“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.”
Hebrews 10:35-36 (NIV)
Have you ever thrown away your confidence? One night I was cleaning our kitchen and found this little rubber thingy on our counter top. It wasn’t until after I threw it away that I realized it was the power button for our TV remote control. As I dug through the trash to find it, I sensed God showing me that’s how easily I throw away my confidence—without recognizing it.
It’s usually very subtle. Sometimes I’ll be thinking about something I want to do or sense God calling me to, and a feeling of uncertainty comes over me and whispers to my heart, You can’t do that. You’re not good enough. Out of the blue, I’ll just get that awful, insecure feeling.
Too many times in the past I’ve gone along with it, tossing my confidence into the trash without even thinking.
So, maybe I should ask again. Have you ever thrown away your confidence?
We throw away our confidence each time we say negative things to ourselves. We trash our security when we allow accusation and condemnation from others to define us. And it breaks God heart.
Can I share an important message and invitation with you? It’ll only take 3 minutes, but it’s the most important part of today’s post. And it’s part of today’s give-away, too. Please click the arrow to watch.
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Renee Swope – A Confident Heart Book Trailer from SoundPost Productions on Vimeo.
(If you’re reading this post via email, please click here to view my book trailer)
Can you tell I’m a little passionate about sharing this message with you. It’s because I want you to experience the freedom and confidence Jesus gave this girl – freedom I’d never known – freedom that came as I learned to live in the power and security of God’s promises!
I know what it’s like to feel stuck in a cycle of defeat. I know how much “hopeless” hurts.
As I wrote A Confident Heart, I looked back and saw a pattern in my thinking that led to the pattern of my doubting. And those patterns led me to trash my security and become paralyzed with self-doubt.
But over time, I learned that I could ask God to show me when I’m tempted to throw away my confidence and then help me throw away my insecurities instead.
• When self-doubt whispers, “I can’t do that. I’m going to fail and look foolish.” I’ve learned to throw away that lie away and hold onto this truth (sometimes I even say it out loud): “The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” (Hebrews 13:6, NIV 1984)
• When self-doubt whispers, “I’ll never change.” I throw away that lie away and claim this truth: “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in [me] will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6, NASB)
• When self-doubt whispers, “This is too hard for me. I don’t have what it takes to…” I toss that thought and hold onto this truth: “No, in all these things [I am] more than a [conqueror] through him who loved [me].” (Romans 8:37, NIV)
Oh friends, how I long for you to join me in living with A Confident Heart. I want your life to be transformed through the Truths God engraved on my soul to share with you in each chapter.
That is why we’re praying over each book and each person who reads it, asking Jesus to use His words on each page to change your life as you read them. To make hope rise again in your heart. To bring encouragement where discouragement has settled. And set you free from any and all cycles of doubt and defeat so you can live with A Confident Heart!
Will you pray with me? Lord, I want to become a woman with a confident heart in Christ. Will you help me recognize when I throw away my confidence, and remind me to throw away my insecurities instead? I want to persevere in Your truth so that when I have done Your will, I will receive what You have promised. When doubt or insecurity tells me I can’t do something, I will remember that all things are possible to her who believes. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
A Confident Heart Give-Away
Enter to win 3 copies of A Confident Heart as well as a gift card and my message, “Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence” on CD- by clicking on “Share Your Thoughts” below. I’d love to know one thing in the book trailer or in my P31 devotion that you could identify with, also is there someone or somewhere you’ll share today’s post? We’d love for others to hear about A Confident Heart through you! And to make it easy, there are “Tell A Friend” buttons just below this post.
Last week’s winners of the “Contagious Confidence” winners
which include a copy of “A Confident Heart” along with “Confident Heart” sticky notes that have quotes and promise from my book and Starbucks gift cards are: Kelli Wommack, Debra and Stephanie Melton. We’ve got your email from your comments so we’ll be in touch to get your address.
I had an “aha” moment when you made the connection of self doubt to worry and anxiety. Praying for God to give me the eyes to see when I do that. I hope to read and learn more about it. Thank you kindly!
This book is meaning so much to me. I’ve always thought of myself as “confident” and I am in some ways but I have also done many of the things you mention in the book, such as pulling away from others when I am disappointed in them or myself, finding my worth in how I perform on any given day, being a horrible perfectionist and beating myself up when I can’t be perfect. I have not even considered my talents as being terribly worthy. And yet I have known that God made me this way. He gave me my strengths. I have even cried out to him for help because I cannot stop being who I am. A person who is so un-perfect but who tries so hard to live up to all that she thinks she should be. I see that this is a recipe for disaster and disappointment. I realize now that God did make me who I am and that this is something to be embraced. Although I have no idea what the deepest desires of my heart are, God knows what he has in store for me and why he made me to be who I am with all my strengths and weaknesses. I am hopeful that I will stop beating myself up so much and that I will look to God every day for help and that I will come to understand what it is he wants me to learn and who he wants me to become. Thanks for starting me on this road.
