“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.”
Hebrews 10:35-36 (NIV)
Have you ever thrown away your confidence? One night I was cleaning our kitchen and found this little rubber thingy on our counter top. It wasn’t until after I threw it away that I realized it was the power button for our TV remote control. As I dug through the trash to find it, I sensed God showing me that’s how easily I throw away my confidence—without recognizing it.
It’s usually very subtle. Sometimes I’ll be thinking about something I want to do or sense God calling me to, and a feeling of uncertainty comes over me and whispers to my heart, You can’t do that. You’re not good enough. Out of the blue, I’ll just get that awful, insecure feeling.
Too many times in the past I’ve gone along with it, tossing my confidence into the trash without even thinking.
So, maybe I should ask again. Have you ever thrown away your confidence?
We throw away our confidence each time we say negative things to ourselves. We trash our security when we allow accusation and condemnation from others to define us. And it breaks God heart.
Can I share an important message and invitation with you? It’ll only take 3 minutes, but it’s the most important part of today’s post. And it’s part of today’s give-away, too. Please click the arrow to watch.
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Renee Swope – A Confident Heart Book Trailer from SoundPost Productions on Vimeo.
(If you’re reading this post via email, please click here to view my book trailer)
Can you tell I’m a little passionate about sharing this message with you. It’s because I want you to experience the freedom and confidence Jesus gave this girl – freedom I’d never known – freedom that came as I learned to live in the power and security of God’s promises!
I know what it’s like to feel stuck in a cycle of defeat. I know how much “hopeless” hurts.
As I wrote A Confident Heart, I looked back and saw a pattern in my thinking that led to the pattern of my doubting. And those patterns led me to trash my security and become paralyzed with self-doubt.
But over time, I learned that I could ask God to show me when I’m tempted to throw away my confidence and then help me throw away my insecurities instead.
• When self-doubt whispers, “I can’t do that. I’m going to fail and look foolish.” I’ve learned to throw away that lie away and hold onto this truth (sometimes I even say it out loud): “The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” (Hebrews 13:6, NIV 1984)
• When self-doubt whispers, “I’ll never change.” I throw away that lie away and claim this truth: “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in [me] will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6, NASB)
• When self-doubt whispers, “This is too hard for me. I don’t have what it takes to…” I toss that thought and hold onto this truth: “No, in all these things [I am] more than a [conqueror] through him who loved [me].” (Romans 8:37, NIV)
Oh friends, how I long for you to join me in living with A Confident Heart. I want your life to be transformed through the Truths God engraved on my soul to share with you in each chapter.
That is why we’re praying over each book and each person who reads it, asking Jesus to use His words on each page to change your life as you read them. To make hope rise again in your heart. To bring encouragement where discouragement has settled. And set you free from any and all cycles of doubt and defeat so you can live with A Confident Heart!
Will you pray with me? Lord, I want to become a woman with a confident heart in Christ. Will you help me recognize when I throw away my confidence, and remind me to throw away my insecurities instead? I want to persevere in Your truth so that when I have done Your will, I will receive what You have promised. When doubt or insecurity tells me I can’t do something, I will remember that all things are possible to her who believes. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
A Confident Heart Give-Away
Enter to win 3 copies of A Confident Heart as well as a gift card and my message, “Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence” on CD- by clicking on “Share Your Thoughts” below. I’d love to know one thing in the book trailer or in my P31 devotion that you could identify with, also is there someone or somewhere you’ll share today’s post? We’d love for others to hear about A Confident Heart through you! And to make it easy, there are “Tell A Friend” buttons just below this post.
Last week’s winners of the “Contagious Confidence” winners
which include a copy of “A Confident Heart” along with “Confident Heart” sticky notes that have quotes and promise from my book and Starbucks gift cards are: Kelli Wommack, Debra and Stephanie Melton. We’ve got your email from your comments so we’ll be in touch to get your address.
Earlier this year, I started memorizing scripture to use to calm myself and refocus when fear creeps in (which it does often). Not until just now when I read your devotional did I think about doing the same when I struggle with insecurity. I’ve already written Hebrews 13:6 down…looking forward to reading the doubt diet.
I am an older woman, but can tell you this is a subject that affects millions of women of all ages..We just sometimes have so much pride we hate to admit it..I loved your devotion today and I think your book is going to bless many lives..it is my prayer that the Lord will continue to use you for His Honor and Glory. May you be blessed ! Thank you for sharing these beautiful thoughts with us..
