a similar situation it sounds like as the post before me. Funny I am praying for women like myself and was led to one by name and it happens to be mine. I too felt divorce wasn’t an option but I am not choosing it, it was chosen for me and I have to accept it. Forgiveness is a process so that I am leaving to God so I no longer feel overwhelmed w/ that and through knowing it is a process I am able to feel a weight lifted. I dig in every day for something from him.
I am a stay at home mom who home schools my daughter. I will no have to look for a job and this is the part that I am praying this verse over the most right now. When I put her in school I want to be available to her and in her life after school and when school is out. I also am part of ministry to kids and do not wnt to give that up. I had a desire in my heart to start a ministry for stay at home moms and was just about to bite the bullet on it but now I do not know how that fits in with going back to work and with God’s plan and purpose for me.
I guess that is it.. finding God’s plan and purpose now that “that part” of my life and purpose is gone.
I am praying this for our finances. I have let it all overwhelm me at times but I have found that I have peace and joy during this storm as long as I look to Him and spend time with Him and read His word. I know He will provide just like He has before. We almost lost our house but we were blessed to have my mom help us. I know things are going to turn around but in His timing. I know in the meantime He is still working on me.
Please pray for my marriage. I am so angry with my husband and no longer trust him. I am grieving the loss of (what I thought was) a good marriage, and since divorce is not an option for me, I feel trapped. My bitterness toward him is killing me. This scripture verse really spoke to me. Thank you, Renee, for your ministry! Lord, I pray this verse over every women on this thread. May they feel Your loving arms wrapped around them today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
I am in a similar situation it sounds like as the post before me. Funny I am praying for women like myself and was led to one by name and it happens to be mine. I too felt divorce wasn’t an option but I am not choosing it, it was chosen for me and I have to accept it. Forgiveness is a process so that I am leaving to God so I no longer feel overwhelmed w/ that and through knowing it is a process I am able to feel a weight lifted. I dig in every day for something from him.
I prayed for you Renee C this morning! Keep your eyes on HIM.
Renee, I’m so frustrated that I wrote a long response to you because it sounds so much like my own situation and when I posted it, it just disappeared. 🙁 I’ve got to leave now but know that I’m praying for you and I ask for your prayers for my marriage as well.
I am praying God’s promises and asking HIM to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in recovering from a broken relationship where trust and security was lost. This has shaken me to the core and I keep reliving the pain and trying to figure out what I could’ve done differently. I also want to believe and trusting that I am exactly where God wants me to be and getting my thoughts under control where they can constantly be focused on Him.
Helen Y I pray that The Lord will give you peace within your marriage and show you what plans he has for your life. I pray that you are able to find strength in His love, the promises that He has for you and that you are able to remain steadfast in knowing exactly how He sees you.
Shauna, I pray that God will provide you with the strength and peace to move on from your broken relationship. I pray that He will help you release all thoughts that are not helpful in this situation and help you to stay focused on His perfect peace. May He bless and keep you.
I am praying these promises for healing in my neck for a problem that I’ve had for three months. I have pain and am unable to do regular things. i’m beginning to feel a bit better and I’m starting back to work 1/2 days today.
June I pray that God would make known to you the call He has on your life.
Lynnette, your post came while I was typing. Praying the promises for you and your family and that things will work out for you and your finances and that you will receive the miracle needed to keep your house.
Thank you all for your prayers!!!!
I am praying this for our finances. We are about to loose our house unless God intervenes. We need a miracle SOON!!!! Please pray for God’s favor in our situation.
Lynnette, I am praying that God will send the miracle you need to be in His perfect will. May He give you wisdom and insight into your situation so that you will know exactly what steps you need to take. God bless you and your family.
I am praying these promises for the call God has on my life.
Dear Helen, I wrote your name down to remember to pray for your request.
Helen, send me an email. I would like to send a book to you.
The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian
[email protected]
Sorry the above comment was meant as a reply to Pam johns
I prayed for u! May God’s love fill your heart and may you know his loving arms around you. May you know that he is the reason for you to live.
I have written a blog that may encourage you. It is called Two banana trees of hope on sorry don’t know how to do a link. Stay strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Much love.
I am praying these promises for my marriage and for the call God has placed upon my life. The battle is very difficult for me right now and am finding it hard to press on. Am so encouraged by this promise and prayer.
I am praying these promises for the call God has on my life.
Dear Helen, I wrote your name down to remember to pray for your request.
Helen, send me an email. I would like to send a book to you.
The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian
[email protected]
Thank you will e-mail you.
Helen, I too have been in a long difficult struggle in my marriage. I too found a lot of help with the book mentioned. Keep your eyes on God, He is bigger than any marital problem and He will guide you in the best way. Trust his promises. I did/do and am starting to reap some of the benefits. The trials have eased up and I see God at work in my husband. Jonah 4:2b I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity. God bless you, Dear One.