The Little Princess has laid her crown down at the feet of Jesus.
When I look back, at those words I heard as I was growing up I took in all those things that was said, “you can’t”, “you will fail”, “you are not good enough”, and “you are not worthy”. Some things was due to struggles I had in school. Some things were asinuated by family members, who probably did not realize the harm it was doing. I cannot remember a time I ever felt secure, really loved, and don’t even say the word “confident”, that word does not even exist in my vocabulary. There were times I felt very lonely, rolled up in a ball in my bed at night and cried, wondering what was the purpose of living since I was not any good anyway.
There use to be a saying “sticks and stones will break you bones, but words will never hurt me”. Actually, words can hurt, but there are also words, God’s words that can encourage, uplift and give us hope. He gives us a purpose for living and hope Jermiah 29:11.
Total dependence on God means changing our way to His purposes, His plans, giving my thoughts, my feelings, and my inner lack of confidence over to Him. It is sometimes a struggle, but I want to hold on to His promises, trust Him and rely on Him for my security and confidence.
I would like to share your book in a Bible study at my church and share with other ladies. Thank you for your encouragement. in Christ
Hello- I am SO grateful for all you have been sharing about your book. I have been sharing everthing to my friends and family on facebook. Lots of them have been enjoying it. I pray everyday to grow with God and for His will to be done in my life. We have recently moved to utah for my husbands job. At first it was REALLY hard. I knew in my heart that our Lord moved us here for a reason. But my fear was over coming my thoughts. By trusting God and His plans, it has become amazing. My husband, children and I have been able to witness to many others. God is so GOOD! Everyday I remind myself “With God all things are possible”. Everyday day I pray to be a light and salt to thee earth. I know your book would be truly encouraging. Thank you for all you do. May God bless you in all you. With Love Shawnia. Phil.4:13
I have shared this with a friend who works with prison inmates here in Nashville. last week we were talking about how one of the inmates just doesn’t feel worthy of God’s love. I told her of my new book, A Confident Heart, and your devotions about getting rid of the doubt of not being good enough. We both talked about how sad it is that women struggle with not being worthy of many things, but especially God’s love. I just received my new book and cannot wait to dig into it. I am praying that the doubt I have had all my life will be overcome and that I am able to share a Confident Heart of grace and mercy with others who are also struggling. Thank you for your beautiful words!
Renee, thank you so much for your obedience to the Lord through writing this book. I have a debilitating issue with self doubt in practically every area of my life. From relationships to my career, self doubt always seems to creep up and rear its ugly head, sabatoging many things that could have/would have been very beautiful and successful. I am a Christ follower and believe every word in the Bible 110% but there seems to be some sort of disconnect between reading the words of hope contained in passages such as Hebrews 13:6, Philippians 1:6, and Romans 8:37 and actually applying and whole-heartedly believing them when it comes to me specifically. My prayer is that from reading your book, the Lord will help me overcome this obstacle in my life and will deliver me from my sin of self doubt. I absolutely know He can and is able! Thank you, Renee!
I’d have to say that the not feeling smart enough/capable is a problem for me. And I’m not so sure if it’s myself feeling that way, or the feeling that others view me that way. Doubts about being capable of doing things have definitely kept me from stepping forward on more than one occasion. As I process through this lost, it’s actually a fear of failure that best describes what holds me back. And what failure might look like has as many different faces as the situations/opportunities I’ve avoided because of the fear.
Hi, “Confidence”? Its a word in the dictionary…You mentioned growing up with fears and doubt…I think that has been my middle name. So many things I missed out on from fear and doubt. I have worked to overcome it but I still seem to wrestle with doubting that I’m a very nice person. Just recently I was upset at someone who carelessly caused damage to something of mine. I felt as though I am a rotten person for having such thoughts. It spirals down to “what kind of Christian are you? A no good one, that’s what!” And the beat goes on… It makes me feel like I just want to hide, that I can’t handle things and be what I’m supposed to be. Confidence? No, not really. May God become my confidence as I grow in the knowledge of His love for me. Thank you…
I always feel like I’m not good enough and would like to change that to having a God-fident heart!
