Are you facing something that’s more than you can handle on your own?
You are not in this alone.
God is with you.
He is for you.
Jesus is working on your behalf.
Artwork courtesy and copyright of Brianna Lock
Jesus, You know what I am facing. And how it feels like way more than I can handle. I’m tired. I’m weary… yet THIS I call to mind, therefore I will have hope – because of Your great love for me, I am not consumed. Your mercy never ceases. You give strength to the weary {that’s me}, and increases the power of the weak. Because I have put my faith and trust in Jesus, and He lives in me, then I know that GREATER is HE who is in me than he who is in the world trying to discourage me and defeat me.
Today , I will not focus on my circumstances but, instead I will focus on YOU — Now to His who is able to do immeasurably more than I can even ask or imagine according to YOUR power that is at work in me. Jesus, I am choosing today to walk in the assurance of Your love and the security of Your promises as I face this giant. My confidence is in You and Your power that is at work in me! In Your Name, amen. {Lamentations 3:21-22, Isaiah 40:29, 1 John 4:4, Ephesians 3:20}
What’s one area of your life where you are going to claim and praying these promises? Click “comment” below and share this:
I’m praying God’s promises and asking HIM to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in ____________________________.
rony adwan says
jesus forgive me for been avoiding all this time and forgive me for a;; my mistakes i did to waeds you and wards the other, jesus guide me what to do about my relationship with daria, is been hard been away from her im missing her every second, forgive me for not feeling her need, and bless everyone and us ,Amen
maria says
I am asking and beleving that God can and will do immeasurably more than I could ever ask or imagine in the area of the relationship with my daughter and husband,and that the friction and frustration of sports will dissapear in the name of Jesus.
Darryl says
If you need prayer, sometimes it’s how we pray or what we declare that determines the outcome.
I agree. Please check out my blog on this empowering subject.
Lorna says
I’m praying God’s promises and asking HIM to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in the lives of my 4 oldest children who do not follow the Lord.
Sarah says
Lorna, I pray along with you that God would surprise the socks off of you with how He introduces Himself and enters the lives of your four children. I pray that as this comes about, you would become closer as a family and they would learn of the deep truth of why you love Jesus so much. I pray that it would strike them, the way you are focusing on Him, and that it would spark in them a desire to do the same, even if they have no idea why they have this desire.
Lord, I pray the same for my family- my parents and brother who have never known you. I pray that this Advent season You would surprise the socks off of ME by how abundantly clear it is that you ARE working in their lives drawing them closer to you. I pray that I can be a part of this, but I pray for the humility to remember that it is ONLY by YOUR grace that I was and am saved, and that apart from You I can do nothing. Remind me of this as I become aware of how You are working in my family’s lives. Bless my socks off. Humble me. Bring me to Your feet in adoration once again. Help me to lay all my sin and anguish, reluctance to Your will, and pain and sorrow at Your feet. Help me to truly live a life called out by You, without fear, and with irresistible excitement.
Lord, I also pray you would humbly bless my socks off regarding my art business. I pray You would strip me of all pretentions surrounding it, and fully focus me on You in the purpose of it. I pray many lives would be blessed this Christmas through anything Your Holy Spirit inspires me to do. Thank you Jesus for the beauty of Your blessings and gifts upon us. May we not take them for granted. And may we be aware of Your call to us to work for Your Kingdom on this earth, and may You make people ever-aware, around the world, that the harvest is here, the time is ripe, and the time for acknowledging You, surrendering to You, and drawing others to You is NOW.
Emily says
Lord, I am praying these promises and that you would do immeasurably more than we can think or imagine in the art business Sarah has. I praying that you would bless may people through her work.
Lord, I also praying for your direction in the new career and business that I am in. I pray that you will do immeasurably more than I can ask or imagine. I pray that you would rid me of the paralysis of fear and indecision. I pray that you would let the right opportunities become more apparent and that others would fail. Lord, please continue to refine me thru this process.
Lord, I pray that more people would know that this is a time of acknowledging you, surrendering to you, and drawing others to you. This has also been on my heart Sarah.
I pray all of this in your precious son’s name. Amen.