Thanks for the encouragement. God keeps on highlighting just to trust in him so your comment encourages me to do just that. I get frustrated when nothing seems to be changing but God tells me to wait! I wrote a blog on how he spoke to me through a beetle maybe it will encourage you to hand onto Him too! It is called when God tells you to wait
I am dealing with depression and anxiety. I am divorced after 27yrs of marriage to a Baptist minister. This time of year is particarly hard for me…my symptoms exacerbate near holidays, the birthdays of my 2 daughters, and our anniversary. All days that were at the time the happiest days of my life, are now overwhelming sad to me. I no longer look at family albums etc since all of the happy memories with my children envolve my exhusband. During our 27 yrs of marriage he was involved with over 20 diff women, most of whom were “friend” of mine. I don’t like.nore enjoy my life!!! My self esteam is non-exsistant since having to leave my job due to health problems and am now living on disability. This week has been particarly hard and I do feel as if ” I just don’t care anymore”! I would value your prayers and words of wisdom. Thank you for taking time from you busy schedule to read this lengthy dissertation ! May God bless your ministry!
Pam, I pray that the Lord would wrap His arms of love around you and hold You close. I am also recently divorced, and agree that the holidays are so bittersweet. I pray, sweet woman, that God would speak to You personally and wipe away the pain associated with your loss. I pray that He would set You free from all the “what ifs” “if onlys” and “should haves” and turn you eyes to the future He has for you. May you find the truth about the path you are on, and deliverance from your depression. Pam, please email me. My email is [email protected] and I want to get to know you better!
Pam my heart goes out to you! I can not imagine the pain of betrayal you must be feeling. Please know that YOU are precious in God’s sight. Jesus has promised to carry your burdens when you surrender them to Him. He has great plans for YOU to prosper and plans not to harm you. He wil never leave you or forsake you! You are NOT the minister’s wife. You are Pam, God’s beloved child, that He knew before He formed you. Your identity is NOT in your husband, your job, or your children!
Father God, I pray for Pam right now that you would wrap your loving arms around her. I bind Satan and his schemes against Pam right now in Jesus Christ’s Name. I pray for a sound mind, the mind of Christ for Pam and that she would be free from believing the lies from the enemy who seeks to destroy her. I pray that she comes to know the love of Christ fully and completely. I pray for her healing and that she would be filled with joy again and the peace that surpasses all understanding! I pray that she would be able to forgive that she may be freed from the bondage of bitterness and resentfulness, that nothing would hinder her prayers. Thank You, Father for Pam and for what You will do in her life. I lift up our precious sister in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
I am praying this prayer because what is going on in my life is way bigger than me. I know that only God’s strength & wisdom will carry me through. My family (mother, father, sister & brother) is in crisis & I know that I may have to sever some relationships to keep my children safe & emotionally healthy. This will be very difficult for me to do. In the midst of all this, I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I am in constant, sometimes severe pain. It is very difficult for me to work a whole week much less keep my house clean, cook & take care of my family.
I will also be praying you, Julia, that God will build a hedge around you to protect you from satan & provide you the emotional stability that you need.
I will also pray for your daughter, Rene. God bless you & your family for investing in little Aster’s life. Please pray for me & my family (especially my mom).
The impending loss of our foster baby, who we have raised from newborn. He is drug effected and medically fragile and scheduled to be reunified with his biological mother soon.
Dalyn, I am praying that God will comfort and strengthen you to deal with this terribly painful situation. May He give you the peace that only He can give.
Dalyn, Keep your mind stay on him he will give you rest and understanding. Let not your heart be trouble trust in the LORD with all your heart lead not into your own understanding in all thy ways he will direct your path. What so ever you say unto this mountain be thy remove be thy cast in the sea shall not doubt inyour heart, but believe those thing which he saidth shall come to pass. I will keep you in my prayer. May God Be with you.
I am praying that I would have emotional stability and not listen to the lies of satan. I am also praying to work in the grace of God’s forgiveness now and forevermore.
Lord I pray that you give Mary the peace that passes all understanding. I also pray Jerimaiah 29.11 for her .
You know the plan you have for her, plans
to give her a hope and a future. Amen
And Father, I pray that Your truth and Grace would wash over Julia and calm her emotions. Father, you have told us that you will keep us in perfect peace if we keep our mind set on you, but that is often so tricky. I pray that you would speak words of love over Julia, rejoice over her with singing, and quiet her with your love. Remind her, Father, that your mercies are fresh every morning, and fill her mind with your truth about You, her identity in You, her circumstances, and Your power to provide. Destroy the strongholds that the enemy has built up in her, so she can walk in confidence through You. Amen.
I’m praying God’s promises and asking HIM to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in wiping out this sense of anxiety that I have been dealing with for many years. I need God’s assurance that I am right where He wants me to be and doing what He has called me too, assurance that it is his voice I’m following and not my own.