I deal with self-doubt all the time………and I’m way too old to still be carrying these things……..I want to unload this very old baggage and move on with the confidence that being a child of God can bring and I want it to become a part of who I am………not just something that I come across for a season and then at the first turn……it’s gone because someone said something that hurt/angered/defeated me.
Renee- I have struggled with self-doubt off and on for years… since elementary school difficulties….
I seem to go through times when I am more secure in Christ and other times when the enemy makes me doubt my self…..as a wife and mom…..
It has kept me from many things and makes me question peoples real motives….
I want to be more confident woman in Him and as a mom and wife……
I would love to read your book and learn how to be a more Confident woman….
I can identify with everything mentioned in the devotion and in the trailer. I’ve struggled with every form of self-doubt and insecurity my entire life. I long for the freedom that Christ wants me to have, I just don’t know how to be set free from it.
I have struggled with confidence for a long time & hope to continue crushing them and reaffirming God’s promises in my life and share them with others.
Hi. Renee,
I am always throwing away my confidence. Every time I hear God telling me I need to be doing something, I feel rejected by the people around me or in my church family. I feel I’m not good enough and have even been told by others that I can’t do this because it’s not what God is calling me to do. But I know deep down that God’s plans for me are great but I bury them because I don’t want to get hurt by others. I am looking forward to reading your book and I am hoping and praying for God to help me with my confidence issues because I am starting to see the trends unfold in my daughters.
Thank you for all you do for God.
Crystal Scott
Just by the amount of comments that have been left for you, you can tell how much we are all going to be so grateful to have our hands around a copy of this book. To hear so many other women struggle with the same thoughts and emotions is a little overwhelming. I have beaten myself up so much on things – to have confidence in the things I do sounds a bit far reaching right now, however, as I realize suddenly how not alone I am in my thoughts…….that quite possibly, I can become confident outwardly to others. God Bless you and your gift of words.
I have lived my life always feeling “below” everyone and everything. It has always been hard to lose those negative thoughts and remember how much God actually loves me. I have enjoyed what I have read so far from Renee Swope’s new book – A Confident Heart. I hope to continue by actually reading the whole book.
Your book sounds wonderful! I can so relate, especially about trying to please people and feeling like I never measure up to what is expected of me. I will soon be 50, and I’m oh so tired of living like this!
I am so looking forward to this book. I was wondering if confidence is something I struggle with, but when I read your posts on Proverbs 31 and here, I knew that this is definitely a huge issue I deal with. I always feel as if I am not good enough and battle with rejection. I am actually dealing right now with this issue… especially with my job and my “friends”. Makes me doubt who my friends really are. Makes me doubt who I am, even though I know who God says I am. Thanks for your time. I love the Proverbs 31 Ministries, all the ladies, and the wonderful books you all right.
I have started reading your book and I love it! Amazing! I have only read the first two chapters and I cried all of the way through them. Thank you for speaking to me and making me admit so much to myself. I look forward to continuing this journey in your words. I am finding a way to open myself back to up to the Lord Almighty!
I struggle with so much self doubt that it is even hard to describe. Even if someone gives me a compliment, I turn it around as negative. I think I’m not good enough, nor smart enough to be able to do certain things. It’s a constant struggle. I am looking forward to reading your book!
Thanks for your honesty. Seeing somene put things in words gives me a way to explain what I can’t put in words. Now I can journey with you. Sure would like to win the books!!!
Stumbling upon your message has been very timely! I’ve been struggling with the “I’m not good enough” syndrome. Just fill in the blank. I’m not educated enough, I’m not thin enough, I’m not wealthy enough, I’m not pretty enough…. I know the Lord has not been pleased with this pattern of thinking in my life. I desire to walk in His “strength & dignity”, as the Prov. 31:25 woman does. I’m encouraged that your book could be a tool on this journey.
I was so blessed by your video and am so excited about starting the Doubt Diet! Your story resonated with me so much and feel as though God has shown me this tool in the very hour of my own hopelessness against my self-doubt. I am praying that women everywhere will read this and know the trust and hope they have in our wonderful Savior!!