Taylor says
TM, I am praying with you that God meets all of your needs and the needs of your family. I pray that he heals what has been broken. Although I am a new Christian I thank God that he continues to reach for us. Looking back over my life, there were storms that I didn’t understand. Today I am so grateful for those storms because I see that God meant them all for my good. Be encouraged
Taylor says
I’m praying these promises and asking God to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in my life. I am a new Christian and like a child the more I hear about the goodness of Jesus the more I want to know (experience). I want the peace that surpasses all understanding. I want to hear Gods voice. And I want God to work in and through me. Since I have opened my heart and mind to truly serve him many obstacles have become present on my job and in my home. I am grateful for my girlfriends in God and my encouragement for today devotions(Proverbs 31 ministries) because whatever I am facing at that moment these readings always have a way of showing me the Godly way of handling the situation, and gives me scriptures to support what they are speaking on. I would like to encourage everyone to go to and read these two devotions for yourselves. .
tm says
I’m praying God’s promises and asking HIM to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in my finances and for the sale of our home. I am a single mother of 3 adult children, the oldest thru college, living at home w/ a good job which I am very thankful for (I know in this day and age that is truly a blessing) and my other 2 are both in college. I am within 4 months of losing our home that I have had on the market for almost 3 years after my ex husband of 7 years walked out on. In the last 3 years I have incurred so much debt trying to keep a roof over our heads as well as our other needs. I have watched the retirment that I had dwindle down to nothing in those three years and I am having a really hard time understanding why God would allow everything that is going on…..I do believe that God will take care of us as he always has in the past, but it is so hard not to worry and wonder what will happen if we do not sell the house in the next couple of months. Thankfully I was raised in a christian home and I have tried to raise my own children to know that God will always provide for our needs. I pray for peace and understanding in all of this and for God to bring a buyer for our house.
janelle says
I’m praying that God will do immeasurably more than I could think or imagine in my family. My parents marriage is hanging on by a thread, after 29 years! I refuse to believe after all those years it will end like this! And my brother and sister both looking for work/careers. In Jesus name my family will be put back together and will be blessed and prosperous! Also my own finances, praise God He has been my supplier & provider for my 5 year marriage and for my two beautiful kids, I’m so thankful! I’m praying for wisdom in handling our finances, also to be debt free! Thank You Jesus!
Praying for all these women leaving comments, God supply every need according to Your riches in glory!! and I thank You now Jesus for answering ALL of our prayers!
Daughter of Destiny says
I’m praying in God’s will to be healthy & wealthy according to his word! I’m asking God to stretch forth his mighty hand of blessings in my life, because I’m putting the spiritual law of giving & receiving in operation in order to be in harmony with God’s word! Hallelujuah!!!! I’m praying for all the people that posted the comments that I have read! Please be assured that God is working in your behalf right now! He promised never to leave you, nor forsake you! We must always hold on to God’s unchanging hand! No matter how the situation looks, or how the body feels, stay focused on God, he will deliver right on time!
heather sumey says
Just what I needed to hear in this moment. I’m so grateful for the message you shared today!
mk says
I am praying God’s promise and asking him to do immeasurably more then I can think to imagine in the lives of my boys- jw, mr and al. They are in a confusing place right now questioning dating and sex and marriage. I pray that God speaks to them and shows them the way. And God, give me strength in leading them… I can’t do this alone. Help me know the right thing to say and when to say it. Help my boys to know that the ways of the world are not alway Your ways. Please speak to their hearts and help them to remain true to themselves and their families. Keep them pure and innocent. In Jesus name, Amen.
Stephanie says
Thank you Jesus for mk. Lord please speak to the hearts of her boys. I pray they would passionately seek after You and purify their hearts. Show them the blessings of Your ways, the protection and joys you have for them in Your plan and Your ways. I know you are able to do immeasureably more than my prayers to You today in their lives.
Lord I also ask you to do immeasurably more than I ask or think regarding my healing, my family and our needs and hopes and dreams. Let Your will be done. Thank You Jesus! In Jesus Name.
Karen Seigh says
I’m praying God’s promises and asking HIM to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in my job. I always feel behind, like I will never catch up. I feel very inadequate when I miss deadlines due the projects that get dropped on me at the last minute. Am I feeling this way because God does not really want me in this job? I find myself wishing for another job where I can work with people one on one. I do not feel like what I do is making a difference. 🙁
Love4mom1 says
I’m trusting God to show me a way that I can retire from my job, I have a desire to stay at home with my children and the time never seems to be right, worry and concern over finances always seems to come to mind, but If I would walk by faith and not by sight and actually make a move I know God will meet me there and He will supply all my needs. I’m trusting and believing that my exit plan from my job of 22.5 years is soon approching and I claim I will be financially set and not have to worry about my finances, this has been a prayer for years and years of mine, it was placed in my heart and it has to come to pass, and I believe it will in Jesus name.