Father God, I pray for this young man who is need of self-confidence and the security of a job/job training program that will provide stability for him and his son. May you guide this young man to just the right company this week.
I am praying God’s promises and asking Him who can do immesurably more than I can think of or imagine for my grandson who has problems with insecurity… in need of a job or job training to help him support himself and his son.
Lord I ask for this woman and her children and fiancee that opportunity open for them to have work to support ther needs. I also ask for a home for them. Lord,You already have a plan for them.Give faith in you and courage to go on.Amen.
I’m praying these promises and asking God to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in my daughter Aster’s speech development and sensory processing integration, especially at pre-school.
Please let me know how i can pray for you too. And be sure to pray for the person who leaves a comment just above yours.
I am praying these promises for my finances and for us to find a home to call our own (we are currently renting an apartment). I am a single mom of 10 year old twins, working full time. I was also working a part-time job to help, but my hours were drastically reduced. I know God will provide. He always does. I am in covenant with Him… Thank you for standing in agreement with me.
Renee, I will continually pray for your daughter’s speech development and sensory processing integration.
God Bless,
Hi Julie,
God truly is good, Iam a mother of twins also. They are twenty five now. And Iam here to tell you that our God will provide all that you need he did for me and he takes joy when we put our trust in him.
At times it was hard looking back on my life I see that his mighty hand was always with us. We never missed a meal and always had a roof over our head. More than that he has given me a heart for single moms, he wants us to put him first, stay the course and know that he loves our children more then we do and truly wants the best for them. So keep up the good work and remember all of his promises.
God bless
Hi Julie,
I too am a single mom to an adorable toddler son. I’m praying these promises also over my finances because I too want to buy a home to call ours. I have been renting for the past two years and recently decided to take the steps, whatever God calls me to do (not what Liz prefers) to get where I desire for us to be. It’s a struggle to follow God, but I know it will be well worth it. I’m praying with you also. I know God will continue to provide for us and our families. God bless you and your boys.
And Kim,
Thanks for sharing your encouraging words. They helped me too. “He wants us to put Him first, stay the course and know that He loves our children more than we do “(wow). It’s hard to envision someone loving my son more than me. Thank God!
I pray that for you too, Renee. My little girl also had issues with speech development and sensory processing integration. I know how time-consuming that can be, and I pray for God to give both you and the teachers patience, wisdom, and creativity in approaching her issues. I also pray that He would whisper to You that He made her exactly like He wanted her, and that this season of her life is also for you to grow in faith and to see His hand on you in new ways.
I’m praying God’s promises and asking HIM to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in my marriage. We are struggling and we’ve only been married a year.
Marriage is hard work! I so wish somone would have told me how we would struggle, then I may have been a little more prepared when it happened. I’m praying for God to do exceeding above all that I ask and think in my marriage as well, but I’ve been married almost 28 years! Don’t give up!! God is FAITHFUL always. All married folks struggle because of the nature of two sinners signing on to live life together. When I was a young wife I thought it was only me who had struggles because everyone else “seemed” to be able to make it work but me (that is a lie, by the way). God will use your marriage for your own sanctification, to help you depend on HIM for all you need. He knows and understands and has GREAT plans for your life and marriage. Trust Him to finish the work he began in you through the difficulties in your marriage and take every trouble to HIM. He will give you strength and grace to live out the gospel today!!
Kirsten, I had gone through struggles in my first couple of years of marriage also. We did not come to know the Lord until our 3rd year and I can tell you from experience that putting the Lord at the center of your marriage is key. We are married 19 years now and it has been quite a journey of learning and making choices to love one another. We found a book a few years ago that has helped us tremendously
named Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. He really puts things into perspective according to the Word in what God created marriage to look like. It’s not easy and takes work. We wish we knew these principles earlier on in our marriage. I can honestly tell you that God has moved in us and has brought us to a place where our marriage has never been better! We are currently going through financial difficulties as my husband got laid off over a month ago, but we are closer and trusting in our awesome Provider who is so faithful!
Keep persevering, keep praying, as I know it is God’s Will for your marriage to be the greatest blessing to you both as you strive to honor and glorify Him!
Be blessed.
Thank you, Renee
To be more motivated and disciplined in doing my responsibilities. I have been struggling with depression the last year. I will pray for you Julie that you will have more than enough from unexpected resources. And Renee that God will make you the rock you need to be for this child.
Deb Dean
I am wanting to connect to you as I was touched by your daughter’s story and diagnoses of apazia. My son is seven with apazia and I know what you are going through. I would love to have contact with you.
Im in the mist of struggling with the lose of income first by having a weekly luch roon job reduced to only a supply on call and my special needs babysitting jog ive had for about 13 years will soon end in dec but im holding on to the fact that jesus know my situation and he know the plan and his love for me will never change