You probably hear this kind of thing from lots of readers, but confidence in several areas of my life has been a struggle lately. I just had a conversation with my husband about it last night. I wake up this morning, and what is in my inbox? My P31 devotion about confidence! God’s timing is perfect, and when He speaks to me this clearly I had better listen! So I signed up for the seven day emails and will share this on my facebook page. Thank you, Renee, for sharing your heart!
I’m really looking forward to studying A Confident Heart! It’s the first book I ever pre-ordered on Amazon.com and received “hot off the press!” I will be joining Melissa Taylor’s online study, as well as facilitating a study through my church. I would love to be able to offer the free copies to women who want to study the book along with me.
Renee, thank you for sharing your journey!
In Christ,
I did enjoy your 7-Day Doubt Diet devotionals and KNOW this book is for me! One thing you mentioned in your promo video that I believe I relate to most is passing up opportunities for fear of failure. I often won’t take the risk. I want to read your book and would love an opportunity to win a copy : ) Thanks, Renee, for sharing the truths you’ve learned in overcoming self-doubt and keeping it from running your life. Sharing your story I know will help me and thousands of others out there dealing with the same issues.
Blessings to you,
Renee ~
Thank you for allowing God to use you to touch many women and draw them closer to Him. I have struggled with confidence issues for as long as I can remember. Even now, I hear so many negative comments in my mind. I have always been a people pleaser….I so long to just be a God pleaser! 🙂 It is exhausting trying to live up to my expectations of who I think I should be. I am greatly looking forward to reading your book. Thank you!!
After reading your devotional today it made me realize just how often I chose to “believe the Lies Satan whispers in my ears”. Many time I consider doing this or that and think, or getting involved with something I am very passionate about. “I can’t do that, or I am not qualified, or What is I do something wrong.” I look forward to reading more of your devotionals and I am glad that you wrote this book, because many people face doubt and don’t know how to make it go away.
I wish you Many Blessings and days with Confidence in the Lord.
Thanks for writing this books.
Your Sister in Christ,
Your comments have hit me directly in the heart and the soul, I have been letting a co worker negative comments, jabs, direct my feelings and attitude. I am love by the lord, and have his power to overcome the negative vibes in our office. YOU have made me strong today, thank you.
God bless your ministry and the women who read your book.
I do suffer from lack of self confidence. And your words were comforting to me. I know the enemy attacks us through our thoughts. I am in battle over this issue. I believe God, his word is true, and he used you to speak to me today. Thank You Father, your servant Renee wrote the very words you put in her heart. And your spirit renewed my heart as I read each word. This giving me direction and strength to continue to stand. Thank you Renee
I’m so glad I took the time to read your devotion today! It spoke right to my heart. I am not confident in much that I do and I second guess nearly all decisions that I make. I pray daily for God to release me from this burden. It has affected my entire life and my marriage. I spent years hiding this issue from those who care about me and just recently started reaching out for help. Your book will surely be a treasured addition to my collection. Thank you for your encouraging words today.
Renee, thank-you for sharing your wisdom. Today was my first time on your website although I have always loved reading your storys on P31.
This morning before my daily time with God, and reading…I asked God to encourage me.
You see, I’ve had these ideas that I know God has placed on my heart about reaching out to the homeless in my “neck of the woods”, but I’m constantly doubting my idea, and my dream, and am too afraid to put myself out there. I am thinking of “other” ways to serve, my way of taking baby steps, but that dream is dangling over my head, like a fly that won’t leave me alone. I want so bad to not be afraid, so I asked God this morning for encouragement in my reading, and I was lead to your scripture at the top of your beautiful story on having “confidence”. Isn’t God just SO good? Thank-you so much for sharing your heart and being an instument that God uses<3 I trust God for the right book to read, and I'm CONFIDENT that this is it. I believe it's just what I need.
It is amazing how God works. I have been struggling with self-confidence issues since I was in high school. I am now a College graduate and looking for a job. But myself doubt is holding me back. I receive the devotional from Proverbs 31 and it was just what I needed to hear. I know I need to exchange my negative thoughts that Satan is placing in my head with God powering scripture but I so easily resort to the negative thoughts. I know I am special but sometimes it is SO hard to remember and it is easy to let the negative thoughts take over. I myself have passed up some pretty rewarding experiences due to my lack of confidence. I’m tired of doing that and want to begin living a life that finds my full confidence in HIM. Because without him I truly am nothing and it is only through him that I am able to do great things.
