“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.”
Hebrews 10:35-36 (NIV)
Have you ever thrown away your confidence? One night I was cleaning our kitchen and found this little rubber thingy on our counter top. It wasn’t until after I threw it away that I realized it was the power button for our TV remote control. As I dug through the trash to find it, I sensed God showing me that’s how easily I throw away my confidence—without recognizing it.
It’s usually very subtle. Sometimes I’ll be thinking about something I want to do or sense God calling me to, and a feeling of uncertainty comes over me and whispers to my heart, You can’t do that. You’re not good enough. Out of the blue, I’ll just get that awful, insecure feeling.
Too many times in the past I’ve gone along with it, tossing my confidence into the trash without even thinking.
So, maybe I should ask again. Have you ever thrown away your confidence?
We throw away our confidence each time we say negative things to ourselves. We trash our security when we allow accusation and condemnation from others to define us. And it breaks God heart.
Can I share an important message and invitation with you? It’ll only take 3 minutes, but it’s the most important part of today’s post. And it’s part of today’s give-away, too. Please click the arrow to watch.
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Renee Swope – A Confident Heart Book Trailer from SoundPost Productions on Vimeo.
(If you’re reading this post via email, please click here to view my book trailer)
Can you tell I’m a little passionate about sharing this message with you. It’s because I want you to experience the freedom and confidence Jesus gave this girl – freedom I’d never known – freedom that came as I learned to live in the power and security of God’s promises!
I know what it’s like to feel stuck in a cycle of defeat. I know how much “hopeless” hurts.
As I wrote A Confident Heart, I looked back and saw a pattern in my thinking that led to the pattern of my doubting. And those patterns led me to trash my security and become paralyzed with self-doubt.
But over time, I learned that I could ask God to show me when I’m tempted to throw away my confidence and then help me throw away my insecurities instead.
• When self-doubt whispers, “I can’t do that. I’m going to fail and look foolish.” I’ve learned to throw away that lie away and hold onto this truth (sometimes I even say it out loud): “The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” (Hebrews 13:6, NIV 1984)
• When self-doubt whispers, “I’ll never change.” I throw away that lie away and claim this truth: “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in [me] will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6, NASB)
• When self-doubt whispers, “This is too hard for me. I don’t have what it takes to…” I toss that thought and hold onto this truth: “No, in all these things [I am] more than a [conqueror] through him who loved [me].” (Romans 8:37, NIV)
Oh friends, how I long for you to join me in living with A Confident Heart. I want your life to be transformed through the Truths God engraved on my soul to share with you in each chapter.
That is why we’re praying over each book and each person who reads it, asking Jesus to use His words on each page to change your life as you read them. To make hope rise again in your heart. To bring encouragement where discouragement has settled. And set you free from any and all cycles of doubt and defeat so you can live with A Confident Heart!
Will you pray with me? Lord, I want to become a woman with a confident heart in Christ. Will you help me recognize when I throw away my confidence, and remind me to throw away my insecurities instead? I want to persevere in Your truth so that when I have done Your will, I will receive what You have promised. When doubt or insecurity tells me I can’t do something, I will remember that all things are possible to her who believes. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
A Confident Heart Give-Away
Enter to win 3 copies of A Confident Heart as well as a gift card and my message, “Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence” on CD- by clicking on “Share Your Thoughts” below. I’d love to know one thing in the book trailer or in my P31 devotion that you could identify with, also is there someone or somewhere you’ll share today’s post? We’d love for others to hear about A Confident Heart through you! And to make it easy, there are “Tell A Friend” buttons just below this post.
Last week’s winners of the “Contagious Confidence” winners
which include a copy of “A Confident Heart” along with “Confident Heart” sticky notes that have quotes and promise from my book and Starbucks gift cards are: Kelli Wommack, Debra and Stephanie Melton. We’ve got your email from your comments so we’ll be in touch to get your address.
Wow, I can so relate with this message of needing more of ‘God~fidence’! And so comforting to know I’m not alone in the journey. Im really looking forward to reading your book, especially to discover principles in holding onto God’s promises-His truths!
I would love to win your new book Renee! Thank you for using what you have learned through God to encourage others. I have struggled with worry and doubt as far back as I can remember and recently things got so bad that I was put on an anti-depressant. I’ve been so ashamed of it and the only person who has known about it is my husband and dr. I guess I feel like I should be able to overcome it without drugs. Anyway, I’v been feeling at lot more at peace and am working on my relationship with the Lord so that hopefully one day I can come off the medication.