Heather says
I’m praying God’s promises and asking HIM to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in our unborn baby’s life. He or she was a HUGE shock in our lives but a miracle from God above. I was recently diagnosed with Celiac Disease and the doctor told me that it would be at least a year before we could try again due to my body healing itself through eating a gluten-free diet. I am overwhelmed with emotions because we are struggling financially and we already have an amazing 2 year old son who also was a miracle. He was born 4 weeks after my mother passed away suddenly in her sleep. Lord I need your love and strength right now as I live each day with this new life forming in my womb. God, I know there are no mistakes and that you have gone before me and planned out my life for me God. Transform my emotions from shock and fear to excitement and enjoyment of this new life my love and I have created through our love. I am so grateful for the life you’ve given to me and the paths I’ve chosen Lord for they have made the woman that I am today. You are my rock and my shield, my redeemer and my strong tower! I love thee Lord Oh I love thee!!! I ask audaciously in your son’s most gracious name, My Jesus, Amen!!!!
dmc says
I am praying Jesus that you will intervene in the lives of Matthew 19 and Marc 17, my sons. They have left my home because of drugs and rebelliousness. Living with my ex husband who hates me and my family. I pray Jesus, you will go after their hearts and defeat the stronghold of addiction/rebelliousness in their lives. I know you are after them. Lord, I am broken hearted and need your strength and comfort. It’s more than I can handle and I know you will carry me.
I Love You Lord.
Renee Swope says
Lord Jesus, I lift up dmc and her sons Matthew and Marc to you, I stand in agreement with her prayers that you would rescue these young men with the power of your Love. Jesus set them free from the trap Satan has set for them through drugs, addiction, and anything that is keeping them from turning their hearts to you alone our Savoir and Redeemer. Jesus nothing is too difficult for you. In the power of Your Name and through healing blood You spilled out on our behalf, come to their rescue. Break the chains that bind them, thwart the enemies schemes, break them, boldly confront their sin and bring them to their knees before You where they can be made whole.
Father, God of all comfort, wrap your peace and comfort around this momma’s heart that is aching so deeply. You know her pain. Be her strength and her Shield. Be her refuge and her Fortress. You are her God – her Rock and Redeemer – Her strong Tower. She runs to you and she is safe. Calm her fears and help her trust You more than anything. In Jesus’ Name, amen!!
Cathy B*****y says
Help me Lord to believe with you for miracles in the area of my children, grandchildren, finances, and health. All of the above literally need miracles. But that is your challenge Lord.. I am facing utility shutoffs this week, with no provision capable from my own hands…my car engine blew last year and there has been no ability to replace it even with an older used car…. my children need healing from divorces, and my grandchildren need the same. After my eldest grandchild came home from a short term missions trip, all of the warfare of the other kingdom has come upon her and she needs your help to choose you and your ways. Please help her to make Godly choices… to leave the public school she is in and go back to homeschooling… to start surrounding herself with Godly friends again know who she is in you Lord…. to deliver my grandson from the home of his evil father… please open up a Christian Ranch or program that will allow him to stay for a few months to re establish in his life the parameters of Godliness , love, and respect that will help him to become all of whom you created him to be… for a form of healing of my inoperable spinal tumors eating through my spine, and the heart probs, that will allow me to continue on in this life… for your purpose and Glory Lord!
JW~ God is with you in this struggle and will help you… He only needs your willing heart. He hears your prayers. He knows your heartache and burdens…He wants you to know you are complete in Him! I will ask Him to lift you up in our hearts whenever you need it.. which only He knows… Rest assured your family in Christ will be holding you up in prayer!
Cathy B*****y pbprojecthope at yahoo dot com
JW says
I am struggling with a drinking problem and I live in an area where work is scarce. I am greatful that my my sister emailed your 7 day devotional to me. It was God’s timing and has been a blessing. Praying for everyone to have faith. We are not alone. Thank-you Lord.
dmb says
To give my anxiety of completing my CASA ( court appointed child advocate for abused & neglected children) training this week. Also to have faith that God will provide, if its his will, to raise enough money to go on a mission trip this coming feb to uganda.