God bless you Renee for sharing the gift God’s given you with all of us through a Confident Heart! 😀 Our journey can often be so dark and difficult and the road overly long and extra rocky it’s easy to encounter disillusionment and loose sight of the journey. I’ve come to understand it’s a heart journey and God is our GPS. He is waiting to guide us, set the path straight and make the journey easier as we allow Jesus to carry us. We can know the truth in God’s promise, His glorious truth that He will never leave us nor forsake us, yet the enemy of our soul and heart whispers deceit filled lies and our confidence ebbs away. I’ve come to understand this can only occur when we take our eyes off of Jesus and His promises. Love, grace and mercy are the mainstay of our Lord and Savior. We can trust Him to be faithful when those we love, care about or simply know leave us with shattered hearts, broken promises and the death of dreams. A Confident Heart takes us straight to the heart of God and delivers us into His loving arms where we can be nurtured, heal and grow. It equips us with God’s truth and His word which is everlasting allowing us to understand we are valued, worthy and loved beyond compare by our Lord who created us and knit us within our mothers womb. As we hold fast to Jesus’ hand we can look forward to the journey with a Confident Heart because we walk with our Savior and King and know He alone defines us and His love will endure forever.
I was in the kitchen looking around at the mess, feeling overwhelmed and a failure as a mom, when I sat at the computer, ask the Lord to give me a word, decided to look up Proverbs 31 and…
I am going to have to read your book.
As a very young child, I always had confidence. But somewhere in the midst of my teens, I lost it. It seemed to get worse as the years grew. My heart tells me I can do anything. But the shadows in my mind saids it can’t be done. I usually step out on faith, but then fall short of completing because I allow doubt to take over. I look forward to getting your book in hopes of continuing to follow through on my hearts desire.
I frequently have doubts and it was a blessing coming across your website and learning about your book. I’ve recently signed up for the 7 Day Doubt Diet and it’s been really encouraging and now when doubts come I flee to His Word, knowing that his promises are true and that He will never fail me. I would love to get a copy and I pray that many more women out there will be able to learn about your book and rely on God’s promises. I’m definitely sharing with my friends. God Bless you!
Thank you for this message, Renee 🙂 It’s a timely one, for sure! Right now, my struggle probably seems insignificant to most people, but it’s huge to me. About 4 months ago, I started running a few times a week for exercise. Nothing big, just a few miles each time. But, the more I did it, the more I COULD do. So, after about a month, I signed up to run a Half Marathon. I’ve never done anything like this before, so I was really excited to share with friends and family. I do have a few great supporters, but their encouragement seems drowned out by both the silent “Big deal; we don’t care.” attitudes or the vocal DIS-couragement I’ve gotten. I even had one friend tell me that I wasn’t a runner because my pace wasn’t fast enough, even though I am running 5 days a week, 30+ miles per week.So I struggle with doubting whether I can do this because of all the negativity I’m getting, especially from some people closest to me whom I thought would be great encouragers. I am trying to let it go and find my strength in the Lord and know that I will finish the race set before me 🙂
From what I’ve read so far, all I can say is that God has led me to your book because it is the message I have been searching for. He is in control and has a plan just for me. Praise Him!
I have been sharing quotes from your book on my facebook page (from your page and Proverbs 31 page) Thank you and God bless. Love, Cathy
Just reading these comments and realizing I am not the only one who feels this way helps tremendously! I have been under the influence of fear and doubt for far too long. The verse you commonly use, Hebrews 10:35-36, has been so helpful in giving me peace and helping me to keep going even when I can’t see the outcome. I really like how you encourage us to repeat God’s promises out loud. God bless you, Renee!
Wow – I noticed this posting on Facebook and thought it sounded interesting but after reading the first chapter that was emailed to me I KNOW that this is a God sent journey.
Coming from a very dysfunctional home I grew up doubting all of my words, abilities and self worth. Through the years God has been slowly growing me but that shadow of doubt never seems to get smaller and I am tired of looking at it and feeling defeated…because then I act defeated as well. How can I serve God when I am already defeated and surrendering to that feeling. I want the power of the living God in my life. I want to believe God not just believe in Him. So thank you Beth for posting this on Facebook. I am looking forward to the journey…May we see God’s rich blessings….
I really identified with the “AM” (against me) vs. “FM” (for me) thoughts. I’ve been a Christian now for 10 years but still suffer from the “against me” thoughts because of my life as a young girl in a false religion with a mother who abused me through her anger and a father who rejected me. I have memorized many Scriptures, but need to repeat out loud the ones that come against the lies satan has planted in my mind. Thank you, Renee, for being obedient to follow God’s calling and minister to those of us who suffer from some of the same insecurities. I pray for all of us to be rooted in His love, secure with the peace of mind that only He can give.
I’d love to win a copy of the book to give away on my blog. I’m reading it and it’s heart changing by God’s Spirit. I’ve been sharing a lot on Facebook about it. Appreciate the message of God’s truth!