Thank you so much for sharing your heart and God bless you,
Hi Renee,
I am in need of this book. There was not one thing that you had said but all of them that struck a chord with me. I have been dealing with self-doubt most of my life. I feel as though I am not living the life Jesus died to give me. I believe He can change that though(and with a little help from the book)
I can so relate to, “Feeling like I’m always disappointing someone” and “I’ll never change”. At 45 years old, this has been the story of my life. Time to get rid of some mindless thinking.
Renee- Thank you for today’s devotion! God definitely knows when to send me a wake up call! I started a new job several months ago in a managerial position – which I’ve never been before – and I feel so insecure. I love my job but have so many areas that I truly doubt myself in. Reading your devotion made me think back to my childhood and I could definitely relate. I see now that I’ve never had confidence in myself or in my abilities as a person, wife, mother, or employee. I’m definitely claiming the verses and pray that God releases me from this insecurity. I know that with God all things are possible:) Thank you for allowing God to use you to reach others…..May God continue to bless you and your family.
Wow! You may have written this book just for me! My self doubt paralyzes me! I truly have trouble even commenting here thinking there are so many other women and they all deserve this so much more. I will definitely be checking out this book. It is very encouraging and hopeful to see that you have stepped out of the shadow of self doubt, maybe I can do the same.
I have been soooo inspired by the readings and encouraged to take a firm stand in the promises God has revealed to me through the stories. Thanks for sharing and keeping me fed, for I also share what I learn with others. I may fall down, sin in either my thoughts, or words, but Praise God He has redeemed me and forgiven me. I am more in tune daily with the voice in my ear, that whispers when I am not doing what I am suppose to do, or trouble lies ahead. God has His mighty hand on me and He actually asked me to come outside one night and as the moon was full, invited me to come, sit, and talk to Him. He wanted me to tell Him what was on my heart and share some time with Him. I had such a passionate talk, tears and all…and MY Daddy heard me! Now everytime I see the moon in it’s majesty, I am reminded of that one particular night.
I almost deleted today’s devotion without reading it due to a busy schedule and an overflowing inbox. But God knew this message was just what I needed today. Last night I looked around at my disorderly home and felt like such a failure. If I cannot even keep my home tidy, where can I find the confidence to embark on more challenging projects such as a prison ministry that I recently joined? Today’s message answered that question in a powerful way! Beginning this moment, I will ask God to help me throw away my insecurities and doubts rather than my confidence. Thank you for blessing us with this meditation today. One way or another, I plan to read your book.
I would love to read your book. I struggle with these thoughts in my personal and business life. It keeps me from talking to people for fear of being rejected or disliked. It keeps me from being happy when someone else suceeds because of course they did that, but not me, it’s impossible for me to do that.
Thank you for this devotion! Blessings!
I recently saw a picture of my cousin on facebook. It flooded back all the feelings of judgement and insecurity all the way from childhood. My friends have asked me why I don’t really ‘like myself’, and until that moment, I couldn’t really put a finger on it. I knew I never felt like I ever amounted to anything, but wasn’t sure exactly why. Reading your devotions and postings, I’m working on claiming God’s promises instead of just accepting who others said I was. It makes it so tangible, knowing incredible women of God like you still need to remind each other every day the promises of God. Its not a one time thing, but a day by day thing. Thank you for writing in a way that touches my heart and brings the glory of God. I’m definitely sharing this with my facebook friends. Who knows what life could be changed…Thank you and may the Lord continue to bless you and your ministry.
Fear of failure! So many times I have turned down opportunities because of the “what ifs.” I did the 7-Day Doubt Diet. It really spoke to me. I sent it on to my daughter, She ordered it! I know this book will bless every woman that reads it.
I really related to your devotion this morning- in fact, I had a really bad last night because I let my self-doubt convince me that I wasn’t good enough. I really appreciate the daily devotions- I look forward to reading them each morning. Thank you for allowing God to use you to minister to all of us. I would love to win your book, fo myself and for my friends. God bless you!
I have struggled with self-doubt for most of my life! And I have called it all the things you talk about (worry, fear, etc.). I loved when you talked about turning around and seeing your shadow on the wall and how God told you that you could only see the shadow when you turned away from “the light”! What a great description of self-doubt – turning away from The Light, even briefly, takes your eyes off of Him! I am going to order your book today (hope I can still get a signed copy!) and I can’t wait to start reading it! Blessings to you and on your ministry to all of us!!