Heather says
dmb-God has given you this dream in your heart because he has given it to you. It is His will when he’s breathed it into your heart and soul. I want to encourage you to read one of the most amazing books I’ve ever read, Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick. He teaches you to pray audaciously and stepping out of your comfort and making your God-Given dreams reality! I am praying as I type that you find this book and order it, that you will read it and that God will show you that this is your life-mission and that you own with all your heart and soul. God can never give too much you can’t handle and that He is ALWAYS with you. May the Lord continue to use you to further His Kingdom and to be a light to those who are in need. Know that God loves you and so do I for you are my sister in Christ.
Marie says
I praying these promises for my marriage which has been broken from day 1(only by the grace and mercy of God I am still married and have been for 5 years now but far from wonderful years) and for healing and restoration within my marriage and my family. I am also praying for Sharon above. I know God is able and all things are possible with him.
Sharon says
After a marriage of 37 yrs I faced a devastating divorce. Everything was taken away from me and my son and we were basically thrown into the streets and 90% of the hidden debt my husband created, including attorneys fees was dumped on me. My son’s money was stolen as well and this was done to us by a man who was once the best father and husband. In order to survive I moved in with my sister and her husband and had to leave my son behind. My son has been laid off work and needs nothing short of a miracle as well. I am trusting the Lord for HIS provisions for both of us and more than we could ever hope or believe for — you ask why — because I know my God and my Savior and He loves us more than I can hope for and He is true to HIs word and Faithful, Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God is He. May He receive all the glory and honor in these broken vessels.
Thank you for your words of encouragement ! Sharon
LaDena says
My husband and I are going through the Financial Peace University at church right now and I am overwhelmed with the process. Your email is right in line with how Lord has been speaking to me concerning this area of our lives. He has been encouraging me to believe and have faith even if my faith is only as big as a mustard seed!! Therefore, I too am, and will be praying these promises, believing and not doubting, that God has a plan, a purpose and a way through/over/moving this mountain!
Lakeeia Greene says
I am praying this for every area of my life right now. I am in a Wilderness Experience right now. My sisters please keep me lifted in prayer.
LaDena says
I can completely appreciate where you are on your journey. Keep looking forward, there is an oasis up ahead!!
Andie says
Lord, I pray that you will work in my daughters heart that you will open her eyes to see that we love her, and to have the desire to come back home to be with her family. I just ask that you will heal her heart from the trauma that she experienced and that our family will be filled with enough love, patience and kindess to help her heal and build strong positive relationships. Please keep her safe, and guide her in all decisions.
Suzanne says
I’m praying God’s promises and asking HIM to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in the lives and futures of those in my immediate family. He’s already done so much, and I trust that He will continue to show His faithfulness to my husband and my kids.
I will be praying for your son’s situation as I pray over my own sons this week. God’s power is stronger than the toughest stronghold. May His peace be with your mama’s heart in this situation.
Thanks for this post. I always love the short, sweet, let’s pray for each other blogs! 😉
Cheryl says
Lord I want to raise Suzanne and her family up to you and pray that you continue to shower your strength and grace upon those around her. I pray that you surround her family with witnesses of your Word and that you give Suzanne the peace that passes all understanding and continue to shine your light in all of their lives. Thank you for what you have done and what you will do.
Lord, I pray for continued strength as my court date approaches. I pray that you can restore the communication and the loss between my daughter and myself due to the actions of her father and the misleading ideas put into her mind; I pray that the truth is revealed.
Chris Fitzsimmons says
I’m praying God’s promises and asking HIM to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in my Sons family situation. I’m standing on Gods written Word over the situations my Son is facing, I declare LORD YOU ARE THE FATHER OF THE FATHERLESS, NO WEAPON FORGED AGAINST HIM WILL PROSPER, WHAT IS MEANT FOR HARM LORD YOU WILL TURN AROUND FOR GOOD, EVERY MEMBER OF THIS HOUSEHOLD WILL SERVE THE HOUSE OF THE LORD, iSAIAH 65:25 Lord is Your Promise to me, Your Word and TRUTH Lord is my ALL. I leave it in Your hands and know in my heart Lord THY WILL WILL BE DONE Amen.
God’s abundant Blessings and Love always
Chris xo____________________________.
Aimee R. says
Prayers for Lisa Father that your strength, love and power will guide her as she deals with Doctors and the diagnosis of her Sons condition. Please grant them both your peace and comfort as they walk together with you through this Season. Remind us Lord often of your GREAT love care and concern over every aspect of our lives.