I plan to re-post this on my facebook for my friends in hopes that it encourages someone else.
Wow, Renee! I was praying about this situation in my own life just last night and crying out to the Lord because of my worry and fear about several new challenges/opportunities I believe He has called me to. While I am very excited, I am also scared to death. After reading your email this morning, along with the all the free downloads, I can see that I have been struggling with self-doubt as well – and have been for as long as I can remember. My life story of self-doubt sounds very similar to yours. So many opportunities missed out on because of it. I can’t wait to read your book. I pray it will change my life, as writing it has obviously changed yours. Thank you for being God’s servant. Many, many blessings for you and your family.
I can’t wait to actually sit down and read this book. I’ve been putting off ordering with hopes that I’d win a copy here! I’m going to have to order and I need to do that before the 5th so I get one with a note from you!!!
This really touched me today. I have always been shy and don’t really volunteer for anything. I too often don’t see myself as being valuable to my husband even though he reassures me constantly. My sister is a lot like me in both of these areas, and I am going to send this devotion to her as well. I hope and pray it will touch her as it did me. Thank you!
I broke into tears reading your P31 devo today. I struggle with self doubt but like you have named it “worry” or other things. It saddens my heart to think how the way I feel about myself and the way I listen to those voices when they tell me I’m not good enough or really why would God call you to do that. Even the part where you shared of early arguments with your husband due to your own insecurities, I totally did that. I look forward to your 7 day doubt diet emails I just signed up. I would love a to win a copy of your book as I think it would help me through this struggle, but if not Thank You for your posts, devos, emails, and other helpful resources. And Thank You Lord for putting this on your heart to share. May God continue to keep you in his will and may you continue to hear his guiding.
Renee I love reading your devotions thru Proverbs 31 Ministries. They are so inspirtational and also down to earth. So many times your words reach right down to the middle of my heart and I can relate what you are saying. Don’t throw away your confidence did this. I have always been a little on the shy side, afraid to step out of my comfort zone.
Thank you so much for your words and God Bless.
It is AWESOME to see how God is speaking the same thing to His body all over the World. I started a Women’s Ministry, not by my choice, but by Gods. This exactly what God has been teaching us and bringing us through. The main purpose of it is to be the vessels God has designed us to be, to know His plan and purpose for our lives and renew our minds to His. I would love to be able to share these books with the other ladies in this group. I definitely plan on getting one of these books.
Thank you so much for all that you guys do for the Lord and for being obedient to His calling. This ministry is a Great blessings.
This sounds like a book I really NEED to read. Thank you for the devotionals on Proverbs 31.
Good morning, Renee…
What can i identify with on the Proverbs31 devotionals? i’d have to say that each one speaks to me. i love getting it on my Blackberry so i can read and re-read it during the day whenever i take a break from the humdrum work of life. Thanks for sharing
Confidence and faith in our Lord who knows me and cares for me is what carries me through each day. Your Prov 31 devotion was such a great reminder of verses to keep me focused on Him and not on the doubts that keep me from being who He has made me to be.
Your devotional is so relevant to my situation. I have always struggled with self doubt. I have always tried to hide it also. I know God does not want me stuck in this place. I want out of here. Pray that as I read your book, I will be freed from this cycle….
It is funny how God brings the right message to us at the right time. I have recently finished reading two books with one message….. I am worthy because I am a child of God, because Jesus lived and died for my salvation. My worthiness does not come from my identity as a former educator, or my identity as a wife and mother. My identity and therefore my worthiness are in Christ alone. Based on your devotion today and the trailer for A Confident Heart, I believe this book will be the next step towards standing on the truth of my identity in Christ and throwing away the lies that cause me to doubt my worthiness. Thank you Renee for this message and the perfect God-timing in which I received it!
God called me to minister to women a couple of years ago but I fought Him on it because I lacked confidence. I finally gave in to God and started a blog. I still struggle from time to time with lack of confidence. I am truly excited to read your book. Thank you for your ministry.
Just the information I have been looking for! I have recently identified self sabotaging actions and thoughts. I am battling with a life long voice of defeat, which was instilled as a child. I am greatful for this ministry and information!