In your devotion you mentioned that someof the arguments you had as a newlywed were b/c of your lack of confidence and having certain doubts, that resonated within me. I can’t really be called a newly wed anymore-6 yrs & 2 kids later:) But I do know that I think this has been something that has caused some problems within my marriage. There were other things that I need to take to heart and work as well but too many to count. I think this devotion is shouting to me that what I have been calling “fear” is really just not trusting God-I have been doubting that HE can get me through situations or help me to accomplish things. Such a wrong thought pattern but I am going to write up some notes and try to take action trusting God to work in me and through me.
Thank you, Linda
Each day you encourage me to live with confidence. When I don’t speak up or step out for fear of looking foolish, failing, or not fitting in I try to remember I am only playing to an audience of ONE, my Father, who always delights in me when I am following in His word! I can’t wait to read the book and share it with my friends!
I struggle with the meanie-me thoughts too, and too often listen to those thoughts rather than God’s promises for my life. I soooo desire to overcome that struggle and to be more confident with God’s help. I would love to win your book, and I plan on passing it along to share with others… plus I’ve shared your webpage link with friends at work and on facebook. Thanks for much for your encouragement and sharing your life stories.
Love your sister in Christ,
I struggle with self doubt daily. I think I’m not good enough. I look forward to reading this book!
The book looks like it will be a great resource for those of us who struggle with insecurities.
I love your devotions but I am really having trouble putting this into practice. I am 54 and have lived in the shadow of self-doubt for so many years that I can’t seem to pull myself out. I have gotten so afraid of disappointing my husband and family that I have become almost inactive. My housework and my marriage are suffering because I second-guess every move. At my job is the only place i feel confident about what I am doing. My head knows that God is with me and that He is powerful enough to pull me through anything but my flesh is so very weak. Thank you for exposing your doubt and fear and also your faith in the One in whom we can do all things.
I “pre-ordered” your book “A Confident Heart” and recieved it Monday. Thank you so much for signing it personally and for the scripture. I have been struggling with confidence in a new business adventure and it seems you wrote this book for me. Lack of confidence has held me back and caused me to sabotage great possibilities in my life. I would love to share this book with some wonderful women I know that could use more God confidence as well but can’t afford to buy more books right now. I think t his would make a fabulous small group study. Thank you so very much for sharing yourself with the rest of us so that we might grow as well. I have hope now that soon I will have God confidence!!
Thank you and God bless you!!
Oh and I plan to share your book and website on fb!!!
Renee, I only just recently found your blog and it has already greatly encouraged me. I have been struggling with every single one of the things you mentioned as common struggles, not good enough, having nothing to offer and disappointing someone. I am a newly wed and I have discovered my insecurity and fears growing where trust and love should be. It is a daily battle with so many ups and downs, it is exhausting. But I am also discovering that God’s love and faithfulness to me is so much larger than my insecurity and stunted confidence. Thank you for your last two posts, they have spoken straight to my heart issues, and God is blessing me by your words.
The Lord has been working on this area of doubt and self-defeating words. Thank you so much for this message. There is a difference between pride, self-confidence and God confidence. I think I misunderstood this and confused the ideas. I believed that these negative thoughts were actually godly~ humble and meek.
I’m beginning to realize that the opposite is true; these thoughts are not from God and actually are derailing much of what He is trying to do in me and through me. I am excited to glean more from your book.
I will email this to my family and friends. God bless you as you minister to others of God’s abundant
truth in our hearts.
I can definitely identify with this topic as I have struggled with a lack of self-confidence my entire life. Looking forward to reading your book.
Wow, this is something that I’m struggling with on an ongoing basis, like so many women. I’m so thankful that I saw you on Facebook this morning and read your story. I can’t wait to get my hands on your book and learn more of what God is speaking to you about. He knows our deepest fears and wants to set us free from bondage. Keep writing, Renee!
Your email on a Confident Heart came at just the right time! Criticism from a family member over attempts to help them through a difficult time, changes in my husband’s work demands causing him to be away from home for longer periods of time, launching three adult children creating an empty nest, and experiencing the disappointment of friends walking away from a once treasured ministry combined to form a caldron of introspection, dismay and dejection recently. Reading your “Encouragement for Today” made me realize I have thrown away my God-confidence. Thank you for helping me pick my emotional and mental focus “out of the trash” and place it back up on God’s promises and character through His word. Thank you for allowing God to speak through you!