Lord, I pray that you will,once again help me as I am having issues at work. This is a very stressful time with lots of new task to learn, lack of training and a overwhelming feeling of stress to do so much with people leaving, going on vacatons etc to leave me alone to do a job i am not trained properly for. I need
your help Father to hang on. Please show me your will and calm my heart.
Lisa says
I pray dear God that you would send your Holy Spirit to comfort Karen. Release all anger and anxiety from her. Lord replace it with peace and strength and wisdom. Amen.
I am praying God’s promises and asking him to do immeasurable things for my son Jaylon. Release all frustration and anxiety from him Lord. Pleas Lord help my 8 yr old overcome his challenges of lack of self control, ADD, anxiety. Lord help the doctors to get his diagnosis correct. Lord help me to set my finances in order to make the moves necessary to support him. I am contemplating changing jobs to be at home with Jay especially if the diagnosis ends up to be Aspergers. Lord I ask all these in your name. Amen.
Cynthia says
Hi, Renee and everyone here!
I am praying for you, your family and your awesome ministry of love and hope. This message came in my email at God’s appointed time. Have never been so tired and discouraged as I have this past week. Usually upbeat and hopeful in my daily life, but am experiencing such an attack from all sides!
I have been struggling with some dark thoughts as well, imposed on me by the enemy of our souls having to do with broken relationships the last 2 years plustrying to take care of my prevcious Mama on my own. I am a single woman who, too, has experienced broken relationships with young men I thought were believers, only to be hurt and heartbroken by their actions. I am a true, old fashioned Southern girl who still waits upon the Lord for that special man who won’t break my heart and trust again! I want to have my own family and let my mama see this happen in my life. I feel especially led to pray for Shauna and Karen here that the Holy Spirit will send His comfort and peace as we put one foot in front of the other some days! Please pray for me that my “heavy hands” and broken heart will soon be healed and that my mama receives a healing for memory issues and that she will be whole again and back ministering and loving on everyone she meets! The natural world says give up, but we serve a mighty supernatural God! He’s always on time!
karen says
I am praying for you CW, you are loved by God. May you hear His voice in you, helping you deal with those serious problems of being hurt by others.
I am requesting prayer about my resentment and anger issues that others get taken care of – and the anxiety I have that I won’t be taken care of. And that my dear son will walk with Jesus.
CW says
I am praying God’s promises for Renee& every woman that posted a comment & that God’s possibilities are released into our impossiblities. When I started reading the posts I thought my problems were so significant.s but I realized how blessed & grateful I am for His Grace im praying these promises over me to help me to rest in His Sovereignty, not my anxieties. That I have the courage to now face the giants in my life press beyond past hurts from others, relationships & church hurt. I’m praying these promises that God shows me now how to live life abundantly & how to release myself from unforgiveness of myself. Im tird of just existing I want to live again in wholeness.
Terri says
I’m praying God’s promises and asking HIM to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in my relationship with my son and husband that we can lift one another up and be more edifying and less critical.
Lord I pray for Laurie’s son that is at a university six hours from home.! Give her comfort to know that ,although her son is rejecting you, you still wait with open arms to welcome him. Grant him grace as he finds his way to you. Provide people in his life that will be a positive influence and show him the love you have to offer and the forgiveness that is available to him. I ask this in your precious name. Amen.
Shushanna says
I’m praying God’s promises and asking Him to do immeasurably more than I can think or imagine in my emotional health. I am struggling with anxiety. I need the peace of God to wash over me to help me to rest in His promises and be confident that He is in control and that I do not have to worry about my future.
Terri, I’m praying for your relationship with your son and your husband. I’m also praying for all the women who have posted today.
Laurie says
This is the verse I claimed for my son this fall as he left for a university six hours from home.! He is not walking with Jesus – he is rejecting the Savior that dearly adores him and offers him grace and hope and acceptance.
I pray for Debbra who is also getting ready to send her daughter off to college. I pray that you would generously give them discernment as to where she would “fit”. Give them clarity to see long term, not just the bells and whistles that you can become overwhelmed with on college tours. And Lord, steady their emotions as they anticipate saying a temporary goodbye and knowing that their relationship will change.
Debbra Stephens says
Father God; I pray that you will do immeasurably more than one could ask or imagine in Tammy’s circumstance. I pray You will strengthen her to care for her family’s many needs; I pray You grant her Your peace and Your joy when she looks ahead with hope to the future You have planned for her.