Today’s devotional is so relevant to my situation (it seems like that is always the case – isn’t that true with God’s Word?) today! I interviewed for a job last week and was afraid for several days even to ask for prayer for God’s favor in the situation. My husband finally convinced me to ask for prayer, and so we did – together – and prayed with several of our friends. Self-doubt kept creeping in between then and yesterday, at some times particularly LOUDLY, but I remembered this very verse about perseverance and continued to pray for patience and peace. Yesterday I was offered the job! It is so perfect because it is a part-time position at my son’s school – I don’t have to worry about daycare! This job will be a wonderful opportunity to serve God and I am so grateful, blessed and humbled that I’ve been chosen. And I will continue to remain confident – these verses are so helpful! Thank you, Renee!
I can’t wait to get a copy and start reading. We are doing a bible study at church Self Talk-Soul Talk and this kinda goes hand in hand. I find myself doubting and insecure, self doubting so I have to tell myself God’s truth. I am a single mother of two Awesome children God has blessed me with and I want to be the right example in their life I don’t won’t them to grow up and not be confident. I would love to win this book and continue to grow in my relationship with God so I can be the Godly mother God has called me to be.
Your message is a timely one for women of any age. I suffer self-doubt at different times in my life but certainly in relationships. Beginning as a young girl, after my mother died I can relate to your doubts about someone not being there for you, the merry-go-round and water-skiing. I remember feeling exactly this way during school performances, looking out anxiously to be sure someone cared enough to be there for me. Sad that these feelings continue to haunt us even in adulthood. I am looking forward to reading your book and sharing your thoughts with others.
“For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in [me] will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”; (Philippians 1:6, NASB)
I know the good work began years ago. Now I need to cooperate in its completion. There is no room for
doubt. I will trust the Lord.
I would love to read you book. I struggle with self confidence and I am a Pastor’s wife. Sometimes I look at other pastor’s wifes and say I need to be more like them instead of being who God has called me to be. Thank you for writting such a wonderful book and letting others see that most people do have the same struggles.
• When self-doubt whispers, “I’ll never change.” Throw away that lie away and claim this truth: “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in [me] will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6, NASB)
This is the point that I most identify with in your devotion. I am printing this verse on a 3×5 card to have with me – I am going to memorize this verse. I will pray to have this confidence in my life. Thank you.
Speaking straight to my heart, girl! Confidence is a long uphill hike and a steep, speedy slide back down. It seems it’s up and down and not something tangible I can seem to hold onto. Part of me wonders if it isn’t more about pride vs humility or me losing my confidence and having to start all over. I can’t wait to read your book.
Though I doubt myself often, I don’t doubt that I NEED to read this book!
I just received a devotional from a friend that wa discussing your book. AS i read the devotion I could see my story all over it. All my life I have avoided things because I was scared of failure or letting others down and lots of others. I am very interrested in your book. I now know that I can do all things through Christ and my ability to try new things is slowly coming around. I am a very confidant women but I hide behind that confidence to keep peopel at a distance. Fearful of showing them my weekness. I would love to win this book and continue ot grow in my relationship with God.
God Bles you and for all you do to minister to women!
Hi Renee
I want to thank you again for the encouragementI get evryday when I come to read your blog. The part that spoke to me was I am not good enough sometimes and lately I just sit here in the mornings in my home and tears just stream down my eyes because so much going on in my life right now jobless,taking care of my mom and doing a few others things and sometimes I just feel worthless don’t have to many people that I can talk to . So lately it has just been me and my God talking He is my Rock and I know He listens to me . One of my scripture verses for the 1st of August is Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to God. 7- And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and mins in Christ Jesus.
Can’t wait to get my hands on God- Confidence in my life and my heart and my mind.
I’ve struggled with having a confident heart even after being a leader in many areas at church and at home. Your words are an encouragement and a reminder that I need to change my thought patterns. I printed out your verses that you can fill in your name for each one of my kids,my husband, and myself. Thank you so much for writing this book. If I don’t win it, I’m going to budget it in and buy it.
I lack confidence to live life. I have been a stay-at-home mom for 10 years this year. My youngest son will be in kindergarten, and I feel God is leading me each day to break out and break free of these thoughts and struggles of “ONLY being a stay-at-home mom.” I am getting so many messages that are “making sense” to me, and I know it’s God telling me I am worth so much more.