I have lived with worry most of my life. It wasn’t until about a year and a half ago when I did a bible study with some ladies from church that I realized this is not what God wants from me. It’s hard to not worry daily, but I pray about it and move on. I would love to win your book.
“We trash our security when we allow accusation and condemnation from others to define us”…I have been trying to find words to explain to myself what happened to me…As a young woman, wife and mother I was growing comfortable with who I was and confident that I could walk in the path God had designed for me…as some years passed and my mother’s health began to fail the accusation and condemnation flowed until I shut myself into a closet of my own making and lost all hope that I would ever be what God wants me to be. In the past year events have occurred that enabled me to at first tentatively, but now ever so much more confidently open the doors of my hiding place and let the Lord love me in ways I could not have imagined…I’ve been reading your blog for a couple of weeks now and am daily encouraged. Thank you for that. I share your blog on my Facebook page and pray that those who are my “friends” there will also be blessed and nourished by your words…Thank you! I look forward to reading your book.
i am a wife and a mom as well as very involved with the children’s ministry and women’s ministry at our church. self confidence was something i didn’t struggle with very much when i was younger. i don’t know what changed, but here i am years later, having those occasional thoughts that i’m not good enough as a mom for my kids or a good enough wife for my husband. i’m not consumed by these thoughts; the thoughts that seem to be really have me in a “death grip” are the thoughts of: “if i fail, i might not get another chance so i’ll wait for something a little less challenging” or “what if i give the wrong advice and totally screw up someone else’s life”. i’m often afraid to step up/speak up fearing that i might say or do the wrong thing-more accurately, that i’ll do the right thing but no one else is doing it so i maybe shouldn’t.
like i said, i don’t know why or when this all started, but i want that confidence back.
not only do i need to hear this but i KNOW the women in our small group need to hear this too. i’ll for sure be sharing this post on Facebook with my bible study ladies. the book sounds perfect and so timely. i can’t wait to read it.
I am so incredibly excited to start this bible study. I just finished Hidden Joy in a Dark Corner by Wendy Blight and learned so much. I have read the doubt diet and LOVED it. I think all the women in my HJ prayer group are going to take the class. I am looking forward to having tools to defeat my lack of confidence and overcome the disappointment when I don’t please everyone. If I won the 3 books, I would give 1 to each of my daughters. Thanks Renee
I am sitting here reading these comments and my heart is just leaping with excitement for those who are about to read this book. May God continue to work through this message for years and generations to come! Love you, sweet sister!
Hello I would like to enter to recieve A Confident Heart, because i have struggle for so long with caring about what others think about me, say about me and tell me what they think I should do and be. It has affected alot of my relationships because I have taken so many beat downs that I doubt myself at times even thou I know I am what God says I am……fearfully and wonderfullt made. I am married and a mom of 3 lil ones. I want to be a better role model for my family and I need all the help and prayers that I can get. I also struggle with weight gain issues, I love to sing praises for God and I tend to let the negative comments other say get me down too. So I was hoping to get your book to see what God has to say to me thru you to help me get on track and gain confidence in God and myself to be a better vessel used by God. Thank you so much!
Oops, i forgot to tell you what part of your book I mostly would identify with is, “I’m not good enough!” I feel like that all the time. I am a part of a small circle group of women and men from my church and I would love to share you books with them and be a blessing to them!
Completing the Doubt Diet and DEVOURED the first chapter! Cant wait to get a copy of the book!
I’m waiting anxiously to have the opportunity to read your book. The cycles of my depression and anxiety have taken a toll on my hope. I start to feel better, only to be knocked to the ground. I know God loves me. The Bible tells me so, right? Then why do I struggle so? (One can get anxious about being anxious…LOL!)
Thank you for committing your time and energy to spreading a message of hope.
Renee, I absolutely love the trailer. I love the book. I love you. I’ve received 3 copies this week and I can’t wait to start sharing this beautiful message of God-fidence!!! xoxo
Great encouragement for women today!
I ordered your book over the weekend and can’t wait to get it 🙂 I’m so loving the 7-day Doubt Diet! Thank you so much for your teaching, guidance and encouragement! <3 This is God's perfect timing in my life!! I truly need God's confidence to reign in my soul!
I am so proud of you my friend. God is speaking directly to so many hearts, many that in the past were broken, and now with the assistance of the words of this book are healing. Thank you for being transparent and faithful to Gods calling.
I received my copy of A Confident Heart yesterday and can’t wait to read it. I know God will change many lives through the message he has given you!