My husband took the baby and I to a mall out of town when we were married less than a year. He told me he would keep the baby with him and I could go shopping wherever I wanted. I was terrified that he would take the baby and leave me at the mall! He thought I was being silly and just started walking away. I just walked around crying for an hour and then found them. It was horrible. We’ll be married for 23 September 6th and sometimes that fear still grips me. I completely understand not getting on the carousel!
I needed to hear your experience with your shadow revealing how high your thoughts of insecurities were. This is so true. My insecure thoughts get so high that I allow them to control me. I need to continuously make these insecure thoughts bow down to my MIGHTY SAVIOR CHRIST JESUS!!!(IICor. 10:5)
Also, I have been sharing your “A Confident Heart” posts with friends on facebook!
Page 42 last paragraph where you state that God was not made in our father’s image is wonderful to hear and really set in my heart. That’s exactly what I’ve been doing. Looking at God as if he is going to leave or judge at any moment like my own Dad did. I think I’ve underlined the whole book to this point…….
Oh, Renee, I would love to read your book for encouragement to be confident in who I am in Christ! It seems that you speak God’s Truth in a way that greatly speaks to my heart. I so often let those insecure thoughts prevent me from living fully in God’s wonderful grace. Thank you for your honesty in struggling with that yourself. I really appreciated the bible verses you gave to fight those insecure thoughts. Thank you for sharing to help others like me! :0)
Your trailer is describing ME! Since childhood I, too, have been plagued with self-doubt that has kept me from having the confidence to be all God wants me to be. I want that confident heart that you have found! I am excited to read your book and share it with not only my friends and family, but as an educator working with teenagers, I’m excited to share what I learn with my students too.
My life is often ruled by doubt and fear rather than by truth. My confidence goes in the trash. I think it depends on who and what I allow to define me. I would love to read A Confident Heart and confidently hold God’s truths in my heart not just in my head.
Eventhough, I’ve been placed in a womens ministry leadership position and appear to be confident, inside I’m a wreak! In my head I hear the wisphers…”You don’t have the skills” or “YOU… you can’t do that, do you know how stuipd you’ll sound!”
But I’m confident with God’s Word and your book, I will finally become the woman God had planned along!
In His Grace~Tammy
I have had problems with confidence all my life. And, am starting to realize that the more I trust in God then the more good I find in myself. I am looking forward to reading “A Confident Heart”. I can’t afford it yet, but I have the “7 Day Doubt Diet” and I keep coming to this site to hear more. Thanks so much for your ministry!
Self doubt? That is me all the way! I have never had confidence in myself. Most of the time I look in the mirror and call myself Stupid! I’m never pretty enough, good enough, and definitely not smart enough. I’d love to get off this Merry-go-round. What would it be like to have confidence in myself? I haven’t a clue! I actually think it is too late for me.
I need this book. My life has been paralyzed by self doubt.
I have been terrorized throughout me life by doubts and being overly self concious. It has been even crippling in trying to do what I know God has called me too. Thanks for writing this book. It is a message so many women need to hear.
I have been terrorized by the doubts and being overly self concious. At times it has been crippling to the work that I know God has called me too. Would love to read the book in its entirety. Thanks for the message of this book so many women need to hear it.
I look forward to getting a chance to read this book. Too many talk about a Christian’s self confidence as if it were a bad thing, and it’s not. It’s part of our boundaries as a person/part of our person-hood in which God created us to have. To Him be the glory.
Your very first words spoke to me so directly, “Do you ever feel like you are not smart enough? Good enough? Valuable enough?” Unfortunately, this was drilled into my head as a child. I am the youngest of 11 children, but by the time I started school, I was the only one at home. Two of my siblings used to taunt me and practically bully me saying those words to me. I was told I was fat and ugly, that I was stupid and that nobody would ever love me. I am sure that you know that after so much, a person just begins to believe what they are told… Needless-to-say, before I got to Jr. High, my self-esteem had been shattered and my self- confidence was not far behind.
I will be sharing this post on my facebook page – all of the women that participate in the two Bible studies that I go to are also on facebook – maybe one group will want to do this book as a study at one point… In the meantime, thank you for following God’s calling on your life. I look forward to this study beginning this fall…
Not sure if I already signed up for this or not. I have tried to win your book on several different websites, so I apologize if this is a duplicate entry. I sure could use some confidence!
I ordered 2 of your book and was compelled to give them both away. Will be needing another for myself. Can’t wait!