I read your devotion this morning thru P31. Last night as I went to bed, I felt a sadness. There are so many things I have wanted to do with my life but have not due to a lack of self-confidence. My parents are hearing impared (fully deaf) and I wanted to be an interpreter for the deaf when I grew up. Well, here I am at 39 years old and I have yet to do that because I don’t think I am good enough. I also enjoy baking and decorating cakes. I make cakes for my co workers and friends. They all tell me I should go into business. But I can’t because I doubt myself. If I had just a smidgen of confidence in myself that the people around me have, I could do all the things I’ve longed to do.
Anyway, your devotion really hit home. I am going to do some serious soul searching and praying. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
In His Name,
Penny Cox
Wow! What a timely devotion today! I woke up thinking that I just couldn’t do it all again today. Our family recently moved out of state, and it has been quite overwhelming for me. The hardest part is not having my girlfriends here with me. Thank you so much for sharing your heart and words of wisdom today. God knew that it was what I needed to hear and used you to share it. Thank you!
I just discovered this site today and I am excited to think that someone understands. I look forward to spending time with you. I hope that I am given the opportunity to read your book. Thank you for all that you do.
I can relate to throwing away opportunities because I didn’t have the confidence to even try. As I get older I find it even harder to take that first step.
Renee’ I cannot wait to read your book! Since God has opened doors from a full time working away from home woman to a stay at home wife and mom, who is starting homeschool, and trying to launch women’s ministries in our church I have realized jsut how much the enemy is trying to defeat me through lack of confidence. The biggest challenge for me is over coming that desire to please others and invest my worth into what they think! I would love to allow God help me overcome that through your book!
I am in the midst of a separation from my husband of 26 years and I am struggling with the feelings of denial, no self-worth, and all of the other things that come along. With this trial in my life, I am being drawn closer to God through Jesus – leaving it up to Him to heal me of the hurt and the complete and total restoration of my marriage.
I have always been shy and still feel shy. Worry and fear is what causes me doubts. I know it is having trust is God through all things, but easier said then done sometimes. I can’t wait to do a Bible study with your new book. I am hoping my MOPS group will, if not I need the confidence to lead it at my church.
Thank you for sharing something I find hard to deal with. God’s blessings to us all!!
Wow… the trailer and P31 message for today could have been ME! NO Confidence! Self-doubt! Feelings of worthlessness instead of worthiness! The same issues with family and husband and children! I taught elementary school for 25 years, and would take on troubled students feeling that I could help their hearts if not their academics… but my peers didn’t agree with my thoughts and later we all became challenged by test scores. (I took early retirement because of it.) I had a job opportunity, that I felt God had sent, a chance to mentor teachers… but when it came time for the interview, I had every doubt and it showed. Needless to say, I was not selected for the position. Now that I am home all day, I have joined a quilting group. I will take on projects, only to get the fabric and then say to myself… are you really sure you can do this? Then the projects sit until I am up against a wall to finish… and they always turn out beautiful! I am taking steps forward in this battle, but tend to backslide. I am looking forward to reading your book and participating in the study!
Thank you, Renee, for reminding us to live in the light God’s love and the confidence He has given us through Christ. I’d love to read and share your book. Be blessed!
Today your devotion on Proverbs 31, specially touched my heart this morning. I am preparing for a doctor’s appointment today through my pregnancy that could alter our lives. This just reminds me that I am mother and I am human and that I am also God’s child. I woke up this morning and the first thought on my mind was God speaking to me “Our child is Perfect in MY (God’s) eyes” No matter what the doctor reports say that doesn’t change the fact that this child inside of me is growing because of His love for all of us! Thank you Renee for the reminder to be Confident and I am hoping that soon I will have a copy of your book to really dig deep into this ~ Many Blessings to you and your family!
Wow! Everytime I read one of your devotions about Confident Heart, I feel God is talking directly to me. I am guilty of throwing away my confidence instead of my insecurities. I am looking forward to one day reading your book.
Thank you for your encouragement!
As a woman who was sexually abused as a child and from a broken home, I have always struggled with self-confidence. Your devotions are always such a blessing to me! I am so grateful that the Lord uses you to help so many people each day. I’m really looking forward to the new book!
Every part of your message today went straight to my heart! I am known as the “worrier” of our family and just by reading your message, I can see so much of that worry is related to my lack of confidence in both my personal and professional life. Today I am involved in a work related activity that I have never done before and even told my husband, “I am afraid I might have made a mistake and everyone will think I am dumb about what I wrote and I will be a disappointment on the review board”. Your devotion was just what I needed to hear before going to my meeting today! I think I need to read this book!