Dear Renee,
You continue to shine a bright light for Christ! I am proud of you and can’t wait to read your amazing book. You are so authentic and real and I know many people will find healing in your words.
I have often wondered if something was wrong with me due to constant questioning/doubting myself and being overly self-conscious. I know the Lord has healed areas of my heart but also know there is more healing needed. It is somewhat comforting to know others have similar thoughts, and, even more encouraging, understand how this pattern can undermine, even ruin, what God has planned for each of us……plans to prosper with hope and a future! I am very excited about your new book Renee and agree with your prayer that God will use it to transform lives! In His mighty Name and Power!! Amen and Amen
LOVE the trailer for the book. Just received it and my husband and I are trying to take several mini vacations within the next couple of months, so I can’t wait to begin to read it! I’ve slo been ask to lead a Ladies Bbiel Study at my Church and I’m thinking this just might be the book! Love you Renee!
Hi Kelly, great to see you!!
Hi Kelly, great to see you!! So glad you got your book.
I received your book yesterday and am already enjoying it. Thanks so much for allowing God to use you to help me!
I know you are saying that this trailer is not promotion for book sales but your book is going to be a hit. Once women see the trailer they are going to buy it. We face doubts everyday but there are some truths that are in your book (based on the Doubt Diet) that no one has even pin pointed it like you have. For instance things that we worry about are really in fact called doubt. Sister we are all in this thing together.
Thanks for writing this book. A sister who can identify with other sisters what we experience on an everyday basis. Is it too late to order a signed copy?
I did post similarly on another site regarding your wonderful video. But I will repeat a part of it. The words on the screen, “Feeling like I am always disappointing someone.” My goodness, that has become my life. That is such a burden on me, and I can’t seem to conquer it.
How do I maintain my focus on God and what he has for me, when my family constantly reminds me of how much of a disappointment I have been? Even though I have changed since coming to know the Lord over 14 years ago; I have even obtained 2 degrees from Bible college and Seminary. How do I maintain a focus and hold my head up when my own flesh and blood continue to be against me; to the extent of recently turning my granddaughter against me for my past?
I desperately need answers.
Judi, it is really hard when our family is stuck in the old ruts and their words continue to tear us down. That is when we have to sit in a quiet place and ask Jesus to speak HIS words of affirmation over our hearts. He sees beyond who we are or who we were to who we are becoming in HIM!! Im praying for you sweet friend!!
Is it to late to order a copy of your book… a signed copy that is???
Shirley, after signing 2000+ copies, we put the deadline at Aug 5th but if you put a special request in the comments I will sign yours 🙂
Shirley, after signing 2000+ copies, we put the deadline at Aug 5th but if you put a special request in the comments I will sign yours :->
This is a book i believe that I can truely learn and grow from. My life is filled with so much self doubt that it almost consumes my life at times. It stops me from being part of things that have been offered to me. Thank you for this book. I can not wait until I get a copy of it and start reading it. When my funds are able to allow me I will get this book. Thank you again.
Renee, Thank you so much for being faithful to follow His leading in writing this book, I am assured He will complete His purpose through it! The 7-day doubt diet was a huge kick off for me, revealing things I didn’t even know about myself! I look forward to the day I am able to get this book and devour it!
In Christ,
I love your video and I’m sure I will love your book! I’m trying to live each day in His Light! And with
God-fidence!! 🙂 I was a very shy little girl too, but as we age, I think God gives us His Peace more (if we seek Him). If we trust He is in control, it just makes it easier to be confident! Thank you for your encouragement! (I love the picture in the background too!)
I can’t wait read your whole book! 🙂
Eyes turned from self and to Him….
I am so grateful for you, Renee … you with eyes fixed on Him, whispering to us all, “Look, just look to Jesus… ”
With you, sister… looking onto Him…
Ann, I was so touched by your message @ She Speaks this year. Buckets of blessings to you!!
Looking forward to knowing more about A Confident Heart.I am dealing with mental illness and at times it is hard to walk the Christian life.As a male;I am more confident with woman ministries.Will have to buy the book and enjoy reading it.My prayers go with you.
Ron, I certainly don’t think it matters whether we’re male or female. Self-doubt can cripple each of us. Praying God will minister to you through this book. It is truly a life-changer!! Praying for your God-fidence!!
I understand the battle with mental illness. I battle with it too. It’s a struggle we face everyday and God willing we can overcome the effects of it. God has shown me a lot through my daily reading and it’s helped with a lot of the effects of it!
Can’t wait to read the book and looking forward to the effects it will have on me.