We are making college preparations and decisions for our senior daughter (and firstborn!). I ask prayer for discernment, clarity, and steady emotions. Thank you for your blessing of prayer!
And thank you, Renee, for providing opportunity for this sisterhood community to encourage and pray for one another. (Praying for you, too!) P.S. LOVE the graphic!
Tammy says
Lord, bless Kathy as she encourages and loves her friend through a rough time. Give her strength and help her know you are there.
I am asking for continued strength as I take care if my husband following a stroke, my daughter with cystic fibrosis and all the other daily tasks. I pray for peace regarding the future and our finances as well as the endurance to lovingly care for my family. God has carried me many times over the last 2 years, and need to continue knowing He is still there.
Joy is not the absence of suffering, but the presence of the Lord….. Give me joy!
Kathy Durham says
I am praying for a dear friend of mine who is facing challenges at home and at work. She is discouraged and tired. I just hope her faith doesn`t fail her. She sure could use some hope and encouragement. She is also depressed and finding it hard to get out of bed. I just pray that I say and do the right things for her. I give this to my Lord and pray for his wisdom.
Kelly Kurtanic says
Diane, I am praying for you with empathy & understanding that you will have the courage to see yourself as our Heavenly Father & Creator sees you. May you find peace & strength as you re-discover & grasp that He loves you more than any man … and promises you a future & a hope. Praying that you will seek Him with all your heart … & rejoicing that He will be found by you. He is faithful to His Word.
Renee, I’m praying for sweet Aster’s developmental progression … & for you … as you navigate these years of wonder, uncertainty & blessing. Being called to this journey is a gift to be mined … praying for you with understanding & love. I’m *so* grateful for how you have blessed my life in this last week. <3
Today, I need extra strength as I parent my special children & work through a very turbulent time with an ill husband … and extra confidence to believe God over my circumstances.
Diane N says
Heavenly Father, I lift Shirley’s request for employment and financial needs to be met. God, I believe in the power of your Holy Spirit to do great and mighty things in Shirley’s life in these areas. As someone who experienced homelessness just a few short years ago, I can empathize with her worry; and God I know you do, even more. Lord, I can stand on the solid Rock with great confidence knowing that you will meet Shirley’s needs….you did for me and we all believe you will for her!! God, show your face to Shirley. Use this time as a way for her to grow stronger in you, when you perform these miracles of provision let her not forget how you provided; let her get on her knees and raiser her hands in thanksgiving to how you still perform miracles, usually in ways we would never expect. Lord, I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you’ll take care of Shirley, and I also ask that she feels/knows that confident assurance. Give her peace and faith like she’s never experienced. In Jesus Christ HOLY and provisional name,Amen.
I’m praying God’s promises and asking HIM to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in letting go of a relationship. Unfortunately, I have fallen in love with a man that God has not intended for me to and I’ve fallen away from who I am as a believer in Christ. I’ve become comfortable in my sin and I need minute-by-minute strength to let go of him and get back on the path the Lord has set out for me.
Shirley says
I’m praying God’s promises and asking HIM to do immeasurably more than I can think of or imagine in finding a job soon, and keep a roof over my head. Right now Lord I’ve been out of work for the last few months with no income at all coming in. By your graces, you have seen me through so far. But Father God, I want a job so I can take this burden off my shoulder. My rent and bills are so behind. I’m at the risk of being evicted without a place to go. In the name of the Father, amen.
Shirley says
I also want to pray for Elise Daly Parker for her struggles with her weight. I too once had a weight problem and know that is hard. Just continue to pray to our Lord and he will see you through the tough times.
Elise Daly Parker says
Dear Lord, I pray for Chris today. Would you please do more than she can ask or imagine according to your power that is at work in her. Lord would you give Chris a heart that forgives and is gracious and full of love toward her husband? Would you please Lord restore this marriage. Will you get this couple the help they need…give them the desire to love you, their families, each other. Lord we trust you to do immeasurably more than we are asking in Jesus’ name, Amen!
I need help with my weight struggle. I have lost over 30 pounds and was feeling so good. But I am slipping into old habits…eating non-nutritious foods, loading up the carbs, exercising less. I think it has to do with my feelings about my youngest daughter going off to college. I have feelings of grief, fear of loneliness and emptiness as this chapter of actively raising my kids closes. I have a wonderful husband and work that is fulfilling. But facing the end of this part of my life is painful. Stuffing emotions. I know better. But I am feeling powerless right now and need God’s help.